index 8a00f069fc6a3755140c7ccaa13ee2c4ff3a91bb..9d7974057dc50a04d1ea8382e20bb17c93731deb 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-DOGMA 2.0
+DOGMA 3.0
-- added reference sets for bacteria, archae
-- expanded support for different Pfam versions
-- usage of order for UProC (proteome only)
-- removing clan collapse
+- RADIANT support implemented
+- RADIANT replaces UProC - no UProC annotations supported anymore (also no database updates for UProC)
+- -a parameter for automatic detection of input file format introduced (replaces -p and -u options)
+- -d parameter introduced for RADIANT database path specification if -i parameter is used
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4b997a7ef4dab5abedfea8ed4c2f9b12e3d9035d..cb2d8a9f6fa285cb98cf3a72f14d8d1b739e3a01 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Requirements
 We try to keep the dependencies as little as possible. 
 Current dependencies are (but you will just need one of them):
-- UProC (http://uproc.gobics.de/)
+- RADIANT (http://domainworld.uni-muenster.de/programs/radiant/)
 - pfam_scan.pl (ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/Pfam/Tools/)
@@ -20,9 +20,8 @@ We provide several precomputed core sets for different clades here:
-Unfortunately the developers of UProC do not provide databases for the newer pfam versions. 
-We therefore constructed them ourselves and tested them in combination with DOGMA (no warranty for any other use).
-They can be downloaded from our website (see link above).
+UProC is not longer supported with DOGMA version 3.0, however the old coresets and databases can still be found on our website http://domainworld.uni-muenster.de/data/uprocdb/
@@ -56,4 +55,3 @@ Elias Dohmen (e.dohmen[ at ]uni-muenster.de) or
 Carsten Kemena (c.kemena[ at ]uni-muenster.de)
diff --git a/UserManual.pdf b/UserManual.pdf
index b0ef6ca7b7f79d491f8676f957b12f7da89dd242..b1cdfe9fbef1cf04ae4b2ac0c67afd26ab726b20 100644
Binary files a/UserManual.pdf and b/UserManual.pdf differ
diff --git a/dogma.py b/dogma.py
index 3e677cf13e2937c09582a8d837752e1c98f5457d..4a6b003aab37bb9fbdc539fdb1c788bf6cbe53d8 100755
--- a/dogma.py
+++ b/dogma.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# DOGMA version 2.1
+# DOGMA version 3.0
 # DOGMA is a python script that can assess proteome or transcriptome quality based on conserved protein domains.
 # To score the domain completeness of a proteome or transcriptome, DOGMA searches its domain annotation for conserved
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import gzip
 # no external python libraries are required.
-annotype = 'uproc'
+annotype = 'rad'
 conversion_dictionary = None
@@ -60,24 +60,20 @@ def main():
                                         'python dogma.py transcriptome --help\n')
     subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='Program mode DOGMA should run (proteome or transcriptome analysis mode)',
-    parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version="DOGMA version 2.1")
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version="DOGMA version 3.0")
     # proteome mode argument parsing
     parser_proteome = subparsers.add_parser("proteome", help="Analyse proteome data.")
-    parser_proteome.add_argument("-p", "--pfam_scan_file", action="store", type=str, default=None,
-                                 help="The sample proteome to be quality checked as a pfam_scan.pl output file "
-                                      "without short isoforms.")
-    parser_proteome.add_argument("-u", "--uproc_file", action="store", type=str, default=None,
-                                 help="The sample proteome to be quality checked as an uproc output file (uproc-detailed) "
-                                      "without short isoforms. "
-                                      "The order of domains in an arrangement is not taken into account.")
-    parser_proteome.add_argument("-i", "--initial_uproc_run", action="store", type=str, default=None,
+    parser_proteome.add_argument("-a", "--annotation_file", action="store", type=str, default=None,
+                                 help="Annotation file of the proteome to be quality checked as RADIANT or PfamScan output"
+                                      " without short isoforms.")
+    parser_proteome.add_argument("-i", "--initial_radiant_run", action="store", type=str, default=None,
                                  help="The proteome file (in fasta format) that should be used for an initial run "
-                                      "of UProC (domain annotation) and subsequently analyzed with DOGMA. "
-                                      "Short isoforms should not be included in the fasta-file.")
+                                      "of RADIANT (domain annotation) and subsequently analyzed with DOGMA. "
+                                      "Just longest isoforms should be included in the fasta-file.")
     parser_proteome.add_argument("-r", "--reference_proteomes", action="store", type=str, default=None,
                                  help="A directory that contains annotation files of selected core species "
-                                      "(*.uproc for uproc annotated files and *.pfsc for pfam scan annotated files). "
+                                      "(*.rad for RADIANT annotated files and *.pfsc for PfamScan annotated files). "
                                       "Used to construct the core set with conserved domain arrangements. "
                                       "If omitted, the script looks for default values stored in the "
                                       "\"reference-sets/eukaryotes\" directory. Valid values for analysis with the "
@@ -89,27 +85,27 @@ def main():
                                       "the specific CDA to the core set (default=2).")
     parser_proteome.add_argument("-s", "--cda_size", action="store", default=3, type=int,
                                  help="Specifies up to which size subsets of CDAs should be considered "
-                                      "(default=3; A-B-C-D --> A-B-C, B-C-D etc.).")
+                                      "(default=3; A-B-C-D --> A-B-C, B-C-D).")
     parser_proteome.add_argument("-o", "--outfile", action="store", type=str, default=None,
                                  help="Summary will be saved in a file with the given name (and path), "
                                       "instead of printed in the console.")
     parser_proteome.add_argument("-m", "--pfam", action="store", type=str, default="31",
                                  help="The version number of the pfam database that should be used (Default is 31).")
+    parser_proteome.add_argument("-d", "--database", action="store", type=str, default=None,
+                                 help="If the RADIANT database is not located in the RADIANT directory, please specify"
+                                      " path and name of the database. (Just necessary for -i option)")
     # transcriptome mode argument parsing
     parser_transcriptome = subparsers.add_parser("transcriptome", help="Analyse transcriptome data.")
-    parser_transcriptome.add_argument("-p", "--pfam_scan_file", action="store", type=str, default=None,
-                                      help="The sample transcriptome to be quality checked. "
-                                           "Should be a pfam_scan.pl output file.")
-    parser_transcriptome.add_argument("-u", "--uproc_file", action="store", type=str, default=None,
-                                      help="The sample transcriptome to be quality checked. "
-                                           "Should be a uproc-dna output file (-p mode).")
-    parser_transcriptome.add_argument("-i", "--initial_uproc_run", action="store", type=str, default=None,
+    parser_transcriptome.add_argument("-a", "--annotation_file", action="store", type=str, default=None,
+                                      help="Annotation file of the transcriptome to be quality checked as"
+                                           "RADIANT or PfamScan output.")
+    parser_transcriptome.add_argument("-i", "--initial_radiant_run", action="store", type=str, default=None,
                                       help="The transcriptome file (in fasta format) that should be used for an initial"
-                                           " run of UProC (domain annotation) and subsequently analyzed with DOGMA.")
+                                           " run of RADIANT (domain annotation) and subsequently analyzed with DOGMA.")
     parser_transcriptome.add_argument("-r", "--reference_transcriptomes", action="store", type=str, default=None,
                                       help="A directory that contains annotation files of selected core species "
-                                           "(*.uproc for uproc annotated files and *.pfsc for pfam scan annotated "
+                                           "(*.rad for RADIANT annotated files and *.pfsc for pfam scan annotated "
                                            "files). Used to construct the core set with conserved domain arrangements. "
                                            "If omitted, the script looks for default values stored in the "
                                            "\"pfamXX/reference-sets/eukaryotes\" directory. Valid values for analysis with the"
@@ -124,6 +120,9 @@ def main():
     parser_transcriptome.add_argument("-m", "--pfam", action="store", type=str, default="31",
                                       help="The version number of the pfam database that should be used "
                                            "(Default is 31).")
+    parser_transcriptome.add_argument("-d", "--database", action="store", default=None,
+                                      help="If the RADIANT database is not located in the RADIANT directory, please specify"
+                                           " path and name of the database. (Just necessary for -i option)")
     args = parser.parse_args()
@@ -132,83 +131,80 @@ def main():
     conversion_dictionary = ConversionDictionary(args.pfam)
     if args.mode == 'proteome':
-        if args.initial_uproc_run is not None:
+        if args.initial_radiant_run is not None:
-                # initial run of UProC with a proteome
-                uproc_path = abspath(find_executable('uproc-detailed'))[:-14]
-                call(['uproc-detailed', '-o', args.initial_uproc_run + '.uproc-detailed', uproc_path + 'pfam' +
-                      args.pfam, uproc_path + 'model', args.initial_uproc_run])
-                args.uproc_file = args.initial_uproc_run + '.uproc-detailed'
+                # initial run of RADIANT with a proteome
+                radiant_path = abspath(find_executable('radiant'))[:-7]
+                if args.database is None:
+                    database = radiant_path[:-6] + 'pfam' + args.pfam
+                else:
+                    database = args.database
+                call(['radiant', '-i', args.initial_radiant_run, '-d', database, '-o', args.initial_radiant_run + '.rad'])
+                args.annotation_file = args.initial_radiant_run + '.rad'
             except AttributeError:
-                raise AttributeError("No valid installation of UProC found.")
-        if args.pfam_scan_file is None and args.uproc_file is None:
-            parser.error('No input file specified. Please use -p or -u option to specify the transcriptome input file.')
-        elif args.pfam_scan_file is not None and args.uproc_file is not None:
-            parser.error(
-                'UProC and PfamScan annotations can not be used simultaneously for proteome quality assessment. '
-                'Please use either -p or -u option, not both!')
+                raise AttributeError("No valid installation of RADIANT found.")
+        if args.annotation_file is None:
+            parser.error('No input file specified. Please use -a or -i option to specify the proteome input file.')
+        if args.annotation_file is not None:
+            with open(args.annotation_file, 'rb') as fi:
+                firstline = fi.readline()
+                if re.search('pfam_scan.pl', firstline):
+                    annotype = 'pfsc'
+                elif re.search('RADIANT', firstline):
+                    annotype = 'rad'
+                else:
+                    raise IOError('Type of annotation file could not be detected. Please make sure input is a standard PfamScan or RADIANT annotation.')
-        if args.uproc_file is not None:
-            annotype = 'uproc'
             if args.reference_proteomes is None:
                 args.reference_proteomes = 'eukaryotes'
-            print ('# running python dogma.py v2.1 proteome -u {} -r {} -c {} -s {} -o {} -m {}'.format(
-                args.uproc_file, args.reference_proteomes, args.CDA_count_cutoff,
-                args.cda_size, args.outfile, args.pfam))
-            # starting the main method with the specified parameters
-            score_single_proteome(args.uproc_file, args.outfile, args.CDA_count_cutoff,
-                                  args.cda_size, args.reference_proteomes, args.mode, args.pfam)
-        elif args.pfam_scan_file is not None:
-            annotype = 'pfamscan'
-            if args.reference_proteomes is None:
-                args.reference_proteomes = 'eukaryotes'
-            print ('# running python dogma.py v2.1 proteome -p {} -r {} -c {} -s {} -o {} -m {}'.format(
-                args.pfam_scan_file, args.reference_proteomes, args.CDA_count_cutoff, args.cda_size, args.outfile,
-                args.pfam))
+            print ('# running python dogma.py v3.0 proteome -a {} -r {} -c {} -s {} -o {} -m {}'.format(
+                args.annotation_file, args.reference_proteomes, args.CDA_count_cutoff,
+                args.cda_size, args.outfile, args.pfam))
             # starting the main method with the specified parameters
-            score_single_proteome(args.pfam_scan_file, args.outfile, args.CDA_count_cutoff,
+            score_single_proteome(args.annotation_file, args.outfile, args.CDA_count_cutoff,
                                   args.cda_size, args.reference_proteomes, args.mode, args.pfam)
     elif args.mode == 'transcriptome':
-        if args.initial_uproc_run is not None:
+        if args.initial_radiant_run is not None:
-                # initial run of UProC with a transcriptome
-                uproc_path = abspath(find_executable('uproc-dna'))[:-9]
-                call(['uproc-dna', '-o', args.initial_uproc_run + '.uproc-dna', '-p', uproc_path + 'pfam' + args.pfam,
-                      uproc_path + 'model', args.initial_uproc_run])
-                args.uproc_file = args.initial_uproc_run + '.uproc-dna'
+                # initial run of RADIANT with a transcriptome
+                radiant_path = abspath(find_executable('radiant'))[:-7]
+                if args.database is None:
+                    database = radiant_path[:-6] + 'pfam' + args.pfam
+                else:
+                    database = args.database
+                call(['radiant', '-i', args.initial_radiant_run, '--translate', '-d', database, '-o',
+                      args.initial_radiant_run + '.rad'])
+                args.annotation_file = args.initial_radiant_run + '.rad'
             except AttributeError:
-                raise AttributeError("No valid installation of UProC found.")
-        if args.pfam_scan_file is None and args.uproc_file is None:
+                raise AttributeError("No valid installation of RADIANT found.")
+        if args.annotation_file is None:
-                'No input file specified. Please use -p or -u option (or both) to specify the transcriptome input '
+                'No input file specified. Please use -a or -i option to specify the transcriptome input '
-        elif args.pfam_scan_file is not None and args.uproc_file is not None:
-            parser.error(
-                'UProC and PfamScan annotations can not be used simultaneously for proteome quality assessment. '
-                'Please use either -p or -u option, not both!')
-        if args.pfam_scan_file is not None:
-            annotype = 'pfamscan'
-            if args.reference_transcriptomes is None:
-                args.reference_transcriptomes = 'eukaryotes'
-            print ('# running python dogma.py v2.1 transcriptome -i {} -s {} -p {} -u {} -r {} -o {} -m {}'.format(
-                args.initial_uproc_run, args.cda_size, args.pfam_scan_file, args.uproc_file,
-                args.reference_transcriptomes, args.outfile, args.pfam))
-            score_single_transcriptome(args.pfam_scan_file, args.outfile, args.cda_size, args.reference_transcriptomes,
-                                       args.mode, args.pfam)
-        elif args.uproc_file is not None:
-            annotype = 'uproc'
+        if args.annotation_file is not None:
+            with open(args.annotation_file, 'rb') as fi:
+                firstline = fi.readline()
+                if re.search('pfam_scan.pl', firstline):
+                    annotype = 'pfsc'
+                elif re.search('RADIANT', firstline):
+                    annotype = 'rad'
+                else:
+                    raise IOError(
+                        'Type of annotation file could not be detected. Please make sure input is a standard PfamScan or RADIANT annotation.')
             if args.reference_transcriptomes is None:
                 args.reference_transcriptomes = 'eukaryotes'
-            print ('# running python dogma.py v2.1 transcriptome -i {} -s {} -p {} -u {} -r {} -o {} -m {}'.format(
-                args.initial_uproc_run, args.cda_size, args.pfam_scan_file, args.uproc_file,
+            print ('# running python dogma.py v3.0 transcriptome -i {} -s {} -a {} -r {} -o {} -m {}'.format(
+                args.initial_radiant_run, args.cda_size, args.annotation_file,
                 args.reference_transcriptomes, args.outfile, args.pfam))
-            score_single_transcriptome(args.uproc_file, args.outfile, args.cda_size, args.reference_transcriptomes,
+            score_single_transcriptome(args.annotation_file, args.outfile, args.cda_size, args.reference_transcriptomes,
                                        args.mode, args.pfam)
@@ -234,7 +230,7 @@ class ConversionDictionary(dict):
                 for raw_line in pfA:
                     match = raw_line.strip().split('\t')
                     self['dom_to_type'][match[2]] = match[8]
-                    # generates dictionary with all pfam accessions and names to convert the uproc output file acc to
+                    # generates dictionary with all pfam accessions and names to convert the output file acc to
                     # domain names
                     self['acc_to_dom'][match[1]] = match[2]
@@ -243,16 +239,16 @@ class ConversionDictionary(dict):
                 for raw_line in pfA:
                     match = raw_line.strip().split('\t')
                     self['dom_to_type'][match[1]] = match[7]
-                    # generates dictionary with all pfam accessions and names to convert the uproc output file acc to
+                    # generates dictionary with all pfam accessions and names to convert the output file acc to
                     # domain names
                     self['acc_to_dom'][match[0]] = match[1]
-def score_single_transcriptome(pfam_scan_file, outfile=None, max_dom_tup_len=3,
+def score_single_transcriptome(annotation_file, outfile=None, max_dom_tup_len=3,
                                hq_transcriptomes=None, mode='transcriptome', pfam='31'):
     combines the functions and classes to score a sample proteome in terms of it's domain completeness.
     The function parameters correspond to the argparse-arguments:
-    pfam_scan_file = args.pfam_scan_file
+    annotation_file = args.annotation_file
     max_dom_tup_len = args.cda_size
     HQ_proteomes = args.reference_proteomes
     outfile: indicates whether the domain completeness report
@@ -262,10 +258,7 @@ def score_single_transcriptome(pfam_scan_file, outfile=None, max_dom_tup_len=3,
     global annotype
     script_path = dirname(realpath(argv[0]))
-    if annotype == 'pfamscan':
-        at = 'pfsc'
-    elif annotype == 'uproc':
-        at = 'uproc'
+    at = annotype
     if hq_transcriptomes in ('eukaryotes', 'mammals', 'insects', 'bacteria', 'archaea'):
         hq_doms_path_list = [ospjoin(script_path, 'pfam'+pfam, 'reference-sets', hq_transcriptomes, filename) for
@@ -281,12 +274,15 @@ def score_single_transcriptome(pfam_scan_file, outfile=None, max_dom_tup_len=3,
                                       'reference-sets', hq_transcriptomes, filename).split(extsep)[-2] == at)]
-        hq_doms_path_list = [ospjoin(hq_transcriptomes, filename) for filename in listdir(hq_transcriptomes)
-                             if (isfile(ospjoin(hq_transcriptomes, filename)) and
-                                 ospjoin(hq_transcriptomes, filename).split(extsep)[-1] == at) or
-                             (isfile(ospjoin(hq_transcriptomes, filename)) and
-                              ospjoin(hq_transcriptomes, filename).split(extsep)[-1] == 'gz' and
-                              ospjoin(hq_transcriptomes, filename).split(extsep)[-2] == at)]
+        try:
+            hq_doms_path_list = [ospjoin(hq_transcriptomes, filename) for filename in listdir(hq_transcriptomes)
+                                 if (isfile(ospjoin(hq_transcriptomes, filename)) and
+                                     ospjoin(hq_transcriptomes, filename).split(extsep)[-1] == at) or
+                                 (isfile(ospjoin(hq_transcriptomes, filename)) and
+                                  ospjoin(hq_transcriptomes, filename).split(extsep)[-1] == 'gz' and
+                                  ospjoin(hq_transcriptomes, filename).split(extsep)[-2] == at)]
+        except OSError:
+            raise OSError('No dicrectory with annotation files found at ' +hq_transcriptomes)
     if len(hq_doms_path_list) == 0:
         raise IOError("No reference annotation files found!")
@@ -295,7 +291,7 @@ def score_single_transcriptome(pfam_scan_file, outfile=None, max_dom_tup_len=3,
     # counting the conserved domains and domain tuples in the high quality reference transcriptomes.
     cda_counter = SpeciesComparer(hq_doms_path_list, 10000, max_dom_tup_len, mode, pfam)
     # counting the all domains and domain tuples in the candidate transcriptome
-    dom_counter = DomainCounter(pfam_scan_file, max_dom_tup_len, mode)
+    dom_counter = DomainCounter(annotation_file, max_dom_tup_len, mode)
     q = []
     # a domain completeness check will be performed for all domain tuples up to the specified length.
@@ -310,7 +306,7 @@ def score_single_transcriptome(pfam_scan_file, outfile=None, max_dom_tup_len=3,
         q.append(q_i)  # for all domain tuples of the same length, the quality check is appended to q.
     # generating a user readable summary
-    summary = Summary(q, basename(pfam_scan_file), mode, hq_transcriptomes)
+    summary = Summary(q, basename(annotation_file), mode, hq_transcriptomes)
     # summary printed in console or saved in file
     if outfile is not None:
@@ -322,12 +318,12 @@ def score_single_transcriptome(pfam_scan_file, outfile=None, max_dom_tup_len=3,
     return summary
-def score_single_proteome(pfam_scan_file, outfile=None, cutoff=2,
+def score_single_proteome(annotation_file, outfile=None, cutoff=2,
                           max_dom_tup_len=3, hq_proteomes=None, mode='proteome', pfam='31'):
     combines the functions and classes to score a sample proteome in terms of it's domain completeness.
     The function parameters correspond to the argparse-arguments:
-    pfam_scan_file = args.pfam_scan_file
+    annotation_file = args.annotation_file
     cutoff = args.CDA_count_cutoff
     max_dom_tup_len = args.cda_size
     HQ_proteomes = args.reference_proteomes
@@ -338,10 +334,7 @@ def score_single_proteome(pfam_scan_file, outfile=None, cutoff=2,
     global annotype
     script_path = dirname(realpath(argv[0]))
-    if annotype == 'pfamscan':
-        at = 'pfsc'
-    elif annotype == 'uproc':
-        at = 'uproc'
+    at = annotype
     if hq_proteomes in ('eukaryotes', 'mammals', 'insects', 'bacteria', 'archaea'):
         hq_doms_path_list = [ospjoin(script_path, 'pfam'+pfam, 'reference-sets', hq_proteomes, filename) for
@@ -357,12 +350,15 @@ def score_single_proteome(pfam_scan_file, outfile=None, cutoff=2,
                                       'reference-sets', hq_proteomes, filename).split(extsep)[-2] == at)]
-        hq_doms_path_list = [ospjoin(hq_proteomes, filename) for filename in listdir(hq_proteomes)
-                             if (isfile(ospjoin(hq_proteomes, filename)) and
-                                 ospjoin(hq_proteomes, filename).split(extsep)[-1] == at) or
-                             (isfile(ospjoin(hq_proteomes, filename)) and
-                              ospjoin(hq_proteomes, filename).split(extsep)[-1] == 'gz' and
-                              ospjoin(hq_proteomes, filename).split(extsep)[-2] == at)]
+        try:
+            hq_doms_path_list = [ospjoin(hq_proteomes, filename) for filename in listdir(hq_proteomes)
+                                 if (isfile(ospjoin(hq_proteomes, filename)) and
+                                     ospjoin(hq_proteomes, filename).split(extsep)[-1] == at) or
+                                 (isfile(ospjoin(hq_proteomes, filename)) and
+                                  ospjoin(hq_proteomes, filename).split(extsep)[-1] == 'gz' and
+                                  ospjoin(hq_proteomes, filename).split(extsep)[-2] == at)]
+        except OSError:
+            raise OSError('No dicrectory with annotation files found at ' +hq_proteomes)
     if len(hq_doms_path_list) == 0:
          raise IOError("No reference annotation files found!")
@@ -371,7 +367,7 @@ def score_single_proteome(pfam_scan_file, outfile=None, cutoff=2,
     # counting the conserved domains and domain tuples in the high quality reference proteomes.
     cda_counter = SpeciesComparer(hq_doms_path_list, cutoff, max_dom_tup_len, mode, pfam)
     # counting the all domains and domain tuples in the candidate proteome
-    dom_counter = DomainCounter(pfam_scan_file, max_dom_tup_len, mode)
+    dom_counter = DomainCounter(annotation_file, max_dom_tup_len, mode)
     q = []
     # a domain completeness check will be performed for all domain tuples up to the specified length.
@@ -386,7 +382,7 @@ def score_single_proteome(pfam_scan_file, outfile=None, cutoff=2,
         q.append(q_i)  # for all domain tuples of the same length, the quality check is appended to q.
     # generating a user readable summary
-    summary = Summary(q, basename(pfam_scan_file), mode, hq_proteomes)
+    summary = Summary(q, basename(annotation_file), mode, hq_proteomes)
     # summary printed in console or saved in file
     if outfile is not None:
@@ -425,7 +421,7 @@ class DomainCounter(dict):
         if domain_file_path.split(extsep)[-1] == 'gz':
                 with gzip.open(domain_file_path, 'rb') as f:
-                    # check file format (UProC or pfam annotation)
+                    # check file format (RADIANT or pfam annotation)
                     firstline = f.readline()
                     if re.search('pfam_scan.pl', firstline):
                         for raw_line in f:
@@ -435,27 +431,23 @@ class DomainCounter(dict):
                                 domain_start_pos = int(line[1])
                                 domain_name = re.match('([^.]+)', line[5]).group(1)
                                 arrangement_dict[seq_id].append((domain_start_pos, domain_name))
+                    elif re.search('RADIANT', firstline):
+                        for raw_line in f:
+                            if raw_line[0] not in ('#','\n'):
+                                line = raw_line.strip().split()
+                                seq_id = line[0]
+                                domain_start_pos = int(line[1])
+                                domain_name = re.match('([^.]+)', line[3]).group(1)
+                                arrangement_dict[seq_id].append((domain_start_pos, domain_name))
-                        f.seek(f.tell() - len(firstline))
-                        filetypenum = len(firstline.strip().split(','))
-                        if mode == 'proteome' or filetypenum == 7:
-                            det_arrangements = uproc2arrangement(domain_file_path, 10, 12, 5, 7)
-                            for seqID, arrtpls in det_arrangements.iteritems():
-                                for arrtpl in arrtpls:
-                                    arrangement_dict[seqID].append((arrtpl[0], arrtpl[1]))
-                        elif mode == 'transcriptome' and filetypenum == 8:
-                            for raw_line in f:
-                                if raw_line[0] not in ('#', '\n'):
-                                    line = raw_line.strip().split(',')
-                                    seq_id = line[1]
-                                    domain_name = line[-2]
-                                    arrangement_dict[seq_id].append((1, domain_name))
+                        raise Error("File format couldn't be detected. Please make sure you use RADIANT or "
+                                     "PfamScan annotations.")
             except IOError:
                 raise IOError('Input file not found. Please check path and filename and try again.')
                 with open(domain_file_path, 'rb') as f:
-                    # check file format (UProC or pfam annotation)
+                    # check file format (RADIANT or pfam annotation)
                     firstline = f.readline()
                     if re.search('pfam_scan.pl', firstline):
                         for raw_line in f:
@@ -465,21 +457,18 @@ class DomainCounter(dict):
                                 domain_start_pos = int(line[1])
                                 domain_name = re.match('([^.]+)', line[5]).group(1)
                                 arrangement_dict[seq_id].append((domain_start_pos, domain_name))
+                    elif re.search('RADIANT', firstline):
+                        for raw_line in f:
+                            if raw_line[0] not in ('#', '\n'):
+                                line = raw_line.strip().split()
+                                seq_id = line[0]
+                                domain_start_pos = int(line[1])
+                                domain_name = re.match('([^.]+)', line[3]).group(1)
+                                arrangement_dict[seq_id].append((domain_start_pos, domain_name))
-                        f.seek(f.tell() - len(firstline))
-                        filetypenum = len(firstline.strip().split(','))
-                        if mode == 'proteome' or filetypenum == 7:
-                            det_arrangements = uproc2arrangement(domain_file_path, 10, 12, 5, 7)
-                            for seqID, arrtpls in det_arrangements.iteritems():
-                                for arrtpl in arrtpls:
-                                    arrangement_dict[seqID].append((arrtpl[0], arrtpl[1]))
-                        elif mode == 'transcriptome' and filetypenum == 8:
-                            for raw_line in f:
-                                if raw_line[0] not in ('#', '\n'):
-                                    line = raw_line.strip().split(',')
-                                    seq_id = line[1]
-                                    domain_name = line[-2]
-                                    arrangement_dict[seq_id].append((1, domain_name))
+                        raise Error(
+                            "File format couldn't be detected. Please make sure you use RADIANT or "
+                            "PfamScan annotations.")
             except IOError:
                 raise IOError('Input file not found. Please check path and filename and try again.')
@@ -621,12 +610,12 @@ class SpeciesComparer(dict):
         prot_hash = str(hash(tuple(hashlist)))
         if self.mode == 'proteome':
-            # i.e. prot_uproc_1120762388357342281_c2s2pf28
+            # i.e. prot_rad_1120762388357342281_c2s2pf28
             return "".join(['prot_', str(annotype), '_', prot_hash, "_c",
                             str(self.max_count_difference_in_HQ_cutoff), "s", str(self.dom_tuple_len),
                             "pf", str(self.pfam)])
         elif self.mode == 'transcriptome':
-            # i.e. trans_uproc_1120762388357342281_s2pf28
+            # i.e. trans_rad_1120762388357342281_s2pf28
             return "".join(['trans_', str(annotype), '_', prot_hash, "s", str(self.dom_tuple_len),
                             "pf", str(self.pfam)])
@@ -749,117 +738,6 @@ class QualityChecker:
                         self.sgl_tpl_count += 1
                 self.percentage = "{:.2f}".format(self.sgl_tpl_count / float(self.number_of_sgl_CDA) * 100.0)
-def list2arrangement(word_list, min_count, win_length):
-    """
-    Function to turn list of domain world positions into arrangement.
-    :param word_list: The domain word list
-    :param min_count: The minimum number of words so that a domain is counted as such
-    :param win_length: The window size to consider
-    :return: The domain arrangement
-    """
-    # originally by Carsten Kemena
-    # edited function from uproc2pos.py
-    word_list.sort()
-    arrangement = []
-    count = {}
-    domain_pos = 1
-    for i in xrange(0, min(len(word_list), win_length)):
-        domain_id = word_list[i][1]
-        if domain_id in count:
-            count[domain_id] += 1
-        else:
-            count[domain_id] = 1
-        if count[domain_id] == min_count:
-            arrangement.append((domain_pos, domain_id))
-            domain_pos += 1
-    for i in xrange(win_length, len(word_list)):
-        count[word_list[i-win_length][1]] -= 1
-        domain_id = word_list[i][1]
-        if domain_id in count:
-            count[domain_id] += 1
-        else:
-            count[domain_id] = 1
-        if count[domain_id] == min_count:
-            if (len(arrangement) == 0) or (arrangement[-1][1] != domain_id):
-                arrangement.append((domain_pos, domain_id))
-                domain_pos += 1
-    return arrangement
-def uproc2arrangement(input_f, min_count=10, win_length=12, min_count2=5, win_length2=7):
-    """
-    Reads a UProC detailed output file and calculates domain order from it
-    :param input_f: The UproC output file.
-    :param min_count: The minimum number of words to detect a domain
-    :param min_count2: Second value for a minimum number of words to detect a domain
-    :param win_length: The window size to consider
-    :param win_length2: Second window size to consider (related to min_count2)
-    :return: A hash containing the arrangements. The key is the sequence name, the value a list of domain accession
-            numbers in order of their occurrence.
-    """
-    # originally by Carsten Kemena
-    # edited function from uproc2pos.py
-    arrangements = {}
-    if input_f.split(extsep)[-1] == 'gz':
-        with gzip.open(input_f, 'rb') as inS:
-            last_id = 0
-            domain_list = []
-            name = ""
-            for line in inS:
-                tokens = line.split(',')
-                if tokens[0] != last_id:
-                    if len(domain_list) != 0:
-                        tmp = list2arrangement(domain_list, min_count, win_length)
-                        if len(tmp) == 0:
-                            tmp = list2arrangement(domain_list, min_count2, win_length2)
-                        if len(tmp) > 0:
-                            arrangements[name] = tmp
-                        domain_list = []
-                    last_id = tokens[0]
-                    name = tokens[1]
-                else:
-                    domain_list.append((int(tokens[5]), tokens[2]))
-        tmp = list2arrangement(domain_list, min_count, win_length)
-        if len(tmp) == 0:
-            tmp = list2arrangement(domain_list, min_count2, win_length2)
-        if len(tmp) > 0:
-            arrangements[name] = tmp
-        return arrangements
-    else:
-        with open(input_f, 'rb') as inS:
-            last_id = 0
-            domain_list = []
-            name = ""
-            for line in inS:
-                tokens = line.split(',')
-                if tokens[0] != last_id:
-                    if len(domain_list) != 0:
-                        tmp = list2arrangement(domain_list, min_count, win_length)
-                        if len(tmp) == 0:
-                            tmp = list2arrangement(domain_list, min_count2, win_length2)
-                        if len(tmp) > 0:
-                            arrangements[name] = tmp
-                        domain_list = []
-                    last_id = tokens[0]
-                    name = tokens[1]
-                else:
-                    domain_list.append((int(tokens[5]), tokens[2]))
-        tmp = list2arrangement(domain_list, min_count, win_length)
-        if len(tmp) == 0:
-            tmp = list2arrangement(domain_list, min_count2, win_length2)
-        if len(tmp) > 0:
-            arrangements[name] = tmp
-        return arrangements
 class Summary:
     A class that is used to sum up the results of proteome analysis and print them in human-readable form.