### The required model file
The model to be read in has to be an XML file which fulfils the requirements of the XMLSchema definition.
Additional to this schema, you can find a rough overview here.
The root XML element has to be <HPnG>. Within this root there can and should be the three kinds of model objects <places>, <transitions> and <arcs>.
Within the <places> section there can be an arbitrary number of <discretePlace> and <continuousPlace> elements.
Both should contain the unique attribute "id". Discrete Places should also contain the attribute "marking" which implies the number of tokens of this place in the initial state. The attribute value has to be convertible to an Integer value. Continuous Places should have the attibutes "capacity" for the place's maximum fluid capacity and "level" for the fluid level of the place in the initial state, both values have the be convertible to Double values.