From 47a9483cf6c6af654c22acfece7bc20af22cc3f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rene Milk <>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2016 10:31:53 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [cmake] make work dist script use multiprocess

 cmake/scripts/ | 70 ++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cmake/scripts/ b/cmake/scripts/
index 5ef273651..a3c6f03d8 100644
--- a/cmake/scripts/
+++ b/cmake/scripts/
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import subprocess
 import time
 from contextlib import contextmanager
 import binpacking
+from multiprocessing import Pool
 MAXTIME = 45*60
 pickle_file = 'totals.pickle'
@@ -23,52 +25,56 @@ def elapsed_timer():
     elapser = lambda: end-start
-def redo_timings(argv):
-    builddir = argv[1]
-    builder_count = argv[2]
-    binaries = argv[3].split(';')
-    # list comes with a leading empty entry
-    testnames = argv[4].split('/')[1:]
+def _compile(binary):
+    with elapsed_timer() as timer:
+        subprocess.check_call(['ninja', '-j1', binary])
+        return timer()
+def _run_tests(tpl):
+    binary, teststrings = tpl
+    testtimes = 0
+    for test in teststrings.split('/'):
+        with elapsed_timer() as timer:
+            subprocess.check_call(['ctest', '-j1', '-R', test])
+            testtimes += timer()
+        return testtimes
-    os.chdir(builddir)
-    compiles = {}
-    testtimes = {}
+def redo_timings(builddir, binaries, testnames, processes):
+    os.chdir(builddir)
     testlimit = -1
     binaries = binaries[:testlimit]
     testnames = testnames[:testlimit]
-    totals = {}
-    for binary in binaries:
-        with elapsed_timer() as timer:
-            subprocess.check_call(['ninja', '-j1', binary])
-            compiles[binary] = timer()
-            totals[binary] = compiles[binary]
-    for binary, teststrings in zip(binaries, testnames):
-        testtimes[binary] = 0
-        pprint(teststrings.split('/'))
-        for test in teststrings.split('/'):
-            with elapsed_timer() as timer:
-                subprocess.check_call(['ctest', '-j1', '-R', test])
-                testtimes[binary] += timer()
-                totals[binary] = testtimes[binary]
-    print('compiles')
-    pprint(compiles)
-    print('testtimes')
-    pprint(testtimes)
+    with Pool(processes=processes) as pool:
+        compiles =, binaries)
+    with Pool(processes=processes) as pool:
+        testruns =, zip(binaries, testnames))
+    totals = [a+b for a,b in zip(compiles, testruns)]
     pickle.dump(totals, open(os.path.join(builddir, pickle_file), 'wb'))
-    return totals
+    return {b: t for b, t in zip(binaries, totals)}
+# list comes with a leading empty entry
+testnames = sys.argv[4].split('/')[1:]
+builddir = sys.argv[1]
+binaries = sys.argv[3].split(';')
+processes = 4
-    builddir = sys.argv[1]
     totals = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(builddir, pickle_file), 'rb'))
+    if totals.keys() != binaries:
+        totals = redo_timings(builddir, binaries, testnames, processes)
 except FileNotFoundError:
-    totals = redo_timings(sys.argv)
+    totals = redo_timings(builddir, binaries, testnames, processes)
-b = list(totals.values())
-bins = binpacking.to_constant_volume(b,MAXTIME)
+builder_count = sys.argv[2]
+b = list(totals.keys())
+bins = binpacking.to_constant_volume(b,MAXTIME)
\ No newline at end of file