diff --git a/dune/alugrid/3d/Makefile.am b/dune/alugrid/3d/Makefile.am
index b186974cad4178b968eadeb9ab4875907ac2a256..d9dcf7b29e94175e2cf27cf0e43f7361169f371b 100644
--- a/dune/alugrid/3d/Makefile.am
+++ b/dune/alugrid/3d/Makefile.am
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ alu3dgrid_HEADERS = alu3dinclude.hh communication.hh \
   faceutility.hh faceutility_imp.cc geometry.hh geometry_imp.cc \
 	gridfactory.hh gridfactory.cc gridview.hh \
   indexsets.hh iterator.hh iterator.cc iterator_imp.cc alu3diterators.hh \
-  lbdatahandle.hh alugrid.hh
+  alugrid.hh
 headercheck_IGNORE = $(alu3dgrid_HEADERS)
diff --git a/dune/alugrid/3d/datahandle.hh b/dune/alugrid/3d/datahandle.hh
index 28eb72c180af506ffc03a06b8a17ea832c01fa51..c8c58346867aa51b41ad71053fe6d1369cd89729 100644
--- a/dune/alugrid/3d/datahandle.hh
+++ b/dune/alugrid/3d/datahandle.hh
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include <dune/grid/common/adaptcallback.hh>
 #include <dune/alugrid/3d/datacollectorcaps.hh>
+#include <dune/alugrid/common/ldbhandleif.hh>
 //- local includes 
 #include "alu3dinclude.hh"
@@ -487,154 +488,355 @@ namespace ALUGrid
-  //! the corresponding interface class is defined in bsinclude.hh
-  template <class GridType, class DataCollectorType> 
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //
+  // --GatherScatterLoadBalance: ALU data handle implementation for user defined load balance
+  //
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  template <class GridType, class LoadBalanceHandleType> 
   class GatherScatterLoadBalance : public GatherScatter
-    enum { codim = 0 };
     typedef typename GridType::MPICommunicatorType Comm;
     typedef Dune::ALU3dImplTraits< GridType::elementType, Comm > ImplTraits;
-    typedef typename ImplTraits::template Codim< codim >::ImplementationType IMPLElementType;
-    typedef typename ImplTraits::template Codim< codim >::InterfaceType HElementType;
+    typedef typename ImplTraits::template Codim< 0 >::InterfaceType  HElementType;
-    typedef typename GridType::template Codim<0>::Entity      EntityType;
-    typedef Dune :: MakeableInterfaceObject<EntityType>       MakeableEntityType;
-    typedef typename MakeableEntityType :: ImplementationType RealEntityType;
-    typedef typename ImplTraits::template Codim< 1 >::InterfaceType HFaceType;
-    typedef typename ImplTraits::template Codim< 0 >::GhostInterfaceType HGhostType;
-    typedef typename ImplTraits::template Codim< 0 >::GhostImplementationType ImplGhostType;
-    typedef typename ImplTraits::PllElementType PllElementType;
+    typedef typename GridType :: template Codim<0>::Entity           EntityType;
+    typedef Dune :: MakeableInterfaceObject<EntityType>             MakeableEntityType;
     GridType & grid_;
     MakeableEntityType  entityObj_;
     EntityType&         entity_;
-    RealEntityType&     realEntity_;
-    // data handle 
-    DataCollectorType & dc_;
+    // pointer to load balancing user interface (if NULL internal load balancing is used)
+    LoadBalanceHandleType* ldbHandle_;
-    // used MessageBuffer 
-    typedef typename GatherScatter :: ObjectStreamType ObjectStreamType;
-    using GatherScatter :: inlineData ;
-    using GatherScatter :: xtractData ;
+    // true if userDefinedPartitioning is used, false if loadWeights is used
+    // both are disabled if ldbHandle_ is NULL 
+    const bool useExternal_ ;
     //! Constructor
-    GatherScatterLoadBalance(GridType & grid, DataCollectorType & dc )
+    GatherScatterLoadBalance( GridType & grid, 
+                              LoadBalanceHandleType& ldb, 
+                              const bool useExternal )
       : grid_(grid), 
         entityObj_( RealEntityType( grid.factory(), grid.maxLevel() ) ), 
-        entity_( entityObj_ ), realEntity_( GridType::getRealImplementation( entity_ ) ), 
-        dc_(dc)
+        entity_( entityObj_ ),
+        ldbHandle_( &ldb ),
+        useExternal_( useExternal )
+    {}
+    //! Constructor
+    GatherScatterLoadBalance( GridType & grid ) 
+      : grid_(grid), 
+        entityObj_( RealEntityType( grid.factory(), grid.maxLevel() ) ), 
+        entity_( entityObj_ ),
+        ldbHandle_( 0 ),
+        useExternal_( false )
+    {}
+    // return true if user defined partitioning methods should be used 
+    bool userDefinedPartitioning () const 
+    {
+      return useExternal_ && ldbHandle_ ;
+    }
+    // return true if user defined load balancing weights are provided
+    bool userDefinedLoadWeights () const
+    {
+      return ! useExternal_ && ldbHandle_ ;
+    }
+    // returns true if user defined partitioning needs to be readjusted 
+    bool repartition () 
+    { 
+      return userDefinedPartitioning() && ldbHandle().repartition();
+    }
+    // return set of ranks data is imported from during load balance
+    // this method is only used for user defined repartitioning  
+    bool importRanks( std::set<int>& ranks ) const 
+    {
+      alugrid_assert( userDefinedPartitioning() );
+      return ldbHandle().importRanks( ranks );
+    }
+    // return set of ranks data is exported to during load balance
+    // this method is only used for user defined repartitioning  
+    bool exportRanks( std::set<int>& ranks ) const 
+    {
+      alugrid_assert( userDefinedPartitioning() );
+      return ldbHandle().exportRanks( ranks );
+    }
+    // return destination (i.e. rank) where the given element should be moved to 
+    // this needs the methods userDefinedPartitioning to return true
+    int destination ( HElementType &elem ) const
+    { 
+      // make sure userDefinedPartitioning is enabled 
+      alugrid_assert ( elem.level () == 0 );
+      alugrid_assert ( userDefinedPartitioning() );
+      return ldbHandle()( setEntity( elem ) );
+    }
+    // return load weight of given element 
+    int loadWeight ( HElementType &elem ) const
+    {
+      // make sure userDefinedLoadWeights is enabled 
+      alugrid_assert( userDefinedLoadWeights() );
+      alugrid_assert ( elem.level() == 0 );
+      return ldbHandle()( setEntity( elem ) );
+    }
+  protected:
+    EntityType& setEntity( HElementType& elem ) 
+    {  
+      GridType::getRealImplementation( entity_ ).setElement( elem );
+      return entity_ ;
+    }
+    LoadBalanceHandleType& ldbHandle() 
+    { 
+      alugrid_assert( ldbHandle_ ); 
+      return *ldbHandle_;
+    }
+  };
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //
+  // --GatherScatterLoadBalance: ALU data handle implementation for CommDataHandleIF
+  //
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  template <class GridType, class LoadBalanceHandleType, class DataHandleImpl, class Data> 
+  class GatherScatterLoadBalanceDataHandle 
+    : public GatherScatterLoadBalance< GridType, LoadBalanceHandleType >
+  {
+    typedef GatherScatterLoadBalance< GridType, LoadBalanceHandleType > BaseType ;
+  protected:  
+    static const int dimension = GridType :: dimension ;
+    template< int codim >
+    struct Codim
+    {
+      typedef typename GridType :: Traits :: template Codim< codim > :: Entity Entity;
+      typedef typename GridType :: Traits :: template Codim< codim > :: EntityPointer
+        EntityPointer;
+    };
+    typedef Dune::ALU3dImplTraits< GridType::elementType, Comm > ImplTraits;
+    typedef typename ImplTraits::template Codim< 0 >::InterfaceType HElementType;
+    typedef typename BaseType :: EntityType  EntityType ;
+    typedef Dune::CommDataHandleIF< DataHandleImpl, Data > DataHandleType;
+    template <class DH, bool>
+    struct CompressAndReserve
+    {
+      static DataHandleImpl& asImp( DH& dh ) { return static_cast<DataHandleImpl &> (dh); }
+      static void reserveMemory( DH& dataHandle, const size_t newElements )
+      {
+        asImp( dataHandle ).reserveMemory( newElements );
+      }
+      static void compress( DH& dataHandle )
+      {
+        asImp( dataHandle ).compress();
+      }
+    };
+    template <class DH>
+    struct CompressAndReserve< DH, false >
+    {
+      static void reserveMemory( DH& dataHandle, const size_t newElements ) {}
+      static void compress( DH& dataHandle ) {}
+    };
+    // check whether DataHandleImpl is derived from LoadBalanceHandleWithReserveAndCompress
+    static const bool hasCompressAndReserve =  Dune::Conversion< DataHandleImpl,
+                      LoadBalanceHandleWithReserveAndCompress >::exists ;
+    // don't transmit size in case we have special DataHandleImpl
+    static const bool transmitSize = ! hasCompressAndReserve ;
+    typedef CompressAndReserve< DataHandleType, hasCompressAndReserve >  CompressAndReserveType;
+    // data handle (CommDataHandleIF)
+    DataHandleType& dataHandle_;
+    // used MessageBuffer 
+    typedef typename GatherScatter :: ObjectStreamType ObjectStreamType;
+    using BaseType :: grid_ ;
+    using BaseType :: setEntity ;
+  public:
+    //! Constructor taking load balance handle and data handle 
+    GatherScatterLoadBalanceDataHandle( GridType & grid, 
+                                        DataHandleType& dh, 
+                                        LoadBalanceHandleType& ldb, 
+                                        const bool useExternal = false )
+      : BaseType( grid, ldb, useExternal ), 
+        dataHandle_( dh )
+    {}
+    //! Constructor for DataHandle only 
+    GatherScatterLoadBalanceDataHandle( GridType& grid, DataHandleType& dh )
+      : BaseType( grid ), 
+        dataHandle_( dh )
     // return true if dim,codim combination is contained in data set 
     bool contains(int dim, int codim) const 
-      return true; 
+      return dataHandle_.contains( dim, codim );
+    // return true if user dataHandle is present which is the case here
+    bool hasUserData() const { return true ; }
     //! this method is called from the dunePackAll method of the corresponding 
-    //! Macro element class of the BSGrid, see gitter_dune_pll*.*
     //! here the data is written to the ObjectStream 
     void inlineData ( ObjectStreamType & str , HElementType & elem, const int estimatedElements )
+      // store maxLevel of grid tree 
       int mxl = grid_.maxLevel();
       // store number of elements to be written (for restore)
       // set element and then start 
       alugrid_assert ( elem.level () == 0 );
-      realEntity_.setElement(elem);
-      dc_.inlineData(str,entity_);
+      // pack data for this element 
+      inlineElementData( str, setEntity( elem ) );
+      // pack data for all children  
+      for( HElementType *son = elem.down(); son ; son = son->next() )
+        inlineElementData( str, setEntity( *son ) );
     //! this method is called from the duneUnpackSelf method of the corresponding 
-    //! Macro element class of the BSGrid, see gitter_dune_pll*.*
     //! here the data is read from the ObjectStream 
     void xtractData ( ObjectStreamType & str , HElementType & elem )
       alugrid_assert ( elem.level () == 0 );
+      // read maxLevel 
       int mxl = 0; 
-      int newElements = 0 ;
-      str.read( newElements );
       // set element and then start 
-      realEntity_.setElement(elem);
-      dc_.xtractData(str, entity_, newElements);
+      // read number of elements to be restored
+      int newElements = 0 ;
+      str.read( newElements );
+      // if data handle provides reserve feature, reserve memory
+      // the data handle has to be derived from LoadBalanceHandleWithReserveAndCompress 
+      CompressAndReserveType :: reserveMemory( dataHandle_, newElements );
+      // unpack data for this element 
+      xtractElementData( str, setEntity( elem ) );
+      // unpack data for all children  
+      for( HElementType *son = elem.down(); son ; son = son->next() )
+        xtractElementData( str, setEntity( *son ) );
     //! call compress on data 
     void compress () 
-      dc_.compress();
+      // if data handle provides compress, do compress here
+      // the data handle has to be derived from LoadBalanceHandleWithReserveAndCompress 
+      CompressAndReserveType :: compress( dataHandle_ );
-    // return true if user defined partitioning methods should be used 
-    bool userDefinedPartitioning () const 
+  protected:  
+    void inlineElementData ( ObjectStreamType &stream, const EntityType &element )
-      return dc_.userDefinedPartitioning();
+      // call element data direct without creating entity pointer
+      if( dataHandle_.contains( dimension, 0 ) )
+      {
+        inlineEntityData<0>( stream, element );
+      }
+      // now call all higher codims 
+      inlineCodimData< 1 >( stream, element );
+      inlineCodimData< 2 >( stream, element );
+      inlineCodimData< 3 >( stream, element );
-    // return true if user defined load balancing weights are provided
-    bool userDefinedLoadWeights () const
+    void xtractElementData ( ObjectStreamType &stream, const EntityType &element )
-      return dc_.userDefinedLoadWeights();
-    }
+      // call element data direct without creating entity pointer
+      if( dataHandle_.contains( dimension, 0 ) )
+      {
+        xtractEntityData<0>( stream, element );
+      }
-    // returns true if user defined partitioning needs to be readjusted 
-    bool repartition () 
-    { 
-      return (dc_.userDefinedPartitioning() && dc_.repartition());
+      // now call all higher codims 
+      xtractCodimData< 1 >( stream, element );
+      xtractCodimData< 2 >( stream, element );
+      xtractCodimData< 3 >( stream, element );
-    // return set of ranks data is imported from during load balance
-    // this method is only used for user defined repartitioning  
-    bool importRanks( std::set<int>& ranks ) const 
+    template< int codim >
+    void inlineCodimData ( ObjectStream &stream, const EntityType &element ) const
-      return dc_.importRanks( ranks );
+      typedef typename Codim< codim > :: EntityPointer EntityPointer;
+      if( dataHandle_.contains( dimension, codim ) )
+      {
+        const int numSubEntities = element.template count< codim >();
+        for( int i = 0; i < numSubEntities; ++i )
+        {
+          const  EntityPointer pEntity = element.template subEntity< codim >( i );
+          inlineEntityData< codim >( stream, *pEntity );
+        }
+      }
-    // return set of ranks data is exported to during load balance
-    // this method is only used for user defined repartitioning  
-    bool exportRanks( std::set<int>& ranks ) const 
+    template< int codim >
+    void xtractCodimData ( ObjectStream &stream, const EntityType &element )
-      return dc_.exportRanks( ranks );
+      typedef typename Codim< codim > :: EntityPointer EntityPointer;
+      if( dataHandle_.contains( dimension, codim ) )
+      {
+        const int numSubEntities = element.template count< codim >();
+        for( int i = 0; i < numSubEntities; ++i )
+        {
+          const  EntityPointer pEntity = element.template subEntity< codim >( i );
+          xtractEntityData< codim >( stream, *pEntity );
+        }
+      }
-    // return load weight of given element 
-    int loadWeight ( const HElementType &elem ) const
+    template< int codim >
+    void inlineEntityData ( ObjectStreamType &stream,
+                            const typename Codim< codim > :: Entity &entity ) const
-      alugrid_assert ( elem.level() == 0 );
-      if( dc_.userDefinedLoadWeights() )
+      if( transmitSize )
-        realEntity_.setElement( elem );
-        return dc_.loadWeight( entity_ );
+        const size_t size = dataHandle_.size( entity );
+        stream.write( size );
-      else
-        return 1; 
+      dataHandle_.gather( stream, entity );
-    // return destination (i.e. rank) where the given element should be moved to 
-    // this needs the methods userDefinedPartitioning to return true
-    int destination ( const HElementType &elem ) const
-    { 
-      alugrid_assert ( elem.level () == 0 );
-      if( dc_.userDefinedPartitioning() )
+    template< int codim >
+    void xtractEntityData ( ObjectStreamType &stream,
+                            const typename Codim< codim > :: Entity &entity )
+    {
+      size_t size = 0;
+      if( transmitSize )
-        realEntity_.setElement( elem );
-        return dc_.destination( entity_ );
+        stream.read( size );
-      else
-        return -1; 
+      dataHandle_.scatter( stream, entity, size );
diff --git a/dune/alugrid/3d/grid.hh b/dune/alugrid/3d/grid.hh
index 727303b61d70efab1d386fa9c361b567d1c29dc7..09493b5d674e60e2deb041cec7615b0ad16a89dd 100644
--- a/dune/alugrid/3d/grid.hh
+++ b/dune/alugrid/3d/grid.hh
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 #include <dune/grid/common/capabilities.hh>
 #include <dune/alugrid/common/interfaces.hh>
 #include <dune/common/bigunsignedint.hh>
-#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
 #include <dune/geometry/referenceelements.hh>
@@ -34,7 +33,6 @@
 #include <dune/alugrid/3d/communication.hh>
 #include <dune/alugrid/3d/gridview.hh>
-#include <dune/alugrid/3d/lbdatahandle.hh>
 #include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh>
@@ -44,29 +42,6 @@
 #include <dune/common/parallel/collectivecommunication.hh>
-namespace Dune 
-  struct EmptyALUDataHandle
-  : public Dune::CommDataHandleIF< EmptyALUDataHandle, int >
-  {
-    EmptyALUDataHandle() {}
-    bool contains ( int dim, int codim ) const  { return false; }
-    bool fixedsize ( int dim, int codim ) const { return true; }
-    template <class E>
-    size_t size ( const E &entity ) const { return 0; }
-    template< class Buffer, class E >
-    void gather ( Buffer &buffer, const E &entity ) const 
-    {
-      DUNE_THROW(InvalidStateException,"EmptyALUDataHandle::gather should never be called!");
-    }
-    template< class Buffer, class E >
-    void scatter ( Buffer &buffer, E &entity, size_t n ) 
-    {
-      DUNE_THROW(InvalidStateException,"EmptyALUDataHandle::scatter should never be called!");
-    }
-  };
 namespace Dune
   // Forward declarations
@@ -761,6 +736,8 @@ namespace Dune
+    typedef ALU3DSPACE GatherScatter GatherScatterType;
     /** \brief Calculates load of each process and repartition the grid if neccessary.
         For parameters of the load balancing process see the README file
         of the ALUGrid package.
@@ -789,19 +766,18 @@ namespace Dune
          \return true if the grid has changed 
-    template <class DataHandle>
-    bool loadBalanceImpl (DataHandle & data);
+    bool loadBalance ( GatherScatterType* lbData );
     /** \brief Calculates load of each process and repartition by using ALUGrid's default partitioning method. 
                The specific load balancing algorithm is selected from a file alugrid.cfg. 
         \return true if grid has changed 
-    bool loadBalance ( )
+    bool loadBalance ()
-      EmptyALUDataHandle dh;
-      return loadBalance( dh );
+      return loadBalance( (GatherScatterType* ) 0 );
     /** \brief Calculates load of each process and repartition by using ALUGrid's default partitioning method. 
                The specific load balancing algorithm is selected from a file alugrid.cfg. 
         \param  optional dataHandleIF data handle that implements the Dune::CommDataHandleIF interface to include 
@@ -811,10 +787,12 @@ namespace Dune
     template< class DataHandleImpl, class Data >
     bool loadBalance ( CommDataHandleIF< DataHandleImpl, Data > &dataHandleIF ) 
-      typedef ALUGridDataHandleWrapper< ThisType, DataHandleImpl, Data > DataHandle;
-      DataHandle dataHandle( *this, dataHandleIF );
-      // call the above loadBalance method with general DataHandle 
-      return loadBalanceImpl( dataHandle );
+      typedef ALU3DSPACE GatherScatterLoadBalanceDataHandle
+            < ThisType, GatherScatterType, DataHandleImpl, Data > DataHandleType;
+      DataHandleType dataHandle( *this, &dataHandleIF );
+      // call the above loadBalance method with general GatherScatterType
+      return loadBalance( &dataHandle );
     /** \brief Calculates load of each process and repartition by using ALUGrid's default partitioning method,
                the partitioning can be optimized by providing weights for each element on the macro grid.
@@ -827,12 +805,14 @@ namespace Dune
     template< class LBWeights, class DataHandleImpl, class Data >
     bool loadBalance ( LBWeights &weights, 
-                       CommDataHandleIF< DataHandleImpl, Data > &dataHandle ) 
+                       CommDataHandleIF< DataHandleImpl, Data > &dataHandleIF ) 
-      typedef ALUGridLoadBalanceDataHandleWrapper< ThisType, 
-                 LBWeights, DataHandleImpl, Data, true > LBDataHandle;
-      LBDataHandle lbDataHandle( *this, weights, dataHandle );
-      return loadBalanceImpl( lbDataHandle );
+      typedef ALU3DSPACE GatherScatterLoadBalanceDataHandle
+            < ThisType, LBWeights, DataHandleImpl, Data > DataHandleType;
+      DataHandleType dataHandle( *this, dataHandleIF, weights );
+      // call the above loadBalance method with general GatherScatterType
+      return loadBalance( &dataHandle );
     /** \brief Distribute the grid based on a user defined partitioning. 
         \param  destinations class with int operator()(const Entity<0>&) returning the new owner process
@@ -845,8 +825,9 @@ namespace Dune
     template< class LBDestinations >
     bool repartition ( LBDestinations &destinations )
-      EmptyALUDataHandle dh;
-      return repartition(destinations,dh);
+      typedef ALU3DSPACE GatherScatterLoadBalance< ThisType, LBDestinations > LoadBalanceHandleType ;
+      LoadBalanceHandleType loadBalanceHandle( *this, destinations, true );
+      return loadBalance( &loadBalanceHandle );
     /** \brief Distribute the grid based on a user defined partitioning. 
         \param  destinations class with int operator()(const Entity<0>&) returning the new owner process
@@ -860,14 +841,14 @@ namespace Dune
     template< class LBDestinations, class DataHandleImpl, class Data >
     bool repartition ( LBDestinations &destinations, 
-                       CommDataHandleIF< DataHandleImpl, Data > &dataHandle) 
+                       CommDataHandleIF< DataHandleImpl, Data > &dataHandleIF ) 
-      typedef ALUGridLoadBalanceDataHandleWrapper< ThisType, 
-                 LBDestinations, DataHandleImpl, Data,false > LBDataHandle;
-      LBDataHandle lbDataHandle( *this, destinations, dataHandle );
-      return loadBalanceImpl( lbDataHandle );
-    }
+      typedef ALU3DSPACE GatherScatterLoadBalanceDataHandle< ThisType, LBDestinations, DataHandleImpl, Data > DataHandleType;
+      DataHandleType dataHandle( *this, dataHandleIF, destinations, true );
+      // call the above loadBalance method with general GatherScatterType
+      return loadBalance( &dataHandle );
+    }
     /** \brief ghostSize is one for codim 0 and zero otherwise for this grid  */
@@ -910,9 +891,6 @@ namespace Dune
     //! clear all entity new markers 
     void clearIsNewMarkers( );
-  private:
-    typedef ALU3DSPACE GatherScatter GatherScatterType;
     /** \brief @copydoc Dune::Grid::comm() */
     const CollectiveCommunication &comm () const { return communications().ccobj_; }
diff --git a/dune/alugrid/3d/grid_inline.hh b/dune/alugrid/3d/grid_inline.hh
index d6d954c72bb445e0fe631fe414343d4a0955af23..efc8bfa36155b0a45f5775d202263e8e5e67cf0d 100644
--- a/dune/alugrid/3d/grid_inline.hh
+++ b/dune/alugrid/3d/grid_inline.hh
@@ -403,68 +403,34 @@ namespace Dune
     return refined;
-  //*****************************************************************
+  // load balance grid ( lbData might be a pointer to NULL ) 
   template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
-  struct ALU3dGridCommHelper;
-  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType >
-  struct ALU3dGridCommHelper< elType, ALUGridNoComm >
+  inline bool ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::loadBalance( GatherScatterType* lbData )
-    typedef ALU3dGrid< elType, ALUGridNoComm > Grid;
-    template< class DataHandle >
-    static bool loadBalance ( Grid &grid, DataHandle &data ) { return false; }
-  }; // ALU3dGridCommHelper
+    if( comm().size() <= 1 )
+        return false;
-  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType >
-  struct ALU3dGridCommHelper< elType, ALUGridMPIComm >
-  {
-    typedef ALU3dGrid< elType, ALUGridMPIComm > Grid;
-    typedef ALU3DSPACE GatherScatter GatherScatterType;
+    // call load Balance 
+    const bool changed = myGrid().loadBalance( lbData );
-    template< class DataHandle >
-    static bool loadBalance ( Grid &grid, DataHandle &data )
+    if( changed )
+      // calculate new maxlevel 
+      // reset size and things  
+      updateStatus();
-      if( grid.comm().size() <= 1 )
-        return false;
-      ALU3DSPACE GatherScatterLoadBalance< Grid, DataHandle >
-        gs( grid, data );
-      // call load Balance 
-      const bool changed = grid.myGrid().loadBalance( &gs );
+      // build new Id Set. Only do that after updateStatus, because here
+      // the item lists are needed 
+      if( globalIdSet_ )
+        globalIdSet_->updateIdSet();
+      // compress data if lbData is valid 
+      if( lbData ) 
+        lbData->compress() ;
-      if( changed )
-      {
-        // calculate new maxlevel 
-        // reset size and things  
-        grid.updateStatus();
-        // build new Id Set. Only do that after updateStatus, because here
-        // the item lists are needed 
-        if( grid.globalIdSet_ )
-          grid.globalIdSet_->updateIdSet();
-        // compress data, wrapper for dof manager
-        gs.compress();
-        grid.clearIsNewMarkers();
-      }
-      return changed;
+      clearIsNewMarkers();
-  }; // ALU3dGridCommHelper
-  // load balance grid  
-  template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
-  template< class DataHandle >
-  inline bool ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::loadBalanceImpl ( DataHandle &data )
-  {
-    return ALU3dGridCommHelper< elType, Comm >::loadBalance( *this, data );
+    return changed;
   template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
diff --git a/dune/alugrid/3d/lbdatahandle.hh b/dune/alugrid/3d/lbdatahandle.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 48b39c201a497a1b3caa5d69df50cc006c8192e9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dune/alugrid/3d/lbdatahandle.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-#include <dune/alugrid/3d/datahandle.hh>
-#include <dune/common/bartonnackmanifcheck.hh>
-#include <dune/grid/common/datahandleif.hh>
-#include <dune/alugrid/common/ldbhandleif.hh>
-namespace Dune
-  template< class Grid, class DataHandleImpl, class Data >
-  class ALUGridDataHandleWrapper
-  {
-    typedef typename Grid :: Traits :: HierarchicIterator HierarchicIterator;
-  public:
-    typedef typename Grid :: ObjectStreamType ObjectStream;
-    typedef CommDataHandleIF< DataHandleImpl, Data > DataHandle;
-    static const int dimension = Grid :: dimension;
-    template< int codim >
-    struct Codim
-    {
-      typedef typename Grid :: Traits :: template Codim< codim > :: Entity Entity;
-      typedef typename Grid :: Traits :: template Codim< codim > :: EntityPointer
-        EntityPointer;
-    };
-    typedef typename Codim< 0 > :: Entity Element;
-  protected:
-    template <class DH, bool>
-    struct CompressAndReserve
-    {
-      static DataHandleImpl& asImp( DH& dh ) { return static_cast<DataHandleImpl &> (dh); }
-      static void reserveMemory( DH& dataHandle, const size_t newElements )
-      {
-        asImp( dataHandle ).reserveMemory( newElements );
-      }
-      static void compress( DH& dataHandle )
-      {
-        asImp( dataHandle ).compress();
-      }
-    };
-    template <class DH>
-    struct CompressAndReserve< DH, false >
-    {
-      static void reserveMemory( DH& dataHandle, const size_t newElements ) {}
-      static void compress( DH& dataHandle ) {}
-    };
-    // check whether DataHandleImpl is derived from LoadBalanceHandleWithReserveAndCompress
-    static const bool hasCompressAndReserve =  Conversion< DataHandleImpl,
-                      LoadBalanceHandleWithReserveAndCompress >::exists ;
-    // don't transmit size in case we have special DataHandleImpl
-    static const bool transmitSize = ! hasCompressAndReserve ;
-    typedef CompressAndReserve< DataHandle, hasCompressAndReserve >  CompressAndReserveType;
-  protected:
-    const Grid &grid_;
-    DataHandle &dataHandle_;
-  public:
-    ALUGridDataHandleWrapper( const Grid &grid, DataHandle &dataHandle )
-    : grid_( grid ),
-      dataHandle_( dataHandle )
-    {
-    }
-    //! write data to object stream 
-    void inlineData ( ObjectStream &stream, const Element &element ) const
-    {
-      inlineElementData( stream, element );
-      const int maxLevel = grid_.maxLevel();
-      const HierarchicIterator end = element.hend( maxLevel );
-      for( HierarchicIterator it = element.hbegin( maxLevel ); it != end; ++it )
-        inlineElementData( stream, *it );
-    }
-    //! read data from object stream 
-    void xtractData ( ObjectStream &stream, const Element &element, size_t newElements )
-    {
-      // if data handle provides reserve feature, reserve memory
-      // the data handle has to be derived from LoadBalanceHandleWithReserveAndCompress 
-      CompressAndReserveType :: reserveMemory( dataHandle_, newElements );
-      xtractElementData( stream, element );
-      const int maxLevel = grid_.maxLevel();
-      const HierarchicIterator end = element.hend( maxLevel );
-      for( HierarchicIterator it = element.hbegin( maxLevel ); it != end; ++it )
-        xtractElementData( stream, *it );
-    }
-    //! \brief data compress
-    //! \note nothing is done since the DataHandleIF does not provide this feature
-    void compress ()
-    {
-      // if data handle provides compress, do compress here
-      // the data handle has to be derived from LoadBalanceHandleWithReserveAndCompress 
-      CompressAndReserveType :: compress( dataHandle_ );
-    }
-  private:
-    void inlineElementData ( ObjectStream &stream, const Element &element ) const
-    {
-      // call element data direct without creating entity pointer
-      if( dataHandle_.contains( dimension, 0 ) )
-      {
-        inlineEntityData<0>( stream, element ); 
-      }
-      // now call all higher codims 
-      inlineCodimData< 1 >( stream, element );
-      inlineCodimData< 2 >( stream, element );
-      inlineCodimData< 3 >( stream, element );
-    }
-    void xtractElementData ( ObjectStream &stream, const Element &element )
-    {
-      // call element data direct without creating entity pointer
-      if( dataHandle_.contains( dimension, 0 ) )
-      {
-        xtractEntityData<0>( stream, element ); 
-      }
-      // now call all higher codims 
-      xtractCodimData< 1 >( stream, element );
-      xtractCodimData< 2 >( stream, element );
-      xtractCodimData< 3 >( stream, element );
-    }
-    template< int codim >
-    void inlineCodimData ( ObjectStream &stream, const Element &element ) const
-    {
-      typedef typename Codim< codim > :: EntityPointer EntityPointer;
-      if( dataHandle_.contains( dimension, codim ) )
-      {
-        const int numSubEntities = element.template count< codim >();
-        for( int i = 0; i < numSubEntities; ++i )
-        {
-          const  EntityPointer pEntity = element.template subEntity< codim >( i );
-          inlineEntityData< codim >( stream, *pEntity );
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    template< int codim >
-    void xtractCodimData ( ObjectStream &stream, const Element &element )
-    {
-      typedef typename Codim< codim > :: EntityPointer EntityPointer;
-      if( dataHandle_.contains( dimension, codim ) )
-      {
-        const int numSubEntities = element.template count< codim >();
-        for( int i = 0; i < numSubEntities; ++i )
-        {
-          const  EntityPointer pEntity = element.template subEntity< codim >( i );
-          xtractEntityData< codim >( stream, *pEntity );
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    template< int codim >
-    void inlineEntityData ( ObjectStream &stream,
-                            const typename Codim< codim > :: Entity &entity ) const
-    {
-      if( transmitSize ) 
-      {
-        const size_t size = dataHandle_.size( entity );
-        stream.write( size );
-      }
-      dataHandle_.gather( stream, entity );
-    }
-    template< int codim >
-    void xtractEntityData ( ObjectStream &stream,
-                            const typename Codim< codim > :: Entity &entity )
-    {
-      size_t size = 0;
-      if( transmitSize ) 
-      {
-        stream.read( size );
-      }
-      dataHandle_.scatter( stream, entity, size );
-    }
-  public:
-    bool userDefinedPartitioning () const { return false; }
-    bool repartition () const { return false; }
-    bool userDefinedLoadWeights () const { return false; }
-    bool importRanks( std::set<int>& ) const  { return false ; }
-    bool exportRanks( std::set<int>& ) const  { return false ; }
-    double loadWeight( const Element &element ) const 
-    { 
-      return -1;
-    }
-    int destination( const Element &element ) const 
-    { 
-      return -1;
-    }
-  };
-  template< class Grid, class LoadBalanceHandle, bool internal >
-  class ALUGridLoadBalanceHandleWrapper
-  {
-  public:
-    template< int codim >
-    struct Codim
-    {
-      typedef typename Grid :: Traits :: template Codim< codim > :: Entity Entity;
-      typedef typename Grid :: Traits :: template Codim< codim > :: EntityPointer
-        EntityPointer;
-    };
-    typedef typename Codim< 0 > :: Entity Element;
-  protected:
-    const Grid &grid_;
-    LoadBalanceHandle &ldbHandle_;
-  public:
-    ALUGridLoadBalanceHandleWrapper ( const Grid &grid, LoadBalanceHandle &loadBalanceHandle )
-    : grid_( grid ),
-      ldbHandle_( loadBalanceHandle )
-    {}
-    // return true if user defined partitioning methods should be used 
-    bool userDefinedPartitioning () const 
-    {
-      return !internal;
-    }
-    // returns true if user defined partitioning needs to be readjusted 
-    bool repartition () const 
-    { 
-      return true;
-    }
-    // return list of ranks data is imported from 
-    bool importRanks( std::set<int>& ranks ) const 
-    {
-      return ldbHandle_.importRanks( ranks );
-    }
-    // return list of ranks data is imported from 
-    bool exportRanks( std::set<int>& ranks ) const 
-    {
-      // this feature is not yet enabled (although implemented in ALU)
-      return false ;
-      // return ldbHandle_.exportRanks( ranks );
-    }
-    // return true if user defined weights have been provided
-    bool userDefinedLoadWeights () const
-    {
-      return internal;
-    }
-    // return load weight of given element 
-    double loadWeight( const Element &element ) const 
-    { 
-      assert( internal );
-      return ldbHandle_(element);
-    }
-    // return destination (i.e. rank) where the given element should be moved to 
-    // this needs the methods userDefinedPartitioning to return true
-    int destination( const Element &element ) const 
-    { 
-      assert( !internal );
-      return ldbHandle_(element);
-    }
-  };
-  template< class Grid, class LoadBalanceHandle, class DataHandleImpl, class Data, bool internal >
-  class ALUGridLoadBalanceDataHandleWrapper 
-    : public ALUGridLoadBalanceHandleWrapper< Grid, LoadBalanceHandle, internal >,
-      public ALUGridDataHandleWrapper< Grid, DataHandleImpl, Data >
-  {
-    typedef ALUGridLoadBalanceHandleWrapper< Grid, LoadBalanceHandle, internal >  LDBHandleBase ;
-    typedef ALUGridDataHandleWrapper< Grid, DataHandleImpl, Data >                DataHandleBase ;
-  public:
-    typedef typename DataHandleBase :: DataHandle        DataHandle ;
-    typedef typename LDBHandleBase::Element Element;
-    ALUGridLoadBalanceDataHandleWrapper( const Grid &grid, 
-                                         LoadBalanceHandle &ldbHandle, 
-                                         DataHandle &dataHandle )
-    : LDBHandleBase( grid, ldbHandle ),
-      DataHandleBase( grid, dataHandle )
-    {}
-    bool userDefinedPartitioning () const 
-    { return LDBHandleBase::userDefinedPartitioning(); }
-    bool userDefinedLoadWeights () const 
-    { return LDBHandleBase::userDefinedLoadWeights(); }
-    bool repartition () const 
-    { return LDBHandleBase::repartition(); }
-    bool importRanks( std::set<int>& ranks ) const { return LDBHandleBase::importRanks( ranks ); }
-    bool exportRanks( std::set<int>& ranks ) const { return LDBHandleBase::exportRanks( ranks ); }
-    int loadWeight( const Element &element ) const 
-    { return LDBHandleBase::loadWeight(element); }
-    int destination( const Element &element ) const 
-    { return LDBHandleBase::destination(element); }
-    // methods inherited from ALUGridDataHandleWrapper
-    using DataHandleBase :: inlineData ;
-    using DataHandleBase :: xtractData ;
-    using DataHandleBase :: compress   ;
-  };
-} // namespace Dune