... | ... | @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Center view on specific layer - Right click a layer in the **Network Layers**-do |
To create a new layer node, drag the layer type name from the **Layers**-dock into the graph editor. This creates a new layer of the given type with the default name **[type] #[number]**. The new layer has no top/bottom blobs. Default parameters get added if available (e.g. *convolution_param* for *Convolution* layers)
To create a new layer node, drag the layer type name from the **Layers**-dock into the graph editor. This creates a new layer of the given type with the default name **[type] #[number]**. The new layer has no [top/bottom blobs](https://ivv5git.uni-muenster.de/klemms/PS-2016-NN/wikis/manual-network#blobs-and-connections). Default parameters get added if available (e.g. *convolution_param* for *Convolution* layers)
By dropping the layer type name on an existing layer node, you can choose to replace the existing layer with the new layer type. This will **remove all parameters** from the layer with the exception of top/bottom blobs and their connections.
The list of available layer types can be filtered by typing part of the name in the search box above the list.
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