diff --git a/dune/xt/la/eigen-solver/internal/base.hh b/dune/xt/la/eigen-solver/internal/base.hh
index e55b8fca9c080ffdc827175aea7d6c05bfb499c2..59a15978745300cb985a0feaea0a0283c999c0ce 100644
--- a/dune/xt/la/eigen-solver/internal/base.hh
+++ b/dune/xt/la/eigen-solver/internal/base.hh
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ static inline void ensure_eigen_solver_type(const std::string& type, const std::
   if (!contained)
                "Given type '" << type << "' is not one of the available types: " << available_types);
-} // ... ensure_type(...)
+} // ... ensure_eigen_solver_type(...)
 static inline Common::Configuration default_eigen_solver_options()
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ public:
             *this, check_eigendecomposition > 0 ? check_eigendecomposition : options_->get<double>("real_tolerance"));
     return *eigenvectors_inverse_;
-  } // ... eigenvectors(...)
+  } // ... eigenvectors_inverse(...)
   const RealMatrixType& real_eigenvectors() const
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ public:
     return *real_eigenvectors_inverse_;
-  } // ... eigenvectors(...)
+  } // ... real_eigenvectors_inverse(...)
   void compute_and_check() const
diff --git a/dune/xt/la/exceptions.hh b/dune/xt/la/exceptions.hh
index 7a9d2d5c7cfec50dda2ab8cb68752048b1f9afc2..368c63d249b165b38e12cbbc8cb0b60b0a9178e8 100644
--- a/dune/xt/la/exceptions.hh
+++ b/dune/xt/la/exceptions.hh
@@ -67,6 +67,36 @@ class eigen_solver_failed_bc_result_is_not_an_eigendecomposition : public eigen_
+class generalized_eigen_solver_failed : public Dune::Exception
+class generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements : public generalized_eigen_solver_failed
+class generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_it_was_not_set_up_correctly : public generalized_eigen_solver_failed
+class generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_result_contained_inf_or_nan : public generalized_eigen_solver_failed
+class generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_eigenvalues_are_not_real_as_requested : public generalized_eigen_solver_failed
+class generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_eigenvalues_are_not_positive_as_requested
+  : public generalized_eigen_solver_failed
+class generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_eigenvalues_are_not_negative_as_requested
+  : public generalized_eigen_solver_failed
+class generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_eigenvectors_are_not_real_as_requested : public generalized_eigen_solver_failed
+// class generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_result_is_not_an_eigendecomposition : public generalized_eigen_solver_failed
 class matrix_invert_failed : public Dune::Exception
diff --git a/dune/xt/la/generalized-eigen-solver.hh b/dune/xt/la/generalized-eigen-solver.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8e049388ba8117edba54574e2c7171c062ec3f45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dune/xt/la/generalized-eigen-solver.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+// This file is part of the dune-xt-la project:
+//   https://github.com/dune-community/dune-xt-la
+// Copyright 2009-2018 dune-xt-la developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
+// License: Dual licensed as BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
+//      or  GPL-2.0+ (http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license)
+//          with "runtime exception" (http://www.dune-project.org/license.html)
+// Authors:
+//   Felix Schindler (2019)
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <dune/common/typetraits.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/common/configuration.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/common/type_traits.hh>
+namespace Dune {
+namespace XT {
+namespace LA {
+ * \brief A means to obtain available options at compile time.
+ * \note  This class needs to be specialized for each MatrixType, the purpose of this variant is merely to document the
+ *        expected functionality.
+ */
+template <class MatrixType, bool is_matrix = XT::Common::is_matrix<MatrixType>::value>
+class GeneralizedEigenSolverOptions
+  static_assert(AlwaysFalse<MatrixType>::value,
+                "Please implement for given MatrixType and add the respective include below!");
+  static std::vector<std::string> types();
+  static Common::Configuration options(const std::string /*type*/ = "");
+}; // class GeneralizedEigenSolverOptions
+template <class MatrixType>
+std::vector<std::string> generalized_eigen_solver_types(const MatrixType& /*matrix*/)
+  return GeneralizedEigenSolverOptions<MatrixType>::types();
+template <class MatrixType>
+Common::Configuration generalized_eigen_solver_options(const MatrixType& /*matrix*/, const std::string type = "")
+  return GeneralizedEigenSolverOptions<MatrixType>::options(type);
+template <class MatrixImp, bool is_matrix = XT::Common::is_matrix<MatrixImp>::value>
+class GeneralizedEigenSolver
+  static_assert(AlwaysFalse<MatrixImp>::value,
+                "Please implement for given MatrixType and add the respective include below!");
+  typedef MatrixImp MatrixType;
+  typedef double FieldType;
+  typedef int RealMatrixType;
+  typedef int ComplexMatrixType;
+  GeneralizedEigenSolver(const MatrixType& /*matrix*/, const std::string& /*type*/ = "")
+  {
+    static_assert(AlwaysFalse<MatrixType>::value,
+                  "Please implement for given MatrixType and add the respective include below!");
+  }
+  GeneralizedEigenSolver(const MatrixType& /*matrix*/, const Common::Configuration /*opts*/)
+  {
+    static_assert(AlwaysFalse<MatrixType>::value,
+                  "Please implement for given MatrixType and add the respective include below!");
+  }
+  const Common::Configuration& options() const;
+  const MatrixType& lhs_matrix() const;
+  const MatrixType& rhs_matrix() const;
+  const std::vector<Common::complex_t<FieldType>>& eigenvalues() const;
+  const std::vector<Common::real_t<FieldType>>& real_eigenvalues() const;
+  const std::vector<Common::real_t<FieldType>>&
+  min_eigenvalues(const size_t /*num_evs*/ = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) const;
+  const std::vector<Common::real_t<FieldType>>&
+  max_eigenvalues(const size_t /*num_evs*/ = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) const;
+  const ComplexMatrixType& eigenvectors() const;
+  const RealMatrixType& real_eigenvectors() const;
+}; // class GeneralizedEigenSolver
+template <class M>
+make_generalized_eigen_solver(const M& lhs_matrix, const M& rhs_matrix, const std::string& type = "")
+  return GeneralizedEigenSolver<M>(lhs_matrix, rhs_matrix, type);
+template <class M>
+make_generalized_eigen_solver(const M& lhs_matrix, const M& rhs_matrix, const XT::Common::Configuration& options)
+  return GeneralizedEigenSolver<M>(lhs_matrix, rhs_matrix, options);
+} // namespace LA
+} // namespace XT
+} // namespace Dune
+#include "generalized-eigen-solver/default.hh"
diff --git a/dune/xt/la/generalized-eigen-solver/default.hh b/dune/xt/la/generalized-eigen-solver/default.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f03043cf5b159f1943662a1a8c54f5331d90627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dune/xt/la/generalized-eigen-solver/default.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+// This file is part of the dune-xt-la project:
+//   https://github.com/dune-community/dune-xt-la
+// Copyright 2009-2018 dune-xt-la developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
+// License: Dual licensed as BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
+//      or  GPL-2.0+ (http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license)
+//          with "runtime exception" (http://www.dune-project.org/license.html)
+// Authors:
+//   Felix Schindler (2019)
+#include <vector>
+#include <dune/xt/common/matrix.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/la/container/conversion.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/la/exceptions.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/la/generalized-eigen-solver.hh>
+#include "internal/base.hh"
+#include "internal/lapacke.hh"
+namespace Dune {
+namespace XT {
+namespace LA {
+template <class MatrixType>
+class GeneralizedEigenSolverOptions<MatrixType, true>
+  static std::vector<std::string> types()
+  {
+    std::vector<std::string> tps;
+    if (Common::Lapacke::available())
+      tps.push_back("lapack");
+    DUNE_THROW_IF(tps.empty(),
+                  Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed,
+                  "No backend available for generalized eigenvalue problems!");
+    return tps;
+  }
+  static Common::Configuration options(const std::string type = "")
+  {
+    const std::string actual_type = type.empty() ? types()[0] : type;
+    internal::ensure_generalized_eigen_solver_type(actual_type, types());
+    Common::Configuration opts = internal::default_generalized_eigen_solver_options();
+    opts["type"] = actual_type;
+    return opts;
+  }
+}; // class GeneralizedEigenSolverOptions<>
+template <class MatrixImp>
+class GeneralizedEigenSolver<MatrixImp, true>
+  : public internal::GeneralizedEigenSolverBase<
+        MatrixImp,
+        typename Common::MatrixAbstraction<MatrixImp>::ScalarType,
+        typename Common::MatrixAbstraction<MatrixImp>::template MatrixTypeTemplate<
+            Common::MatrixAbstraction<MatrixImp>::static_rows,
+            Common::MatrixAbstraction<MatrixImp>::static_cols,
+            typename Common::MatrixAbstraction<MatrixImp>::RealType>,
+        typename Common::MatrixAbstraction<MatrixImp>::template MatrixTypeTemplate<
+            Common::MatrixAbstraction<MatrixImp>::static_rows,
+            Common::MatrixAbstraction<MatrixImp>::static_cols,
+            std::complex<typename Common::MatrixAbstraction<MatrixImp>::RealType>>>
+  using M = Common::MatrixAbstraction<MatrixImp>;
+  using BaseType = internal::GeneralizedEigenSolverBase<
+      MatrixImp,
+      typename M::ScalarType,
+      typename M::template MatrixTypeTemplate<M::static_rows, M::static_cols, typename M::RealType>,
+      typename M::template MatrixTypeTemplate<M::static_rows, M::static_cols, std::complex<typename M::RealType>>>;
+  using typename BaseType::ComplexMatrixType;
+  using typename BaseType::ComplexType;
+  using typename BaseType::MatrixType;
+  using typename BaseType::RealMatrixType;
+  using typename BaseType::RealType;
+  using RealM = Common::MatrixAbstraction<RealMatrixType>;
+  using ComplexM = Common::MatrixAbstraction<ComplexMatrixType>;
+  template <class... Args>
+  explicit GeneralizedEigenSolver(Args&&... args)
+    : BaseType(std::forward<Args>(args)...)
+  {}
+  void compute() const override final
+  {
+    const auto type = options_->template get<std::string>("type");
+    if (type == "lapack") {
+      DUNE_THROW_IF(!Common::Lapacke::available(),
+                    Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_it_was_not_set_up_correctly,
+                    "Lapacke backend not available!");
+      if (!options_->template get<bool>("compute_eigenvectors"))
+        eigenvalues_ = std::make_unique<std::vector<ComplexType>>(
+            internal::compute_generalized_eigenvalues_using_lapack(lhs_matrix_, rhs_matrix_));
+      else {
+        DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed,
+                   "Eigenvectors of generalized eigenvalue problems are not yet implemented using lapacke!");
+      }
+    } else
+      DUNE_THROW(Common::Exceptions::internal_error,
+                 "Given type '" << type << "' is none of GeneralizedEigenSolverOptions<...>::types(),"
+                                << " and internal::GeneralizedEigenSolverBase promised to check this!"
+                                << "\n\nThese are the available types:\n\n"
+                                << GeneralizedEigenSolverOptions<MatrixType>::types());
+  } //... compute(...)
+  using BaseType::eigenvalues_;
+  using BaseType::eigenvectors_;
+  using BaseType::lhs_matrix_;
+  using BaseType::options_;
+  using BaseType::rhs_matrix_;
+}; // class GeneralizedEigenSolver<MatrixType, true>
+} // namespace LA
+} // namespace XT
+} // namespace Dune
diff --git a/dune/xt/la/generalized-eigen-solver/internal/base.hh b/dune/xt/la/generalized-eigen-solver/internal/base.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fdd5e5c2fed027a0e5af509272f7e6581356f75b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dune/xt/la/generalized-eigen-solver/internal/base.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,819 @@
+// This file is part of the dune-xt-la project:
+//   https://github.com/dune-community/dune-xt-la
+// Copyright 2009-2018 dune-xt-la developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
+// License: Dual licensed as BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
+//      or  GPL-2.0+ (http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license)
+//          with "runtime exception" (http://www.dune-project.org/license.html)
+// Authors:
+//   Felix Schindler (2019)
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <functional>
+#include <memory>
+#include <numeric>
+#include <dune/xt/common/configuration.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/common/type_traits.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/common/vector.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/common/matrix.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/la/container/common/vector/dense.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/la/container/conversion.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/la/container/matrix-interface.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/la/exceptions.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/la/matrix-inverter.hh>
+namespace Dune {
+namespace XT {
+namespace LA {
+// forward
+template <class MatrixType, bool is_matrix>
+class GeneralizedEigenSolverOptions;
+namespace internal {
+static inline void ensure_generalized_eigen_solver_type(const std::string& type,
+                                                        const std::vector<std::string>& available_types)
+  bool contained = false;
+  for (const auto& tp : available_types)
+    if (type == tp)
+      contained = true;
+  if (!contained)
+    DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_it_was_not_set_up_correctly,
+               "Given type '" << type << "' is not one of the available types: " << available_types);
+} // ... ensure_generalized_eigen_solver_type(...)
+static inline Common::Configuration default_generalized_eigen_solver_options()
+  Common::Configuration opts;
+  opts["compute_eigenvalues"] = "true";
+  opts["compute_eigenvectors"] = "false";
+  opts["check_for_inf_nan"] = "true";
+  opts["real_tolerance"] = "1e-15"; // is only used if the respective assert_... is negative
+  opts["assert_real_eigenvalues"] = "-1"; // if positive, this is the check tolerance
+  opts["assert_positive_eigenvalues"] = "-1"; // if positive, this is the check tolerance
+  opts["assert_negative_eigenvalues"] = "-1"; // if positive, this is the check tolerance
+  opts["assert_real_eigenvectors"] = "-1"; // if positive, this is the check tolerance
+  return opts;
+} // ... default_generalized_eigen_solver_options(...)
+ * \sa default_generalized_eigen_solver_options()
+ * \note If the provided options contain a subtree "matrix-inverter" that one is forwarded on eigenvector inversion.
+ */
+template <class MatrixImp, class FieldImp, class RealMatrixImp, class ComplexMatrixImp>
+class GeneralizedEigenSolverBase
+  static_assert(is_matrix<MatrixImp>::value || XT::Common::is_matrix<MatrixImp>::value, "");
+  static_assert(is_matrix<RealMatrixImp>::value || XT::Common::is_matrix<RealMatrixImp>::value, "");
+  static_assert(is_matrix<ComplexMatrixImp>::value || XT::Common::is_matrix<ComplexMatrixImp>::value, "");
+  static_assert((is_matrix<MatrixImp>::value && is_matrix<RealMatrixImp>::value && is_matrix<ComplexMatrixImp>::value)
+                    || (XT::Common::is_matrix<MatrixImp>::value && XT::Common::is_matrix<RealMatrixImp>::value
+                        && XT::Common::is_matrix<ComplexMatrixImp>::value),
+                "");
+  using ThisType = GeneralizedEigenSolverBase<MatrixImp, FieldImp, RealMatrixImp, ComplexMatrixImp>;
+  using MatrixType = MatrixImp;
+  using RealType = XT::Common::field_t<FieldImp>;
+  using ComplexType = XT::Common::complex_t<RealType>;
+  using RealMatrixType = RealMatrixImp;
+  using ComplexMatrixType = ComplexMatrixImp;
+  GeneralizedEigenSolverBase(const MatrixType& lhs_matrix, const MatrixType& rhs_matrix, const std::string& type = "")
+    : GeneralizedEigenSolverBase(lhs_matrix, rhs_matrix, GeneralizedEigenSolverOptions<MatrixType, true>::options(type))
+  {}
+  GeneralizedEigenSolverBase(const MatrixType& lhs_matrix,
+                             const MatrixType& rhs_matrix,
+                             const Common::Configuration opts)
+    : lhs_matrix_(lhs_matrix)
+    , rhs_matrix_(rhs_matrix)
+    , stored_options_(opts)
+    , options_(&stored_options_)
+    , computed_(false)
+    , disable_checks_(options_->get<bool>("disable_checks", false))
+  {
+    pre_checks();
+  }
+  GeneralizedEigenSolverBase(const MatrixType& lhs_matrix, const MatrixType& rhs_matrix, Common::Configuration* opts)
+    : lhs_matrix_(lhs_matrix)
+    , rhs_matrix_(rhs_matrix)
+    , options_(opts)
+    , computed_(false)
+    , disable_checks_(options_->get<bool>("disable_checks", false))
+  {
+    pre_checks();
+  }
+  GeneralizedEigenSolverBase(const ThisType& other) = default;
+  GeneralizedEigenSolverBase(ThisType&& source) = default;
+  virtual ~GeneralizedEigenSolverBase() = default;
+  const Common::Configuration& options() const
+  {
+    return *options_;
+  }
+  const MatrixType& lhs_matrix() const
+  {
+    return lhs_matrix_;
+  }
+  const MatrixType& rhs_matrix() const
+  {
+    return rhs_matrix_;
+  }
+  /**
+   * \brief     Does the actual computation.
+   * \attention The implementor has to fill the appropriate members!
+   * \note      The implementor can assume that the given options_ contain a valid 'type' and all default keys.
+   * \nte       The implementor does not need to guard against multiple calls of this method.
+   */
+  virtual void compute() const = 0;
+  const std::vector<ComplexType>& eigenvalues() const
+  {
+    compute_and_check();
+    if (eigenvalues_)
+      return *eigenvalues_;
+    else if (options_->get<bool>("compute_eigenvalues"))
+      DUNE_THROW(Common::Exceptions::internal_error, "The eigenvalues_ member is not filled after calling compute()!");
+    else
+      DUNE_THROW(Common::Exceptions::you_are_using_this_wrong,
+                 "Do not call eigenvalues() if 'compute_eigenvalues' is false!\n\nThese were the given options:\n\n"
+                     << *options_);
+  } // ... eigenvalues(...)
+  const std::vector<RealType>& real_eigenvalues() const
+  {
+    compute_and_check();
+    if (eigenvalues_) {
+      if (!real_eigenvalues_)
+        compute_real_eigenvalues();
+    } else if (options_->get<bool>("compute_eigenvalues"))
+      DUNE_THROW(Common::Exceptions::internal_error, "The eigenvalues_ member is not filled after calling compute()!");
+    else
+      DUNE_THROW(
+          Common::Exceptions::you_are_using_this_wrong,
+          "Do not call real_eigenvalues() if 'compute_eigenvalues' is false!\n\nThese were the given options:\n\n"
+              << *options_);
+    assert(real_eigenvalues_ && "These have to exist after compute_real_eigenvalues()!");
+    return *real_eigenvalues_;
+  } // ... real_eigenvalues(...)
+  std::vector<RealType> min_eigenvalues(const size_t num_evs = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) const
+  {
+    compute_and_check();
+    if (eigenvalues_) {
+      if (!real_eigenvalues_)
+        compute_real_eigenvalues();
+    } else if (options_->get<bool>("compute_eigenvalues"))
+      DUNE_THROW(Common::Exceptions::internal_error, "The eigenvalues_ member is not filled after calling compute()!");
+    else
+      DUNE_THROW(Common::Exceptions::you_are_using_this_wrong,
+                 "Do not call min_eigenvalues() if 'compute_eigenvalues' is false!\n\nThese were the given options:\n\n"
+                     << *options_);
+    assert(real_eigenvalues_ && "These have to exist after compute_real_eigenvalues()!");
+    std::vector<RealType> evs = *real_eigenvalues_;
+    std::sort(evs.begin(), evs.end(), [](const RealType& a, const RealType& b) { return a < b; });
+    evs.resize(std::min(evs.size(), num_evs));
+    return evs;
+  } // ... min_eigenvalues(...)
+  std::vector<RealType> max_eigenvalues(const size_t num_evs = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) const
+  {
+    compute_and_check();
+    if (eigenvalues_) {
+      if (!real_eigenvalues_)
+        compute_real_eigenvalues();
+    } else if (options_->get<bool>("compute_eigenvalues"))
+      DUNE_THROW(Common::Exceptions::internal_error, "The eigenvalues_ member is not filled after calling compute()!");
+    else
+      DUNE_THROW(Common::Exceptions::you_are_using_this_wrong,
+                 "Do not call max_eigenvalues() if 'compute_eigenvalues' is false!\n\nThese were the given options:\n\n"
+                     << *options_);
+    assert(real_eigenvalues_ && "These have to exist after compute_real_eigenvalues()!");
+    std::vector<RealType> evs = *real_eigenvalues_;
+    std::sort(evs.begin(), evs.end(), [](const RealType& a, const RealType& b) { return a > b; });
+    evs.resize(std::min(evs.size(), num_evs));
+    return evs;
+  } // ... max_eigenvalues(...)
+  const ComplexMatrixType& eigenvectors() const
+  {
+    compute_and_check();
+    if (eigenvectors_)
+      return *eigenvectors_;
+    else if (options_->get<bool>("compute_eigenvectors"))
+      DUNE_THROW(Common::Exceptions::internal_error, "The eigenvectors_ member is not filled after calling compute()!");
+    else
+      DUNE_THROW(Common::Exceptions::you_are_using_this_wrong,
+                 "Do not call eigenvectors() if 'compute_eigenvectors' is false!\n\nThese were the given options:\n\n"
+                     << *options_);
+  } // ... eigenvectors(...)
+  //  const ComplexMatrixType& eigenvectors_inverse() const
+  //  {
+  //    compute_and_check();
+  //    if (!eigenvectors_) {
+  //      if (options_->get<bool>("compute_eigenvectors"))
+  //        DUNE_THROW(Common::Exceptions::internal_error,
+  //                   "The eigenvectors_ member is not filled after calling compute()!");
+  //      else
+  //        DUNE_THROW(Common::Exceptions::you_are_using_this_wrong,
+  //                   "Do not call eigenvectors_inverse() if 'compute_eigenvectors' is false!\n\nThese were the given "
+  //                   "options:\n\n"
+  //                       << *options_);
+  //    }
+  //    invert_eigenvectors();
+  //    assert(eigenvectors_inverse_ && "This must not happen after calling invert_eigenvectors()!");
+  //    if (!disable_checks_) {
+  //      const double check_eigendecomposition = options_->get<double>("assert_eigendecomposition");
+  //      if (check_eigendecomposition > 0)
+  //        complex_eigendecomposition_helper<>::check(
+  //            *this, check_eigendecomposition > 0 ? check_eigendecomposition :
+  //            options_->get<double>("real_tolerance"));
+  //    }
+  //    return *eigenvectors_inverse_;
+  //  } // ... eigenvectors(...)
+  const RealMatrixType& real_eigenvectors() const
+  {
+    compute_and_check();
+    if (eigenvectors_) {
+      if (!real_eigenvectors_)
+        compute_real_eigenvectors();
+    } else if (options_->get<bool>("compute_eigenvectors"))
+      DUNE_THROW(Common::Exceptions::internal_error, "The eigenvectors_ member is not filled after calling compute()!");
+    else
+      DUNE_THROW(
+          Common::Exceptions::you_are_using_this_wrong,
+          "Do not call real_eigenvectors() if 'compute_eigenvectors' is false!\n\nThese were the given options:\n\n"
+              << *options_);
+    assert(real_eigenvectors_ && "These have to exist after compute_real_eigenvectors()!");
+    return *real_eigenvectors_;
+  } // ... real_eigenvectors(...)
+  //  const MatrixType& real_eigenvectors_inverse() const
+  //  {
+  //    compute_and_check();
+  //    if (!real_eigenvectors_) {
+  //      if (options_->get<double>("assert_real_eigendecomposition") > 0
+  //          || options_->get<double>("assert_real_eigenvectors") > 0)
+  //        DUNE_THROW(Common::Exceptions::internal_error,
+  //                   "The real_eigenvectors_ member is not filled after calling compute()!");
+  //      else
+  //        DUNE_THROW(Common::Exceptions::you_are_using_this_wrong,
+  //                   "Do not call real_eigenvectors_inverse() after providing these options:\n\n"
+  //                       << *options_);
+  //    }
+  //    invert_real_eigenvectors();
+  //    assert(real_eigenvectors_inverse_ && "This must not happen after calling invert_real_eigenvectors()!");
+  //    if (!disable_checks_) {
+  //      const double assert_real_eigendecomposition = options_->get<double>("assert_real_eigendecomposition");
+  //      if (assert_real_eigendecomposition > 0.)
+  //        assert_eigendecomposition(matrix_,
+  //                                  *real_eigenvalues_,
+  //                                  *real_eigenvectors_,
+  //                                  *real_eigenvectors_inverse_,
+  //                                  assert_real_eigendecomposition);
+  //    }
+  //    return *real_eigenvectors_inverse_;
+  //  } // ... eigenvectors(...)
+  void compute_and_check() const
+  {
+    if (!computed_) {
+      compute();
+      post_checks();
+    }
+    computed_ = true;
+  }
+  void pre_checks()
+  {
+    if (!disable_checks_) {
+      // check options
+      if (!options_->has_key("type"))
+        DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_it_was_not_set_up_correctly,
+                   "Missing 'type' in given options:\n\n"
+                       << *options_);
+      internal::ensure_generalized_eigen_solver_type(options_->get<std::string>("type"),
+                                                     GeneralizedEigenSolverOptions<MatrixType, true>::types());
+      const Common::Configuration default_opts =
+          GeneralizedEigenSolverOptions<MatrixType, true>::options(options_->get<std::string>("type"));
+      for (const std::string& default_key : default_opts.getValueKeys()) {
+        if (!options_->has_key(default_key))
+          (*options_)[default_key] = default_opts.get<std::string>(default_key);
+      }
+      if (options_->get<double>("real_tolerance") <= 0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_it_was_not_set_up_correctly,
+                   "It does not make sense to enforce a non-positive tolerance!");
+      if (options_->get<double>("assert_positive_eigenvalues") > 0
+          && options_->get<double>("assert_negative_eigenvalues") > 0)
+        DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_it_was_not_set_up_correctly,
+                   "It does not make sense to assert positive and negative eigenvalues!");
+      if (!options_->get<bool>("compute_eigenvalues")
+          && (options_->get<double>("assert_real_eigenvalues") > 0
+              || options_->get<double>("assert_positive_eigenvalues") > 0
+              || options_->get<double>("assert_negative_eigenvalues") > 0
+              /*|| options_->get<double>("assert_eigendecomposition") > 0
+              || options_->get<double>("assert_real_eigendecomposition") > 0*/))
+        (*options_)["compute_eigenvalues"] = "true";
+      if (options_->get<double>("assert_real_eigenvalues") <= 0
+          && (options_->get<double>("assert_positive_eigenvalues") > 0
+              || options_->get<double>("assert_negative_eigenvalues") > 0
+              /*|| options_->get<double>("assert_real_eigendecomposition") > 0*/))
+        (*options_)["assert_real_eigenvalues"] = (*options_)["real_tolerance"];
+      // check matrix
+      check_size(lhs_matrix_, rhs_matrix_);
+      if (options_->get<bool>("check_for_inf_nan") && contains_inf_or_nan(lhs_matrix_)) {
+        DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements,
+                   "Given LHS matrix contains inf or nan and you requested checking. To disable this check set "
+                   "'check_for_inf_nan' to false in the options."
+                       << "\n\nThese were the given options:\n\n"
+                       << *options_ << "\nThis was the given LHS matrix:\n\n"
+                       << lhs_matrix_);
+      }
+      if (options_->get<bool>("check_for_inf_nan") && contains_inf_or_nan(rhs_matrix_)) {
+        DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements,
+                   "Given RHS matrix contains inf or nan and you requested checking. To disable this check set "
+                   "'check_for_inf_nan' to false in the options."
+                       << "\n\nThese were the given options:\n\n"
+                       << *options_ << "\nThis was the given RHS matrix:\n\n"
+                       << rhs_matrix_);
+      }
+    }
+  } // ... pre_checks(...)
+  void post_checks() const
+  {
+    if (!disable_checks_) {
+      if (options_->get<bool>("compute_eigenvalues") && !eigenvalues_)
+        DUNE_THROW(Common::Exceptions::internal_error,
+                   "The eigenvalues_ member is not filled after calling compute()!");
+      if (options_->get<bool>("compute_eigenvectors") && !eigenvectors_)
+        DUNE_THROW(Common::Exceptions::internal_error,
+                   "The eigenvectors_ member is not filled after calling compute()!");
+      if (options_->get<bool>("check_for_inf_nan")) {
+        if (eigenvalues_ && contains_inf_or_nan(*eigenvalues_))
+          DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_result_contained_inf_or_nan,
+                     "Computed eigenvalues contain inf or nan and you requested checking. To disable this check set "
+                     "'check_for_inf_nan' to false in the options."
+                         << "\n\nThese were the given options:\n\n"
+                         << *options_ << "\nThese are the computed eigenvalues:\n\n"
+                         << *eigenvalues_);
+        if (eigenvectors_ && contains_inf_or_nan(*eigenvectors_))
+          DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_result_contained_inf_or_nan,
+                     "Computed eigenvectors contain inf or nan and you requested checking. To disable this check set "
+                     "'check_for_inf_nan' to false in the options."
+                         << "\n\nThese were the given options:\n\n"
+                         << *options_ << "\nThese are the computed eigenvectors:\n\n"
+                         << *eigenvectors_);
+      }
+      const double assert_real_eigenvalues = options_->get<double>("assert_real_eigenvalues");
+      const double assert_positive_eigenvalues = options_->get<double>("assert_positive_eigenvalues");
+      const double assert_negative_eigenvalues = options_->get<double>("assert_negative_eigenvalues");
+      //      const double check_real_eigendecomposition = options_->get<double>("assert_real_eigendecomposition");
+      if (assert_real_eigenvalues > 0 || assert_positive_eigenvalues > 0 || assert_negative_eigenvalues > 0
+          /*|| check_real_eigendecomposition > 0*/)
+        compute_real_eigenvalues();
+      if (assert_positive_eigenvalues > 0) {
+        assert(real_eigenvalues_ && "This must not happen after compute_real_eigenvalues()!");
+        for (const auto& ev : *real_eigenvalues_) {
+          if (ev < assert_positive_eigenvalues)
+            DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_eigenvalues_are_not_positive_as_requested,
+                       "These were the given options:\n\n"
+                           << *options_ << "\nThis were the given matrices:\n\nLHS\n"
+                           << lhs_matrix_ << "\n\nRHS\n"
+                           << rhs_matrix_ << "\nThese are the computed eigenvalues:\n\n"
+                           << *real_eigenvalues_);
+        }
+      }
+      if (assert_negative_eigenvalues > 0) {
+        assert(real_eigenvalues_ && "This must not happen after compute_real_eigenvalues()!");
+        for (const auto& ev : *real_eigenvalues_) {
+          if (ev > -1 * assert_negative_eigenvalues)
+            DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_eigenvalues_are_not_negative_as_requested,
+                       "These were the given options:\n\n"
+                           << *options_ << "\nThis were the given matrices:\n\nLHS\n"
+                           << lhs_matrix_ << "\n\nRHS\n"
+                           << rhs_matrix_ << "\nThese are the computed eigenvalues:\n\n"
+                           << *real_eigenvalues_);
+        }
+      }
+      if (options_->get<double>("assert_real_eigenvectors") > 0 /*|| check_real_eigendecomposition > 0*/)
+        compute_real_eigenvectors();
+      //      const double check_eigendecomposition = options_->get<double>("assert_eigendecomposition");
+      //      if (check_eigendecomposition > 0)
+      //        complex_eigendecomposition_helper<>::check(*this, check_eigendecomposition);
+      //      if (check_real_eigendecomposition > 0) {
+      //        invert_real_eigenvectors();
+      //        assert_eigendecomposition(matrix_,
+      //                                  *real_eigenvalues_,
+      //                                  *real_eigenvectors_,
+      //                                  *real_eigenvectors_inverse_,
+      //                                  check_real_eigendecomposition);
+      //      }
+    }
+  } // ... post_checks(...)
+  void compute_real_eigenvalues() const
+  {
+    assert(eigenvalues_ && "This should not happen!");
+    if (!real_eigenvalues_) {
+      real_eigenvalues_ = std::make_unique<std::vector<RealType>>(eigenvalues_->size());
+      for (size_t ii = 0; ii < eigenvalues_->size(); ++ii)
+        (*real_eigenvalues_)[ii] = (*eigenvalues_)[ii].real();
+      if (!disable_checks_) {
+        const double assert_real_eigenvalues = options_->get<double>("assert_real_eigenvalues");
+        const double tolerance =
+            (assert_real_eigenvalues > 0) ? assert_real_eigenvalues : options_->get<double>("real_tolerance");
+        for (size_t ii = 0; ii < eigenvalues_->size(); ++ii) {
+          if (std::abs((*eigenvalues_)[ii].imag()) > tolerance)
+            DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_eigenvalues_are_not_real_as_requested,
+                       "These were the given options:\n\n"
+                           << *options_ << "\nThese are the computed eigenvalues:\n\n"
+                           << *eigenvalues_);
+        } // ii
+      } // if (!disable_checks_)
+    } // if (!real_eigenvalues_)
+  } // ... compute_real_eigenvalues(...)
+  template <bool is_common_matrix = XT::Common::is_matrix<MatrixType>::value, class T = MatrixType>
+  struct real_eigenvectors_helper
+  {};
+  template <class T>
+  struct real_eigenvectors_helper<true, T>
+  {
+    static void compute(const ThisType& self, const double& tolerance)
+    {
+      using RM = XT::Common::MatrixAbstraction<RealMatrixType>;
+      using CM = XT::Common::MatrixAbstraction<ComplexMatrixType>;
+      const size_t rows = CM::rows(*self.eigenvectors_);
+      const size_t cols = CM::cols(*self.eigenvectors_);
+      self.real_eigenvectors_ = std::make_unique<RealMatrixType>(RM::create(rows, cols));
+      bool is_complex = false;
+      for (size_t ii = 0; ii < rows; ++ii) {
+        for (size_t jj = 0; jj < cols; ++jj) {
+          const auto complex_value = CM::get_entry(*self.eigenvectors_, ii, jj);
+          if (std::abs(complex_value.imag()) > tolerance) {
+            is_complex = true;
+            ii = rows;
+            break;
+          }
+          RM::set_entry(*self.real_eigenvectors_, ii, jj, complex_value.real());
+        } // jj
+      } // ii
+      if (is_complex) {
+        // try to get real eigenvectors from the complex ones. If both the matrix and the eigenvalues are real, the
+        // eigenvectors can also be chosen real. If there is a imaginary eigenvector, both real and imaginary part are
+        // eigenvectors (if non-zero) to the same eigenvalue. So to get real eigenvectors, sort the eigenvectors by
+        // eigenvalues and, separately for each eigenvalue, perform a Gram-Schmidt process with all real and imaginary
+        // parts of the eigenvectors
+        self.compute_real_eigenvalues();
+        // form groups of equal eigenvalues
+        struct Cmp
+        {
+          bool operator()(const RealType& a, const RealType& b) const
+          {
+            return XT::Common::FloatCmp::lt(a, b);
+          }
+        };
+        std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> eigenvalue_groups;
+        std::vector<size_t> eigenvalue_multiplicity;
+        std::set<RealType, Cmp> eigenvalues_done;
+        for (size_t jj = 0; jj < rows; ++jj) {
+          const auto curr_eigenvalue = (*self.real_eigenvalues_)[jj];
+          if (!eigenvalues_done.count(curr_eigenvalue)) {
+            std::vector<size_t> curr_group;
+            curr_group.push_back(jj);
+            eigenvalue_multiplicity.push_back(1);
+            for (size_t kk = jj + 1; kk < rows; ++kk) {
+              if (XT::Common::FloatCmp::eq(curr_eigenvalue, (*self.real_eigenvalues_)[kk])) {
+                curr_group.push_back(kk);
+                ++(eigenvalue_multiplicity.back());
+              }
+            } // kk
+            eigenvalue_groups.push_back(curr_group);
+            eigenvalues_done.insert(curr_eigenvalue);
+          }
+        } // jj
+        // For each eigenvalue, calculate a orthogonal basis of the n-dim real eigenspace from the 2n real
+        // and imaginary parts of the complex eigenvectors
+        for (size_t kk = 0; kk < eigenvalue_groups.size(); ++kk) {
+          const auto& group = eigenvalue_groups[kk];
+          typedef typename XT::LA::CommonDenseVector<RealType> RealVectorType;
+          std::vector<RealVectorType> input_vectors(2 * eigenvalue_multiplicity[kk], RealVectorType(rows, 0.));
+          size_t index = 0;
+          for (const auto& jj : group) {
+            for (size_t ll = 0; ll < cols; ++ll) {
+              input_vectors[index][ll] = CM::get_entry(*self.eigenvectors_, ll, jj).real();
+              input_vectors[index + 1][ll] = CM::get_entry(*self.eigenvectors_, ll, jj).imag();
+            }
+            index += 2;
+          } // jj
+          // orthonormalize
+          for (size_t ii = 0; ii < input_vectors.size(); ++ii) {
+            auto& v_i = input_vectors[ii];
+            for (size_t jj = 0; jj < ii; ++jj) {
+              const auto& v_j = input_vectors[jj];
+              const auto vj_vj = v_j.dot(v_j);
+              if (XT::Common::FloatCmp::eq(vj_vj, 0.))
+                continue;
+              const auto vj_vi = v_j.dot(v_i);
+              for (size_t rr = 0; rr < rows; ++rr)
+                v_i[rr] -= vj_vi / vj_vj * v_j[rr];
+            } // jj
+            RealType l2_norm = std::sqrt(std::accumulate(
+                v_i.begin(), v_i.end(), 0., [](const RealType& a, const RealType& b) { return a + b * b; }));
+            if (XT::Common::FloatCmp::ne(l2_norm, 0.))
+              v_i *= 1. / l2_norm;
+          } // ii
+          // copy eigenvectors back to eigenvectors matrix
+          index = 0;
+          for (size_t ii = 0; ii < input_vectors.size(); ++ii) {
+            if (XT::Common::FloatCmp::ne(input_vectors[ii], RealVectorType(rows, 0.))) {
+              if (index >= eigenvalue_multiplicity[kk]) {
+                DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_eigenvectors_are_not_real_as_requested,
+                           "Eigenvectors are complex and calculating real eigenvectors failed!"
+                               << "These were the given options:\n\n"
+                               << *self.options_ << "\n\nThis were the given matrices:\n\nLHS\n"
+                               << self.lhs_matrix_ << "\n\nRHS\n"
+                               << self.rhs_matrix_ << "\nThese are the computed eigenvectors:\n\n"
+                               << std::setprecision(17) << *self.eigenvectors_);
+              }
+              for (size_t rr = 0; rr < rows; ++rr)
+                RM::set_entry(*self.real_eigenvectors_, rr, group[index], input_vectors[ii].get_entry(rr));
+              index++;
+            } // if (input_vectors[ii] != 0)
+          } // ii
+          if (index < eigenvalue_multiplicity[kk]) {
+            DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_eigenvectors_are_not_real_as_requested,
+                       "Eigenvectors are complex and calculating real eigenvectors failed!"
+                           << "These were the given options:\n\n"
+                           << *self.options_ << "\n\nThis were the given matrices:\n\nLHS\n"
+                           << self.lhs_matrix_ << "\n\nRHS\n"
+                           << self.rhs_matrix_ << "\nThese are the computed eigenvectors:\n\n"
+                           << std::setprecision(17) << *self.eigenvectors_);
+          }
+        } // kk
+      } // if(is_complex)
+    } // static void compute(...)
+  }; // real_eigenvectors_helper<true, ...>
+  template <class T>
+  struct real_eigenvectors_helper<false, T>
+  {
+    static void compute(ThisType& self, const double& tolerance)
+    {
+      if (RealMatrixType::sparse) {
+        const size_t rows = self.eigenvectors_->rows();
+        const size_t cols = self.eigenvectors_->cols();
+        const auto pattern = self.eigenvectors_->pattern();
+        self.real_eigenvectors_ = std::make_unique<RealMatrixType>(rows, cols, pattern);
+        for (size_t ii = 0; ii < rows; ++ii)
+          for (size_t jj : pattern.inner(ii)) {
+            const auto complex_value = self.eigenvectors_->get_entry(ii, jj);
+            if (std::abs(complex_value.imag()) > tolerance)
+              DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_eigenvectors_are_not_real_as_requested,
+                         "These were the given options:\n\n"
+                             << *self.options_ << "\nThese are the computed eigenvectors:\n\n"
+                             << std::setprecision(17) << *self.eigenvectors_);
+            self.real_eigenvectors_->set_entry(ii, jj, complex_value.real());
+          }
+      } else {
+        const size_t rows = self.eigenvectors_->rows();
+        const size_t cols = self.eigenvectors_->cols();
+        self.real_eigenvectors_ = std::make_unique<RealMatrixType>(rows, cols);
+        for (size_t ii = 0; ii < rows; ++ii)
+          for (size_t jj = 0; jj < cols; ++jj) {
+            const auto complex_value = self.eigenvectors_->get_entry(ii, jj);
+            if (std::abs(complex_value.imag()) > tolerance)
+              DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_eigenvectors_are_not_real_as_requested,
+                         "These were the given options:\n\n"
+                             << *self.options_ << "\nThese are the computed eigenvectors:\n\n"
+                             << std::setprecision(17) << *self.eigenvectors_);
+            self.real_eigenvectors_->set_entry(ii, jj, complex_value.real());
+          }
+      }
+    }
+  }; // real_eigenvectors_helper<false, ...>
+  void compute_real_eigenvectors() const
+  {
+    assert(eigenvectors_ && "This should not happen!");
+    if (!real_eigenvectors_) {
+      const double assert_real_eigenvectors = options_->get<double>("assert_real_eigenvectors");
+      const double tolerance =
+          (assert_real_eigenvectors > 0) ? assert_real_eigenvectors : options_->get<double>("real_tolerance");
+      real_eigenvectors_helper<>::compute(*this, tolerance);
+    }
+  }
+  //  void invert_eigenvectors() const
+  //  {
+  //    assert(eigenvectors_ && "This must not happen when you call this function!");
+  //    try {
+  //      if (options_->has_sub("matrix-inverter")) {
+  //        eigenvectors_inverse_ =
+  //            std::make_unique<ComplexMatrixType>(invert_matrix(*eigenvectors_, options_->sub("matrix-inverter")));
+  //      } else
+  //        eigenvectors_inverse_ = std::make_unique<ComplexMatrixType>(invert_matrix(*eigenvectors_));
+  //    } catch (const Exceptions::matrix_invert_failed& ee) {
+  //      DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed,
+  //                 "The computed matrix of eigenvectors is not invertible!"
+  //                     << "\n\nmatrix = " << std::setprecision(17) << matrix_ << "\n\noptions: " << *options_
+  //                     << "\n\neigenvectors = " << std::setprecision(17) << *eigenvectors_
+  //                     << "\n\nThis was the original error: " << ee.what());
+  //    }
+  //  } // ... invert_eigenvectors(...)
+  //  void invert_real_eigenvectors() const
+  //  {
+  //    assert(real_eigenvectors_ && "This must not happen when you call this function!");
+  //    try {
+  //      if (options_->has_sub("matrix-inverter")) {
+  //        real_eigenvectors_inverse_ =
+  //            std::make_unique<MatrixType>(invert_matrix(*real_eigenvectors_, options_->sub("matrix-inverter")));
+  //      } else
+  //        real_eigenvectors_inverse_ = std::make_unique<MatrixType>(invert_matrix(*real_eigenvectors_));
+  //    } catch (const Exceptions::matrix_invert_failed& ee) {
+  //      DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed,
+  //                 "The computed matrix of real eigenvectors is not invertible!"
+  //                     << "\n\nmatrix = " << std::setprecision(17) << matrix_ << "\n\noptions: " << *options_
+  //                     << "\n\nreal_eigenvectors = " << std::setprecision(17) << *real_eigenvectors_
+  //                     << "\n\nThis was the original error: " << ee.what());
+  //    }
+  //  } // ... invert_real_eigenvectors(...)
+  //  template <class A, class B, class C, class D>
+  //  void assert_eigendecomposition(const std::unique_ptr<A>& mat,
+  //                                 const B& eigenvalues,
+  //                                 const C& eigenvectors,
+  //                                 const D& eigenvectors_inverse,
+  //                                 const double& tolerance) const
+  //  {
+  //    assert_eigendecomposition(*mat, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, eigenvectors_inverse, tolerance);
+  //  }
+  //  template <class A, class B, class C, class D>
+  //  void assert_eigendecomposition(const A& mat,
+  //                                 const B& eigenvalues,
+  //                                 const C& eigenvectors,
+  //                                 const D& eigenvectors_inverse,
+  //                                 const double& tolerance) const
+  //  {
+  //    using M = Common::MatrixAbstraction<C>;
+  //    const size_t rows = Common::get_matrix_rows(mat);
+  //    const size_t cols = Common::get_matrix_cols(mat);
+  //    auto eigenvalue_matrix = M::create(rows, cols, typename M::ScalarType(0.));
+  //    for (size_t ii = 0; ii < rows; ++ii)
+  //      Common::set_matrix_entry(eigenvalue_matrix, ii, ii, eigenvalues[ii]);
+  //    const auto decomposition_error = eigenvectors * eigenvalue_matrix * eigenvectors_inverse - mat;
+  //    for (size_t ii = 0; ii < rows; ++ii)
+  //      for (size_t jj = 0; jj < cols; ++jj)
+  //        if (std::abs(Common::get_matrix_entry(decomposition_error, ii, jj)) > tolerance)
+  //          DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_result_is_not_an_eigendecomposition,
+  //                     "\n\nmatrix = " << std::setprecision(17) << matrix_ << "\n\noptions: " << *options_
+  //                                     << "\n\neigenvalues (lambda)= " << std::setprecision(17) << eigenvalues
+  //                                     << "\n\neigenvectors (T) = " << std::setprecision(17) << eigenvectors
+  //                                     << "\n\n(T * (lambda * T^-1)) - matrix = " << decomposition_error);
+  //  } // ... assert_eigendecomposition(...)
+  //  template <bool upcast_required = !std::is_same<MatrixType, ComplexMatrixType>::value, bool anything = true>
+  //  struct complex_eigendecomposition_helper;
+  //  template <bool anything>
+  //  struct complex_eigendecomposition_helper<true, anything>
+  //  {
+  //    static void check(const ThisType& self, const double& tolerance)
+  //    {
+  //      self.invert_eigenvectors();
+  //      self.assert_eigendecomposition(Dune::XT::LA::convert_to<ComplexMatrixType>(self.matrix_),
+  //                                     *self.eigenvalues_,
+  //                                     *self.eigenvectors_,
+  //                                     *self.eigenvectors_inverse_,
+  //                                     tolerance);
+  //    }
+  //  };
+  //  template <bool anything>
+  //  struct complex_eigendecomposition_helper<false, anything>
+  //  {
+  //    static void check(const ThisType& self, const double& tolerance)
+  //    {
+  //      self.invert_eigenvectors();
+  //      self.assert_eigendecomposition(
+  //          self.matrix_, *self.eigenvalues_, *self.eigenvectors_, *self.eigenvectors_inverse_, tolerance);
+  //    }
+  //  };
+  template <class M>
+  void check_size(const MatrixInterface<M>& lhs_mat, const MatrixInterface<M>& rhs_mat) const
+  {
+    const auto sz = lhs_mat.rows();
+    if (lhs_mat.cols() != sz)
+      DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements,
+                 "LHS Matrix has to be square, is " << lhs_mat.rows() << "x" << lhs_mat.cols() << "!");
+    if (rhs_mat.rows() != sz)
+      DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements,
+                 "Matrices have to be of same size, are " << lhs_mat.rows() << "x" << lhs_mat.cols() << " and "
+                                                          << rhs_mat.rows() << "x" << rhs_mat.cols() << "!");
+    if (rhs_mat.cols() != sz)
+      DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements,
+                 "RHS Matrix has to be square, is " << rhs_mat.rows() << "x" << rhs_mat.cols() << "!");
+  } // ... check_size(...)
+  template <class M>
+  typename std::enable_if<XT::Common::is_matrix<M>::value && !is_matrix<M>::value, void>::type
+  check_size(const M& lhs_mat, const M& rhs_mat) const
+  {
+    using Mat = XT::Common::MatrixAbstraction<M>;
+    const auto sz = Mat::rows(lhs_mat);
+    if (Mat::cols(lhs_mat) != sz)
+      DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements,
+                 "LHS Matrix has to be square, is " << Mat::rows(lhs_mat) << "x" << Mat::cols(lhs_mat) << "!");
+    if (Mat::rows(rhs_mat) != sz)
+      DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements,
+                 "Matrices have to be of same size, are " << Mat::rows(lhs_mat) << "x" << Mat::cols(lhs_mat) << " and "
+                                                          << Mat::rows(rhs_mat) << "x" << Mat::cols(rhs_mat) << "!");
+    if (Mat::cols(rhs_mat) != sz)
+      DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements,
+                 "RHS Matrix has to be square, is " << Mat::rows(rhs_mat) << "x" << Mat::cols(rhs_mat) << "!");
+  } // ... check_size(...)
+  template <class T>
+  bool contains_inf_or_nan(const std::vector<T>& vec) const
+  {
+    for (const auto& element : vec)
+      if (XT::Common::isinf(element) || XT::Common::isnan(element))
+        return true;
+    return false;
+  }
+  template <class M>
+  bool contains_inf_or_nan(const MatrixInterface<M>& mat) const
+  {
+    return !mat.valid();
+  }
+  template <class M>
+  typename std::enable_if<XT::Common::is_matrix<M>::value && !is_matrix<M>::value, bool>::type
+  contains_inf_or_nan(const M& mat) const
+  {
+    using Mat = XT::Common::MatrixAbstraction<M>;
+    for (size_t ii = 0; ii < Mat::rows(mat); ++ii)
+      for (size_t jj = 0; jj < Mat::cols(mat); ++jj) {
+        const auto value = Mat::get_entry(mat, ii, jj);
+        if (XT::Common::isinf(value) || XT::Common::isnan(value))
+          return true;
+      }
+    return false;
+  } // ... contains_inf_or_nan(...)
+  const MatrixType& lhs_matrix_;
+  const MatrixType& rhs_matrix_;
+  mutable Common::Configuration stored_options_;
+  mutable Common::Configuration* options_;
+  mutable bool computed_;
+  mutable std::unique_ptr<std::vector<ComplexType>> eigenvalues_;
+  mutable std::unique_ptr<std::vector<RealType>> real_eigenvalues_;
+  mutable std::unique_ptr<ComplexMatrixType> eigenvectors_;
+  mutable std::unique_ptr<RealMatrixType> real_eigenvectors_;
+  //  mutable std::unique_ptr<ComplexMatrixType> eigenvectors_inverse_;
+  //  mutable std::unique_ptr<RealMatrixType> real_eigenvectors_inverse_;
+  const bool disable_checks_;
+}; // class GeneralizedEigenSolverBase
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace LA
+} // namespace XT
+} // namespace Dune
diff --git a/dune/xt/la/generalized-eigen-solver/internal/lapacke.hh b/dune/xt/la/generalized-eigen-solver/internal/lapacke.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..36bf88463a26c89e9ae29993d01775b56c23d12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dune/xt/la/generalized-eigen-solver/internal/lapacke.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+// This file is part of the dune-xt-la project:
+//   https://github.com/dune-community/dune-xt-la
+// Copyright 2009-2018 dune-xt-la developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
+// License: Dual licensed as BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
+//      or  GPL-2.0+ (http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license)
+//          with "runtime exception" (http://www.dune-project.org/license.html)
+// Authors:
+//   Felix Schindler (2019)
+#include <complex>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <numeric>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <dune/common/typetraits.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/common/matrix.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/common/type_traits.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/common/lapacke.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/la/container/common/matrix/dense.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/la/exceptions.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/la/type_traits.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/la/eigen-solver/internal/lapacke.hh>
+namespace Dune {
+namespace XT {
+namespace LA {
+namespace internal {
+ * \sa https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl-developer-reference-c-sygv
+ * \note Most likely, you do not want to use this function directly, but compute_generalized_eigenvalues_using_lapack.
+ */
+template <class RealMatrixType>
+typename std::enable_if<Common::is_matrix<std::decay_t<RealMatrixType>>::value, std::vector<std::complex<double>>>::type
+compute_generalized_eigenvalues_of_real_matrices_using_lapack(RealMatrixType&& lhs_matrix, RealMatrixType&& rhs_matrix)
+  MatrixDataProvider<std::decay_t<RealMatrixType>, is_contiguous_and_mutable<RealMatrixType>::value>
+      lhs_matrix_data_provider(lhs_matrix);
+  MatrixDataProvider<std::decay_t<RealMatrixType>, is_contiguous_and_mutable<RealMatrixType>::value>
+      rhs_matrix_data_provider(rhs_matrix);
+  return compute_generalized_eigenvalues_of_real_matrices_using_lapack_impl(
+      lhs_matrix, lhs_matrix_data_provider, rhs_matrix, rhs_matrix_data_provider);
+template <class RealMatrixType, bool contiguous_and_mutable>
+typename std::enable_if<Common::is_matrix<RealMatrixType>::value, std::vector<std::complex<double>>>::type
+    const RealMatrixType& lhs_matrix,
+    MatrixDataProvider<RealMatrixType, contiguous_and_mutable>& lhs_matrix_data_provider,
+    const RealMatrixType& rhs_matrix,
+    MatrixDataProvider<RealMatrixType, contiguous_and_mutable>& rhs_matrix_data_provider)
+  if (!Common::Lapacke::available())
+    DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_it_was_not_set_up_correctly,
+               "Do not call any lapack related method if Common::Lapacke::available() is false!");
+  using real_type = typename Dune::XT::Common::MatrixAbstraction<RealMatrixType>::S;
+  static_assert(Dune::XT::Common::is_arithmetic<real_type>::value && !Dune::XT::Common::is_complex<real_type>::value,
+                "Not implemented for complex matrices (yet)!");
+  const size_t size = Dune::XT::Common::get_matrix_rows(lhs_matrix);
+  const auto sz = XT::Common::numeric_cast<int>(size);
+  assert(Dune::XT::Common::get_matrix_cols(lhs_matrix) == size);
+  assert(Dune::XT::Common::get_matrix_rows(rhs_matrix) == size);
+  assert(Dune::XT::Common::get_matrix_cols(rhs_matrix) == size);
+  if (Dune::XT::Common::get_matrix_cols(lhs_matrix) != size)
+    DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements,
+               "Given LHS matrix has to be square, is " << size << "x" << Dune::XT::Common::get_matrix_cols(lhs_matrix)
+                                                        << "!");
+  if (Dune::XT::Common::get_matrix_rows(rhs_matrix) != size)
+    DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements,
+               "Given matrices have to be of same size, are " << size << "x"
+                                                              << Dune::XT::Common::get_matrix_cols(lhs_matrix) << "and "
+                                                              << Dune::XT::Common::get_matrix_rows(rhs_matrix) << "x"
+                                                              << Dune::XT::Common::get_matrix_cols(rhs_matrix) << "!");
+  if (Dune::XT::Common::get_matrix_cols(rhs_matrix) != size)
+    DUNE_THROW(Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements,
+               "Given RHS matrix has to be square, is " << Dune::XT::Common::get_matrix_rows(rhs_matrix) << "x"
+                                                        << Dune::XT::Common::get_matrix_cols(rhs_matrix) << "!");
+  thread_local std::vector<double> real_part_of_eigenvalues(size, 0.);
+  int storage_layout = MatrixDataProvider<RealMatrixType, contiguous_and_mutable>::storage_layout
+                               == Common::StorageLayout::dense_row_major
+                           ? Common::Lapacke::row_major()
+                           : Common::Lapacke::col_major();
+  const int info = XT::Common::Lapacke::dsygv(storage_layout,
+                                              /*problem type=*/1,
+                                              /*only eigenvalues*/ 'N',
+                                              /*upper triangles*/ 'U',
+                                              sz,
+                                              lhs_matrix_data_provider.data(),
+                                              sz,
+                                              rhs_matrix_data_provider.data(),
+                                              sz,
+                                              real_part_of_eigenvalues.data());
+  if (info != 0)
+    DUNE_THROW(Dune::XT::LA::Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed,
+               "The lapack backend reported '"
+                   << info << "', see https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl-developer-reference-c-sygv!");
+  std::vector<std::complex<double>> eigenvalues(size);
+  for (size_t ii = 0; ii < size; ++ii)
+    eigenvalues[ii] = {real_part_of_eigenvalues[ii], 0.};
+  return eigenvalues;
+} // ... compute_generalized_eigenvalues_of_real_matrices_using_lapack_impl(...)
+ * \note Most likely, you do not want to use this function directly, but compute_generalized_eigenvalues_using_lapack.
+ */
+template <class MatrixType>
+struct generalized_eigenvalues_lapack_helper
+  static_assert(Common::is_matrix<MatrixType>::value, "");
+  template <bool is_complex = Common::is_complex<typename Common::MatrixAbstraction<MatrixType>::S>::value,
+            bool anything = true>
+  struct dtype_switch;
+  template <bool anything>
+  struct dtype_switch<true, anything>
+  {
+    template <class MatrixImp>
+    static inline std::vector<std::complex<double>> eigenvalues(MatrixImp&& /*lhs_matrix*/, MatrixImp&& /*rhs_matrix*/)
+    {
+      static_assert(AlwaysFalse<MatrixImp>::value,
+                    "Not yet implemented for complex matrices, take a look at "
+                    "https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl-developer-reference-c-sygv "
+                    "and add a corresponding free function like "
+                    "compute_generalized_eigenvalues_of_real_matrices_using_lapack(...)!");
+      return std::vector<std::complex<double>>();
+    }
+  };
+  template <bool anything>
+  struct dtype_switch<false, anything>
+  {
+    template <class MatrixImp>
+    static inline std::vector<std::complex<double>> eigenvalues(MatrixImp&& lhs_matrix, MatrixImp&& rhs_matrix)
+    {
+      return compute_generalized_eigenvalues_of_real_matrices_using_lapack(std::forward<MatrixImp>(lhs_matrix),
+                                                                           std::forward<MatrixImp>(rhs_matrix));
+    }
+  };
+}; // class generalized_eigenvalues_lapack_helper
+template <class MatrixType>
+typename std::enable_if<Common::is_matrix<std::decay_t<MatrixType>>::value, std::vector<std::complex<double>>>::type
+compute_generalized_eigenvalues_using_lapack(MatrixType&& lhs_matrix, MatrixType&& rhs_matrix)
+  return generalized_eigenvalues_lapack_helper<std::decay_t<MatrixType>>::template dtype_switch<>::eigenvalues(
+      std::forward<MatrixType>(lhs_matrix), std::forward<MatrixType>(rhs_matrix));
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace LA
+} // namespace XT
+} // namespace Dune
diff --git a/dune/xt/la/test/generalized-eigensolver.hh b/dune/xt/la/test/generalized-eigensolver.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d25eaed99724aecf619debc76b7c46cc93d1f6a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dune/xt/la/test/generalized-eigensolver.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+// This file is part of the dune-xt-la project:
+//   https://github.com/dune-community/dune-xt-la
+// Copyright 2009-2018 dune-xt-la developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
+// License: Dual licensed as BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
+//      or  GPL-2.0+ (http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license)
+//          with "runtime exception" (http://www.dune-project.org/license.html)
+// Authors:
+//   Felix Schindler (2019)
+#include <dune/xt/common/exceptions.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/common/unused.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/common/logging.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/common/test/gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <dune/xt/la/container.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/la/container/conversion.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/la/container/eye-matrix.hh>
+#include <dune/xt/la/generalized-eigen-solver.hh>
+using namespace Dune;
+using namespace Dune::XT;
+using namespace Dune::XT::LA;
+template <class MatrixImp, class F, class C, class R>
+struct GeneralizedEigenSolverTest : public ::testing::Test
+  using MatrixType = MatrixImp;
+  using FieldType = Common::real_t<F>;
+  using ComplexMatrixType = C;
+  using RealMatrixType = R;
+  using RealType = Common::real_t<FieldType>;
+  using EigenValuesType = std::vector<Common::complex_t<FieldType>>;
+  using RealEigenValuesType = std::vector<Common::real_t<FieldType>>;
+  typedef GeneralizedEigenSolver<MatrixType> GeneralizedEigenSolverType;
+  typedef GeneralizedEigenSolverOptions<MatrixType> GeneralizedEigenSolverOpts;
+  using M = Common::MatrixAbstraction<MatrixType>;
+  GeneralizedEigenSolverTest()
+    : all_matrices_and_expected_eigenvalues_and_vectors_are_computed_(false)
+    , broken_matrix_(M::create(M::has_static_size ? M::static_rows : 1, M::has_static_size ? M::static_cols : 1))
+    , unit_matrix_(
+          eye_matrix<MatrixType>(M::has_static_size ? M::static_rows : 1, M::has_static_size ? M::static_cols : 1))
+  {
+    M::set_entry(broken_matrix_, 0, 0, std::numeric_limits<typename M::S>::infinity());
+  }
+  void make_unit_matrix()
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(all_matrices_and_expected_eigenvalues_and_vectors_are_computed_);
+    unit_matrix_ = eye_matrix<MatrixType>(M::has_static_size ? M::static_rows : M::rows(matrix_),
+                                          M::has_static_size ? M::static_cols : M::cols(matrix_));
+  }
+  static void exports_correct_types()
+  {
+    const bool MatrixType_is_correct = std::is_same<typename GeneralizedEigenSolverType::MatrixType, MatrixType>::value;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(MatrixType_is_correct);
+    const bool RealType_is_correct = std::is_same<typename GeneralizedEigenSolverType::RealType, RealType>::value;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(RealType_is_correct);
+    const bool RealMatrixType_is_correct =
+        std::is_same<typename GeneralizedEigenSolverType::RealMatrixType, RealMatrixType>::value;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(RealMatrixType_is_correct);
+    const bool ComplexMatrixType_is_correct =
+        std::is_same<typename GeneralizedEigenSolverType::ComplexMatrixType, ComplexMatrixType>::value;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(ComplexMatrixType_is_correct);
+  } // ... exports_correct_types()
+  static void has_types_and_options()
+  {
+    std::vector<std::string> types = GeneralizedEigenSolverOpts::types();
+    EXPECT_GT(types.size(), 0);
+    Common::Configuration opts = GeneralizedEigenSolverOpts::options();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(opts.has_key("type"));
+    EXPECT_EQ(types[0], opts.get<std::string>("type"));
+    for (const auto& tp : types) {
+      Common::Configuration tp_opts = GeneralizedEigenSolverOpts::options(tp);
+      EXPECT_TRUE(tp_opts.has_key("type"));
+      EXPECT_EQ(tp, tp_opts.get<std::string>("type"));
+    }
+  } // ... has_types_and_options(...)
+  void throws_on_broken_matrix_construction()
+  {
+    try {
+      GeneralizedEigenSolverType DXTC_UNUSED(default_solver){broken_matrix_, unit_matrix_};
+      FAIL() << "Expected LA::Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements";
+    } catch (const LA::Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements& /*ee*/) {
+    } catch (...) {
+      FAIL() << "Expected LA::Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements";
+    }
+    for (const auto& tp : GeneralizedEigenSolverOpts::types()) {
+      try {
+        GeneralizedEigenSolverType DXTC_UNUSED(default_opts_solver)(broken_matrix_, unit_matrix_, tp);
+        FAIL() << "Expected LA::Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements";
+      } catch (const LA::Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements& /*ee*/) {
+      } catch (...) {
+        FAIL() << "Expected LA::Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements";
+      }
+      try {
+        GeneralizedEigenSolverType DXTC_UNUSED(solver)(
+            broken_matrix_, unit_matrix_, GeneralizedEigenSolverOpts::options(tp));
+        FAIL() << "Expected LA::Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements";
+      } catch (const LA::Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements& /*ee*/) {
+      } catch (...) {
+        FAIL() << "Expected LA::Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_data_did_not_fulfill_requirements";
+      }
+    }
+  } // ... throws_on_broken_matrix_construction(...)
+  void allows_broken_matrix_construction_when_checks_disabled()
+  {
+    for (const auto& tp : GeneralizedEigenSolverOpts::types()) {
+      Common::Configuration opts_with_disabled_check = GeneralizedEigenSolverOpts::options(tp);
+      opts_with_disabled_check["check_for_inf_nan"] = "false";
+      GeneralizedEigenSolverType DXTC_UNUSED(solver)(broken_matrix_, unit_matrix_, opts_with_disabled_check);
+    }
+  }
+  void throws_on_inconsistent_given_options()
+  {
+    for (const auto& tp : GeneralizedEigenSolverOpts::types()) {
+      Common::Configuration inconsistent_opts = GeneralizedEigenSolverOpts::options(tp);
+      inconsistent_opts["assert_positive_eigenvalues"] = "1e-15";
+      inconsistent_opts["assert_negative_eigenvalues"] = "1e-15";
+      try {
+        GeneralizedEigenSolverType DXTC_UNUSED(solver)(unit_matrix_, unit_matrix_, inconsistent_opts);
+        FAIL() << "Expected LA::Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_it_was_not_set_up_correctly";
+      } catch (const LA::Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_it_was_not_set_up_correctly& /*ee*/) {
+      } catch (...) {
+        FAIL() << "Expected LA::Exceptions::generalized_eigen_solver_failed_bc_it_was_not_set_up_correctly";
+      }
+    }
+  } // ... throws_on_inconsistent_given_options(...)
+  void is_constructible()
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(all_matrices_and_expected_eigenvalues_and_vectors_are_computed_);
+    this->make_unit_matrix();
+    GeneralizedEigenSolverType DXTC_UNUSED(default_solver){matrix_, unit_matrix_};
+    for (const auto& tp : GeneralizedEigenSolverOpts::types()) {
+      GeneralizedEigenSolverType DXTC_UNUSED(default_opts_solver)(matrix_, unit_matrix_, tp);
+      GeneralizedEigenSolverType DXTC_UNUSED(solver)(matrix_, unit_matrix_, GeneralizedEigenSolverOpts::options(tp));
+    }
+  } // ... is_constructible(...)
+  static bool find_ev(const EigenValuesType& expected_evs,
+                      const XT::Common::complex_t<FieldType>& actual_ev,
+                      const double& tolerance)
+  {
+    for (const auto& expected_ev : expected_evs) {
+      if (Common::FloatCmp::eq(actual_ev, expected_ev, {tolerance, tolerance}))
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  static bool find_ev(const RealEigenValuesType& expected_evs, const RealType& actual_ev, const double& tolerance)
+  {
+    for (const auto& expected_ev : expected_evs) {
+      if (Common::FloatCmp::eq(actual_ev, expected_ev, tolerance))
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  void gives_correct_eigenvalues(const Common::Configuration& tolerances = {})
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(all_matrices_and_expected_eigenvalues_and_vectors_are_computed_);
+    this->make_unit_matrix();
+    for (const auto& tp : GeneralizedEigenSolverOpts::types()) {
+      const double tolerance = tolerances.get(tp, 1e-15);
+      GeneralizedEigenSolverType solver(matrix_, unit_matrix_, tp);
+      try {
+        const auto& eigenvalues = solver.eigenvalues();
+        EXPECT_EQ(Common::get_matrix_rows(matrix_), eigenvalues.size());
+        for (const auto& ev : eigenvalues) {
+          EXPECT_TRUE(find_ev(expected_eigenvalues_, ev, tolerance))
+              << "\n\nactual eigenvalue: " << ev << "\n\nexpected eigenvalues: " << expected_eigenvalues_
+              << "\n\ntype: " << tp << "\n\ntolerance: " << tolerance;
+        }
+      } catch (const Dune::MathError&) {
+        if (tolerance > 0) {
+          FAIL() << "Dune::MathError thrown when trying to get eigenvalues!"
+                 << "\n\ntype: " << tp << "\n\ntolerance: " << tolerance;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  } // ... gives_correct_eigenvalues(...)
+  bool all_matrices_and_expected_eigenvalues_and_vectors_are_computed_;
+  MatrixType broken_matrix_;
+  MatrixType unit_matrix_;
+  MatrixType matrix_;
+  EigenValuesType expected_eigenvalues_;
+}; // ... struct GeneralizedEigenSolverTest
+template <class M, class F, class C, class R>
+struct GeneralizedEigenSolverTestForMatricesWithRealEigenvaluesAndVectors
+  : public GeneralizedEigenSolverTest<M, F, C, R>
+  using BaseType = GeneralizedEigenSolverTest<M, F, C, R>;
+  using BaseType::find_ev;
+  using typename BaseType::ComplexMatrixType;
+  using typename BaseType::EigenValuesType;
+  using typename BaseType::FieldType;
+  using typename BaseType::GeneralizedEigenSolverOpts;
+  using typename BaseType::GeneralizedEigenSolverType;
+  using typename BaseType::MatrixType;
+  using typename BaseType::RealEigenValuesType;
+  using typename BaseType::RealMatrixType;
+  using typename BaseType::RealType;
+  void gives_correct_real_eigenvalues(const Common::Configuration& tolerances = {})
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(all_matrices_and_expected_eigenvalues_and_vectors_are_computed_);
+    this->make_unit_matrix();
+    for (const auto& tp : GeneralizedEigenSolverOpts::types()) {
+      const double tolerance = tolerances.get(tp, 1e-15);
+      GeneralizedEigenSolverType solver(matrix_, unit_matrix_, tp);
+      const auto& eigenvalues = solver.eigenvalues();
+      EXPECT_EQ(Common::get_matrix_rows(matrix_), eigenvalues.size());
+      for (const auto& complex_ev : eigenvalues) {
+        if (tolerance > 0)
+          EXPECT_TRUE(Common::FloatCmp::eq(0., complex_ev.imag(), tolerance))
+              << "\n  type: " << tp << "\n  tolerance: " << tolerance;
+        else {
+          // negative tolerance: we expect a failure
+          EXPECT_FALSE(Common::FloatCmp::eq(0., complex_ev.imag()))
+              << "\n\nTHIS IS A GOOD THING! UPDATE THE EXPECTATIONS IN tolerances!\n\n"
+              << "\n  type: " << tp;
+        }
+        const auto real_ev = complex_ev.real();
+        if (tolerance > 0)
+          EXPECT_TRUE(find_ev(expected_real_eigenvalues_, real_ev, tolerance))
+              << "\n\nactual eigenvalue: " << real_ev << "\n\nexpected eigenvalues: " << expected_real_eigenvalues_
+              << "\n\ntype: " << tp << "\n\ntolerance: " << tolerance;
+        else {
+          // negative tolerance: we expect a failure
+          EXPECT_FALSE(find_ev(expected_real_eigenvalues_, real_ev, 1e-15))
+              << "\n\nTHIS IS A GOOD THING! UPDATE THE EXPECTATIONS IN tolerances!\n\n"
+              << "\n\nactual eigenvalue: " << real_ev << "\n\nexpected eigenvalues: " << expected_real_eigenvalues_
+              << "\n\ntype: " << tp;
+        }
+      }
+      if (tolerance > 0) {
+        const auto& real_eigenvalues = solver.real_eigenvalues();
+        EXPECT_EQ(Common::get_matrix_rows(matrix_), real_eigenvalues.size());
+        for (const auto& real_ev : real_eigenvalues) {
+          EXPECT_TRUE(find_ev(expected_real_eigenvalues_, real_ev, tolerance))
+              << "\n\nactual eigenvalue: " << real_ev << "\n\nexpected eigenvalues: " << expected_real_eigenvalues_
+              << "\n\ntype: " << tp << "\n\ntolerance: " << tolerance;
+        }
+      } else {
+        // negative tolerance: we expect a failure
+        const auto& real_eigenvalues = solver.real_eigenvalues(); /// \todo: Add try/catch around this, too!
+        EXPECT_EQ(Common::get_matrix_rows(matrix_), real_eigenvalues.size());
+        for (const auto& real_ev : real_eigenvalues) {
+          EXPECT_FALSE(find_ev(expected_real_eigenvalues_, real_ev, 1e-15))
+              << "\n\nTHIS IS A GOOD THING! UPDATE THE EXPECTATIONS IN tolerances!\n\n"
+              << "\n\nactual eigenvalue: " << real_ev << "\n\nexpected eigenvalues: " << expected_real_eigenvalues_
+              << "\n\ntype: " << tp;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  } // ... gives_correct_real_eigenvalues(...)
+  void gives_correct_max_eigenvalue(const Common::Configuration& tolerances = {})
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(all_matrices_and_expected_eigenvalues_and_vectors_are_computed_);
+    this->make_unit_matrix();
+    for (const auto& tp : GeneralizedEigenSolverOpts::types()) {
+      const double tolerance = tolerances.get(tp, 1e-15);
+      GeneralizedEigenSolverType solver(matrix_, unit_matrix_, tp);
+      const auto actual_max_eigenvalues = solver.max_eigenvalues(1); /// \todo: Add try/catch around this, too!
+      ASSERT_GE(1, actual_max_eigenvalues.size());
+      if (tolerance > 0)
+        EXPECT_TRUE(Common::FloatCmp::eq(expected_max_ev_, actual_max_eigenvalues[0], tolerance))
+            << "\n\nactual max eigenvalue: " << actual_max_eigenvalues[0]
+            << "\n\nexpected max eigenvalue: " << expected_max_ev_ << "\n\ntolerance: " << tolerance
+            << "\n\ntype: " << tp;
+      else {
+        // negative tolerance: we expect a failure
+        EXPECT_NE(expected_max_ev_, actual_max_eigenvalues[0])
+            << "\n\nTHIS IS A GOOD THING! UPDATE THE EXPECTATIONS IN tolerances!\n\n"
+            << "\n\nactual max eigenvalue: " << actual_max_eigenvalues[0]
+            << "\n\nexpected max eigenvalue: " << expected_max_ev_ << "\n\ntype: " << tp;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void gives_correct_min_eigenvalue(const Common::Configuration& tolerances = {})
+  {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(all_matrices_and_expected_eigenvalues_and_vectors_are_computed_);
+    this->make_unit_matrix();
+    for (const auto& tp : GeneralizedEigenSolverOpts::types()) {
+      const double tolerance = tolerances.get(tp, 1e-15);
+      GeneralizedEigenSolverType solver(matrix_, unit_matrix_, tp);
+      const auto actual_min_eigenvalues = solver.min_eigenvalues(1); /// \todo: Add try/catch around this, too!
+      ASSERT_GE(1, actual_min_eigenvalues.size());
+      if (tolerance > 0)
+        EXPECT_TRUE(Common::FloatCmp::eq(expected_min_ev_, actual_min_eigenvalues[0], tolerance))
+            << "\n\nactual min eigenvalue: " << actual_min_eigenvalues[0]
+            << "\n\nexpected min eigenvalue: " << expected_min_ev_ << "\n\ntolerance: " << tolerance
+            << "\n\ntype: " << tp;
+      else {
+        // negative tolerance: we expect a failure
+        EXPECT_NE(expected_min_ev_, actual_min_eigenvalues[0])
+            << "\n\nTHIS IS A GOOD THING! UPDATE THE EXPECTATIONS IN tolerances!\n\n"
+            << "\n\nactual min eigenvalue: " << actual_min_eigenvalues[0]
+            << "\n\nexpected min eigenvalue: " << expected_min_ev_ << "\n\ntype: " << tp;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  using BaseType::all_matrices_and_expected_eigenvalues_and_vectors_are_computed_;
+  using BaseType::expected_eigenvalues_;
+  using BaseType::matrix_;
+  using BaseType::unit_matrix_;
+  RealEigenValuesType expected_real_eigenvalues_;
+  RealType expected_max_ev_;
+  RealType expected_min_ev_;
+}; // struct GeneralizedEigenSolverTestForMatricesWithRealEigenvaluesAndVectors
diff --git a/dune/xt/la/test/generalized-eigensolver_for_real_matrix_with_real_evs.py b/dune/xt/la/test/generalized-eigensolver_for_real_matrix_with_real_evs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eeba057a279a3a08d5ea5cbfa89cc810857e5900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dune/xt/la/test/generalized-eigensolver_for_real_matrix_with_real_evs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# ~~~
+# This file is part of the dune-xt-la project:
+#   https://github.com/dune-community/dune-xt-la
+# Copyright 2009-2018 dune-xt-la developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
+# License: Dual licensed as BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
+#      or  GPL-2.0+ (http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license)
+#          with "runtime exception" (http://www.dune-project.org/license.html)
+# Authors:
+#   Felix Schindler (2017)
+#   René Fritze     (2017 - 2019)
+#   Tobias Leibner  (2017 - 2018)
+# ~~~
+from dune.xt.codegen import typeid_to_typedef_name as safe_name, have_eigen
+matrix = [
+    'EigenDenseMatrix<double>', 'FieldMatrix<double, 2, 2>', 'CommonDenseMatrix<double>', 'CommonSparseMatrix<double>'
+field = ['double', 'double', 'double', 'double']
+complex_matrix = [
+    'EigenDenseMatrix<std::complex<double>>', 'FieldMatrix<std::complex<double>, 2, 2>',
+    'CommonDenseMatrix<std::complex<double>>', 'CommonSparseMatrix<std::complex<double>>'
+real_matrix = [
+    'EigenDenseMatrix<double>', 'FieldMatrix<double, 2, 2>', 'CommonDenseMatrix<double>', 'CommonSparseMatrix<double>'
+def _ok(ft):
+    if 'Eigen' in ft[0]:
+        return have_eigen(cache)
+    return True
+testtypes = [(safe_name('_'.join(ft)), *ft) for ft in zip(matrix, field, complex_matrix, real_matrix) if _ok(ft)]
diff --git a/dune/xt/la/test/generalized-eigensolver_for_real_matrix_with_real_evs.tpl b/dune/xt/la/test/generalized-eigensolver_for_real_matrix_with_real_evs.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6b3acd02c12a6bc5fe9f171d3f8a983ef509a797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dune/xt/la/test/generalized-eigensolver_for_real_matrix_with_real_evs.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// This file is part of the dune-xt-la project:
+//   https://github.com/dune-community/dune-xt-la
+// Copyright 2009-2017 dune-xt-la developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
+// License: Dual licensed as BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
+//      or  GPL-2.0+ (http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license)
+//          with "runtime exception" (http://www.dune-project.org/license.html)
+// Authors:
+//   Felix Schindler (2019)
+#include <dune/xt/common/test/main.hxx> // <- has to come first (includes the config.h)!
+#include <dune/xt/la/test/generalized-eigensolver.hh>
+struct GeneralizedEigenSolverForMatrixFullOfOnes_{{T_NAME}}
+    : public GeneralizedEigenSolverTestForMatricesWithRealEigenvaluesAndVectors<{{TESTMATRIXTYPE}},
+                                                                     {{TESTFIELDTYPE}},
+                                                                     {{TESTCOMPLEXMATRIXTYPE}},
+                                                                     {{TESTREALMATRIXTYPE}}>
+  using BaseType = GeneralizedEigenSolverTestForMatricesWithRealEigenvaluesAndVectors;
+  using typename BaseType::MatrixType;
+  using typename BaseType::ComplexMatrixType;
+  using typename BaseType::RealMatrixType;
+  using typename BaseType::EigenValuesType;
+  using typename BaseType::RealEigenValuesType;
+  GeneralizedEigenSolverForMatrixFullOfOnes_{{T_NAME}}()
+  {
+    matrix_ = XT::Common::from_string<MatrixType>("[1 1; 1 1]");
+    expected_eigenvalues_ = XT::Common::from_string<EigenValuesType>("[2 0]");
+    expected_real_eigenvalues_ = XT::Common::from_string<RealEigenValuesType>("[2 0]");
+    expected_max_ev_ = 2;
+    expected_min_ev_ = 0;
+    all_matrices_and_expected_eigenvalues_and_vectors_are_computed_ = true;
+  }
+  using BaseType::all_matrices_and_expected_eigenvalues_and_vectors_are_computed_;
+  using BaseType::matrix_;
+  using BaseType::expected_eigenvalues_;
+  using BaseType::expected_real_eigenvalues_;
+  using BaseType::expected_max_ev_;
+  using BaseType::expected_min_ev_;
+}; // struct GeneralizedEigenSolverForMatrixFullOfOnes_{{T_NAME}}
+TEST_F(GeneralizedEigenSolverForMatrixFullOfOnes_{{T_NAME}}, exports_correct_types)
+  exports_correct_types();
+TEST_F(GeneralizedEigenSolverForMatrixFullOfOnes_{{T_NAME}}, has_types_and_options)
+  has_types_and_options();
+TEST_F(GeneralizedEigenSolverForMatrixFullOfOnes_{{T_NAME}}, throws_on_broken_matrix_construction)
+  throws_on_broken_matrix_construction();
+TEST_F(GeneralizedEigenSolverForMatrixFullOfOnes_{{T_NAME}}, allows_broken_matrix_construction_when_checks_disabled)
+  allows_broken_matrix_construction_when_checks_disabled();
+TEST_F(GeneralizedEigenSolverForMatrixFullOfOnes_{{T_NAME}}, throws_on_inconsistent_given_options)
+  throws_on_inconsistent_given_options();
+TEST_F(GeneralizedEigenSolverForMatrixFullOfOnes_{{T_NAME}}, is_constructible)
+  is_constructible();
+TEST_F(GeneralizedEigenSolverForMatrixFullOfOnes_{{T_NAME}}, gives_correct_eigenvalues)
+  gives_correct_eigenvalues();
+TEST_F(GeneralizedEigenSolverForMatrixFullOfOnes_{{T_NAME}}, gives_correct_real_eigenvalues)
+  gives_correct_real_eigenvalues();
+TEST_F(GeneralizedEigenSolverForMatrixFullOfOnes_{{T_NAME}}, gives_correct_max_eigenvalue)
+  gives_correct_max_eigenvalue();
+TEST_F(GeneralizedEigenSolverForMatrixFullOfOnes_{{T_NAME}}, gives_correct_min_eigenvalue)
+  gives_correct_min_eigenvalue();
+{% endfor %}