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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 4.5_um.5 protected
  • 4.5_um.4 protected
  • 4.5_um.3 protected
  • 4.5_um.2 protected
    3275a226 · UM: Fix wrong shell ·
  • 4.5_um.1 protected
  • 4.5_um.0 protected
    4e291579 · UM: Fork ·
  • v4.5
    d56a5bca · PyCA 4.5 ·
    PyCA 4.5
    New Features
    * Ad-hoc Recordings by @lkiesow in
    * Lower required Prometheus client version by @lkiesow in
    * Missing steps in installation documentation by @lkiesow in
    * Development command for starting all parts of pyCA by @lkiesow in
    * Document how to configure a continuous preview by @kristofkeppens in
    * Fix Silently Discarding Data by @lkiesow in
    * Updated FFmpeg download source URL for newer FFmpeg version by @pitfisher in
    * Ensure Default Reload Interval by @lkiesow in
    * Run Bandit Tests by @lkiesow in
    * User Interface Tests by @lkiesow in
    * Fix Event Modification Test Data by @lkiesow in
    The release also includes several updated libraries.
    **Full Changelog**:
  • v4.4
    6ed26929 · PyCA 4.4 ·
    PyCA 4.4
    This is the release 4.4 of pyCA.
    PyCA 4.4 contains a new OpenMetrics endpoint, an enhanced user interface
    and a few library updates.
    New Features
    - OpenMetrics endpoint which alles monitoring PyCA via Prometheus (ffb12dd)
    - Add the event title to the recordings overview (efe62dd, 5707094)
    - Update container images (e0204cd, b2da954)
    - Updated several JavaScript libraries
  • v4.3
    699b5680 · PyCA 4.3 ·
    PyCA 4.3
    This is the release 4.3 of pyCA.
    PyCA 4.3 is a minor bugfix release with no changes to configuration or
    recording functionality.
    Bug Fixes
    - Lower Required Flask Version (3458dd9)
  • v4.2
    ce6cba5a · PyCA 4.2 ·
    PyCA 4.2
    This is the release 4.2 of pyCA.
    PyCA 4.2 is a minor bugfix release with no changes to configuration or
    recording functionality.
    Bug Fixes
    - Updated several front-end libraries
    - Lower Required Flask Version (df4f8bf)
    - Fix potential mixed content web interface error (c35c8b8)
  • v4.1
    c80396ef · PyCA 4.1 ·
    PyCA 4.1
    This is the release 4.1 of pyCA.
    PyCA 4.1 improves its backup mode functionality while fixing some user
    interface bugs and introduces containers as new deployment method.
    - Allowed manual ingest via UI in backup mode (43e44a7)
    - Introduce Containerization (a5f98b6, 47f1e74)
    Bug Fixes
    - Updated several front-end libraries
    - Fixed some documentation (2280a59)
    - Fixed re-upload of events (64fb7ca)
    - Prevent active events from being listed twice (5f909f9)
    - Fix Coveralls deployment (64e5ca0)
    - Separate Vue components for improved source files structure (8db49a5)
    - Droped old development UI server (596bd7c)
    Note About 4.0/3.3
    The same release was accidentially labeled as 3.3 at some placed as 4.0
    at others.  They are identical.
  • v3.3
    56bdeed1 · PyCA 3.3 ·
    PyCA 3.3
    This is the release 3.3 of pyCA.
    PyCA 3.3 adds new features helping in particular with larger
    deployments, as well as a number of minor bug fixes.
    - Re-ingest button in the user interface (008be68).
    - Don't upload metadata catalogs by default since Opencast holds them
      internally anyway (15288d9, 2e684e5).
    - Configurable, random delay for ingests to avoid accidental DDoS
      attacks (d93440d).
    - Upload rate limiting for ingests (f9f6cb6, b8e120b)
    - Official Python 3.9 support (5b9a612).
    Bug Fixes
    - Updated several front-end libraries
    - Release database sessions when they are no longer needed. This was
      causing issues when using PostgreSQL (80114f1).
    - Fixed database initialization causing problems on first start-up when
      several services were started in parallel (568b47c).
    - Fixed the content type of the metrics endpoint's response which was
      incorrect according to JSONAPI (060027b).
    - Fixed a problem with the logs endpoint which was using functionality
      introduced in Python 3.7 (4277d79).
    - Fixed a few minor logging issues where exceptions were not logged
      properly (730f0e4).
    - Switch to coverally-python (90e9055).
    - Tests for the preview image JSON-API (7f29295).
    - Additional tests for pyCA (820402a).
    - Switch to GitHub Actions (bc2dc3e).
  • v3.2
    fa150919 · PyCA 3.2 ·
    PyCA 3.2
    This is the release 3.2 of pyCA.
    Version 3.2 of pyCA introduces new functionality to monitor and manage
    the capture agent's host system by freeing disk space and providing
    access to logs.
    It also comes with a major overhaul of pyCA's documentation.
    - Complete overhaul of the documentation
    - Option to remove recorded files locally after they have been
      successfully uploaded (f9c7f409943f93052aaec0f2810c32a9d3ffe4b0)
    - Introduce a new optional API for system logs
      and make them available via the user interface
    - Improved debugging of HTTP requests
    - Highlight failed recordings with a warning icon
    Bug Fixes
    - Improved routine for service endpoint updates ensuring that services
      are actually online before trying to use them e.g. for ingests
    - Fix some edge cases when starting to record which could cause the
      service to fail (baa0561ccc5aeb65745f2eac6a38df4fe6b3d864)
    - Fix test assertions (fef63d70534789a5c536d18d91ced29cd53cc895)
  • v3.1
    c325c18a · PyCA 3.1 ·
  • v3.0
    57cc385b · PyCA 3.0 ·
  • v2.2
    b2c83064 · PyCA 2.2 ·
  • v2.1
    2d31b5da · PyCA 2.1 ·
    PyCA 2.1
  • v2.0
    8e95f3b6 · PyCA 2.0 ·
    PyCA 2.0
    This is the release of pyCA 2.0.
    Version 2.0 is a major redesign of the source code and a significant
    step forward for more robustness, flexibility and usability.
    Main Features
    - Introduction of new worker concept, enabling the capture agent to
      perform parallel capture, ingest and scheduling tasks. It also makes
      it possible to control and launch parts of the capture agent
      separately and ensures that potential errors are well contained and do
      not affect all of the capture agent.
    - New user interface to see what is going on on the capture agent. The
      web interface provides information about current and past recordings
      as well as the currently buffered schedule. The interface is optimized
      for a mobile view as well.
    - Automatic verification of the configuration to prevent issues early.
      This includes type and (in some cases) value checks for configuration
    - 96% unit test coverage for the code to ensure that things actually
      work and new patches do not accidentally break known behavior.
    - Python 2 and Python 3 compatibility to ensure that pyCA can be run on
      all types of devices and operating systems.
    - Fixes for a lot of minor issues like general Unicode compatibility,
      user feedback, system logging, …
    New Release Process
    PyCA will now follow a more agile release process with smaller, but more
    frequent releases. PyCA 2.1 is already planned and will contain features
    like a REST API, a more responsive web interface and capture process
    control mechanisms.
    A special thanks to Jan Koppe and Sven Haardiek which helped a lot to
    make this release possible by submitting and reviewing code as well as
    complaining about potential issues. Thanks!
  • v1.0.1
    2fd40f83 · Add Events Class ·
    pyCA 1.0.1
  • v1.0.0
    Release v1.0.0