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As a developer I want scalable badges that I can embed on my own third party site so that I do not have to distinguish between mobile and desktop.
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As a user I want a badge that tells how old a piece of research is.
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As a reader I want to get licensing information from the badge, so that I know what I am allowed to do with the research/code/data behind the badge.
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Provide an API for receiving information on the executability of research compendia.
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As a reader I want to see the reproducibility status of a research compendium on the paper's page at websites/platforms.
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As a user, I would like to know where research took place.
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As a developer I want scalable badges that I can embed on my own third party site so that I do not have to distinguish between mobile and desktop.
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As a reader I want to have the possibility to see an explanation for each badge.
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Slides for a presentation about Open Science, Reproducible Research, and version control with git for a talk at the WWU Center for Digital Humanities
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Kursmaterial für "Transparent Forschen. Effizient Arbeiten."
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