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Julian Bigge / sccuot-owncloud
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Archived 2Updated -
CIT Uni Münster / sccuot-owncloud
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Sccuot is a tool to display usage and resource information of an ownCloud 10 instance. It can be used to gather various statistics, like the quota used per user, in snapshots created by the accompanying Sccuot client.
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The place where the code for simulating the thin-film equation on a prestructured substrate is versioned.
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pyMOR / docker
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseAll our docker images are built from here
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Michael Wigard / csi-rclone-owncloud
Apache License 2.0Updated -
ZHLdigital / eLectures / contrib / python-opencast-externalapi
Apache License 2.0This project aims to provide a Python client for the Opencast External API.
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Ligneul et al. (2022) 'Stress-sensitive inference of task controllability'
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Mirror of the
➡ ️ GitHub repository⬅ ️Archived 0UpdatedArchived 0Updated -
ag-ohlberger / MaRDI / container
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseContainer for CI, local development
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CIT Uni Münster / JupyterHub / csi-rclone-owncloud
Apache License 2.0Kubernetes CSI plugin for mounting ownCloud using WebDAV
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Adrian Brömmelsiek / kaniko-s3-endpoint
Apache License 2.0exact copy of https://github.com/takmatsu/kaniko/tree/s3-endpoint, except for ci
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AG Vahrenhold / public / Self-Efficacy in Introductory Programming / Instrument
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalIn this repository, you can find our instrument for assessing self-efficacy in an introductory programming course.