diff --git a/tools/scan-build/scan-build b/tools/scan-build/scan-build
index 35f852e70b22cf289bae428b977130e498630763..803c073511095fe688409f131f0c6a7765170882 100755
--- a/tools/scan-build/scan-build
+++ b/tools/scan-build/scan-build
@@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ sub RunXcodebuild {
   # Detect the version of Xcode.  If Xcode 4.6 or higher, use new
   # in situ support for analyzer interposition without needed to override
   # the compiler.
-  open(DETECT_XCODE, "xcodebuild -version |") or
+  open(DETECT_XCODE, "-|", $Args->[0], "-version") or
     die "error: cannot detect version of xcodebuild\n";
   my $oldBehavior = 1;
@@ -976,16 +976,11 @@ sub RunBuildCommand {
   my $CCAnalyzer = shift;
   my $CXXAnalyzer = shift;
   my $Options = shift;
-  # Get only the part of the command after the last '/'.
-  if ($Cmd =~ /\/([^\/]+)$/) {
-    $Cmd = $1;
-  }
-  if ($Cmd eq "xcodebuild") {
+  if ($Cmd =~ /\bxcodebuild$/) {
     return RunXcodebuild($Args, $IgnoreErrors, $CCAnalyzer, $CXXAnalyzer, $Options);
   # Setup the environment.