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Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)

About this document


The first and primary purpose of this document is to serve as a complete technical specification of Automatic Reference Counting. Given a core Objective-C compiler and runtime, it should be possible to write a compiler and runtime which implements these new semantics.

The secondary purpose is to act as a rationale for why ARC was designed in this way. This should remain tightly focused on the technical design and should not stray into marketing speculation.


This document assumes a basic familiarity with C.

Blocks are a C language extension for creating anonymous functions. Users interact with and transfer block objects using block pointers, which are represented like a normal pointer. A block may capture values from local variables; when this occurs, memory must be dynamically allocated. The initial allocation is done on the stack, but the runtime provides a Block_copy function which, given a block pointer, either copies the underlying block object to the heap, setting its reference count to 1 and returning the new block pointer, or (if the block object is already on the heap) increases its reference count by 1. The paired function is Block_release, which decreases the reference count by 1 and destroys the object if the count reaches zero and is on the heap.

Objective-C is a set of language extensions, significant enough to be considered a different language. It is a strict superset of C. The extensions can also be imposed on C++, producing a language called Objective-C++. The primary feature is a single-inheritance object system; we briefly describe the modern dialect.

Objective-C defines a new type kind, collectively called the object pointer types. This kind has two notable builtin members, id and Class; id is the final supertype of all object pointers. The validity of conversions between object pointer types is not checked at runtime. Users may define classes; each class is a type, and the pointer to that type is an object pointer type. A class may have a superclass; its pointer type is a subtype of its superclass's pointer type. A class has a set of ivars, fields which appear on all instances of that class. For every class T there's an associated metaclass; it has no fields, its superclass is the metaclass of T's superclass, and its metaclass is a global class. Every class has a global object whose class is the class's metaclass; metaclasses have no associated type, so pointers to this object have type Class.

A class declaration (@interface) declares a set of methods. A method has a return type, a list of argument types, and a selector: a name like foo:bar:baz:, where the number of colons corresponds to the number of formal arguments. A method may be an instance method, in which case it can be invoked on objects of the class, or a class method, in which case it can be invoked on objects of the metaclass. A method may be invoked by providing an object (called the receiver) and a list of formal arguments interspersed with the selector, like so:

[receiver foo: fooArg bar: barArg baz: bazArg]

This looks in the dynamic class of the receiver for a method with this name, then in that class's superclass, etc., until it finds something it can execute. The receiver "expression" may also be the name of a class, in which case the actual receiver is the class object for that class, or (within method definitions) it may be super, in which case the lookup algorithm starts with the static superclass instead of the dynamic class. The actual methods dynamically found in a class are not those declared in the @interface, but those defined in a separate @implementation declaration; however, when compiling a call, typechecking is done based on the methods declared in the @interface.

Method declarations may also be grouped into protocols, which are not inherently associated with any class, but which classes may claim to follow. Object pointer types may be qualified with additional protocols that the object is known to support.

Class extensions are collections of ivars and methods, designed to allow a class's @interface to be split across multiple files; however, there is still a primary implementation file which must see the @interfaces of all class extensions. Categories allow methods (but not ivars) to be declared post hoc on an arbitrary class; the methods in the category's @implementation will be dynamically added to that class's method tables which the category is loaded at runtime, replacing those methods in case of a collision.

In the standard environment, objects are allocated on the heap, and their lifetime is manually managed using a reference count. This is done using two instance methods which all classes are expected to implement: retain increases the object's reference count by 1, whereas release decreases it by 1 and calls the instance method dealloc if the count reaches 0. To simplify certain operations, there is also an autorelease pool, a thread-local list of objects to call release on later; an object can be added to this pool by calling autorelease on it.

Block pointers may be converted to type id; block objects are laid out in a way that makes them compatible with Objective-C objects. There is a builtin class that all block objects are considered to be objects of; this class implements retain by adjusting the reference count, not by calling Block_copy.


ARC is under continual evolution, and this document must be updated as the language progresses.

If a change increases the expressiveness of the language, for example by lifting a restriction or by adding new syntax, the change will be annotated with a revision marker, like so:

ARC applies to Objective-C pointer types, block pointer types, and [beginning Apple 8.0, LLVM 3.8] BPTRs declared within extern "BCPL" blocks.

For now, it is sensible to version this document by the releases of its sole implementation (and its host project), clang. "LLVM X.Y" refers to an open-source release of clang from the LLVM project. "Apple X.Y" refers to an Apple-provided release of the Apple LLVM Compiler. Other organizations that prepare their own, separately-versioned clang releases and wish to maintain similar information in this document should send requests to cfe-dev.

If a change decreases the expressiveness of the language, for example by imposing a new restriction, this should be taken as an oversight in the original specification and something to be avoided in all versions. Such changes are generally to be avoided.


Automatic Reference Counting implements automatic memory management for Objective-C objects and blocks, freeing the programmer from the need to explicitly insert retains and releases. It does not provide a cycle collector; users must explicitly manage the lifetime of their objects, breaking cycles manually or with weak or unsafe references.

ARC may be explicitly enabled with the compiler flag -fobjc-arc. It may also be explicitly disabled with the compiler flag -fno-objc-arc. The last of these two flags appearing on the compile line "wins".

If ARC is enabled, __has_feature(objc_arc) will expand to 1 in the preprocessor. For more information about __has_feature, see the :ref:`language extensions <langext-__has_feature-__has_extension>` document.

Retainable object pointers

This section describes retainable object pointers, their basic operations, and the restrictions imposed on their use under ARC. Note in particular that it covers the rules for pointer values (patterns of bits indicating the location of a pointed-to object), not pointer objects (locations in memory which store pointer values). The rules for objects are covered in the next section.

A retainable object pointer (or "retainable pointer") is a value of a retainable object pointer type ("retainable type"). There are three kinds of retainable object pointer types:

  • block pointers (formed by applying the caret (^) declarator sigil to a function type)
  • Objective-C object pointers (id, Class, NSFoo*, etc.)
  • typedefs marked with __attribute__((NSObject))

Other pointer types, such as int* and CFStringRef, are not subject to ARC's semantics and restrictions.


We are not at liberty to require all code to be recompiled with ARC; therefore, ARC must interoperate with Objective-C code which manages retains and releases manually. In general, there are three requirements in order for a compiler-supported reference-count system to provide reliable interoperation:

  • The type system must reliably identify which objects are to be managed. An int* might be a pointer to a malloc'ed array, or it might be an interior pointer to such an array, or it might point to some field or local variable. In contrast, values of the retainable object pointer types are never interior.
  • The type system must reliably indicate how to manage objects of a type. This usually means that the type must imply a procedure for incrementing and decrementing retain counts. Supporting single-ownership objects requires a lot more explicit mediation in the language.
  • There must be reliable conventions for whether and when "ownership" is passed between caller and callee, for both arguments and return values. Objective-C methods follow such a convention very reliably, at least for system libraries on Mac OS X, and functions always pass objects at +0. The C-based APIs for Core Foundation objects, on the other hand, have much more varied transfer semantics.

The use of __attribute__((NSObject)) typedefs is not recommended. If it's absolutely necessary to use this attribute, be very explicit about using the typedef, and do not assume that it will be preserved by language features like __typeof and C++ template argument substitution.


Any compiler operation which incidentally strips type "sugar" from a type will yield a type without the attribute, which may result in unexpected behavior.

Retain count semantics

A retainable object pointer is either a null pointer or a pointer to a valid object. Furthermore, if it has block pointer type and is not null then it must actually be a pointer to a block object, and if it has Class type (possibly protocol-qualified) then it must actually be a pointer to a class object. Otherwise ARC does not enforce the Objective-C type system as long as the implementing methods follow the signature of the static type. It is undefined behavior if ARC is exposed to an invalid pointer.

For ARC's purposes, a valid object is one with "well-behaved" retaining operations. Specifically, the object must be laid out such that the Objective-C message send machinery can successfully send it the following messages:

  • retain, taking no arguments and returning a pointer to the object.
  • release, taking no arguments and returning void.
  • autorelease, taking no arguments and returning a pointer to the object.

The behavior of these methods is constrained in the following ways. The term high-level semantics is an intentionally vague term; the intent is that programmers must implement these methods in a way such that the compiler, modifying code in ways it deems safe according to these constraints, will not violate their requirements. For example, if the user puts logging statements in retain, they should not be surprised if those statements are executed more or less often depending on optimization settings. These constraints are not exhaustive of the optimization opportunities: values held in local variables are subject to additional restrictions, described later in this document.

It is undefined behavior if a computation history featuring a send of retain followed by a send of release to the same object, with no intervening release on that object, is not equivalent under the high-level semantics to a computation history in which these sends are removed. Note that this implies that these methods may not raise exceptions.

It is undefined behavior if a computation history features any use whatsoever of an object following the completion of a send of release that is not preceded by a send of retain to the same object.

The behavior of autorelease must be equivalent to sending release when one of the autorelease pools currently in scope is popped. It may not throw an exception.

When the semantics call for performing one of these operations on a retainable object pointer, if that pointer is null then the effect is a no-op.

All of the semantics described in this document are subject to additional :ref:`optimization rules <arc.optimization>` which permit the removal or optimization of operations based on local knowledge of data flow. The semantics describe the high-level behaviors that the compiler implements, not an exact sequence of operations that a program will be compiled into.

Retainable object pointers as operands and arguments

In general, ARC does not perform retain or release operations when simply using a retainable object pointer as an operand within an expression. This includes:

  • loading a retainable pointer from an object with non-weak :ref:`ownership <arc.ownership>`,
  • passing a retainable pointer as an argument to a function or method, and
  • receiving a retainable pointer as the result of a function or method call.


While this might seem uncontroversial, it is actually unsafe when multiple expressions are evaluated in "parallel", as with binary operators and calls, because (for example) one expression might load from an object while another writes to it. However, C and C++ already call this undefined behavior because the evaluations are unsequenced, and ARC simply exploits that here to avoid needing to retain arguments across a large number of calls.

The remainder of this section describes exceptions to these rules, how those exceptions are detected, and what those exceptions imply semantically.

Consumed parameters

A function or method parameter of retainable object pointer type may be marked as consumed, signifying that the callee expects to take ownership of a +1 retain count. This is done by adding the ns_consumed attribute to the parameter declaration, like so:

void foo(__attribute((ns_consumed)) id x);
- (void) foo: (id) __attribute((ns_consumed)) x;

This attribute is part of the type of the function or method, not the type of the parameter. It controls only how the argument is passed and received.

When passing such an argument, ARC retains the argument prior to making the call.

When receiving such an argument, ARC releases the argument at the end of the function, subject to the usual optimizations for local values.


This formalizes direct transfers of ownership from a caller to a callee. The most common scenario here is passing the self parameter to init, but it is useful to generalize. Typically, local optimization will remove any extra retains and releases: on the caller side the retain will be merged with a +1 source, and on the callee side the release will be rolled into the initialization of the parameter.

The implicit self parameter of a method may be marked as consumed by adding __attribute__((ns_consumes_self)) to the method declaration. Methods in the init :ref:`family <arc.method-families>` are treated as if they were implicitly marked with this attribute.

It is undefined behavior if an Objective-C message send to a method with ns_consumed parameters (other than self) is made with a null receiver. It is undefined behavior if the method to which an Objective-C message send statically resolves to has a different set of ns_consumed parameters than the method it dynamically resolves to. It is undefined behavior if a block or function call is made through a static type with a different set of ns_consumed parameters than the implementation of the called block or function.


Consumed parameters with null receiver are a guaranteed leak. Mismatches with consumed parameters will cause over-retains or over-releases, depending on the direction. The rule about function calls is really just an application of the existing C/C++ rule about calling functions through an incompatible function type, but it's useful to state it explicitly.

Retained return values

A function or method which returns a retainable object pointer type may be marked as returning a retained value, signifying that the caller expects to take ownership of a +1 retain count. This is done by adding the ns_returns_retained attribute to the function or method declaration, like so:

id foo(void) __attribute((ns_returns_retained));
- (id) foo __attribute((ns_returns_retained));

This attribute is part of the type of the function or method.

When returning from such a function or method, ARC retains the value at the point of evaluation of the return statement, before leaving all local scopes.

When receiving a return result from such a function or method, ARC releases the value at the end of the full-expression it is contained within, subject to the usual optimizations for local values.


This formalizes direct transfers of ownership from a callee to a caller. The most common scenario this models is the retained return from init, alloc, new, and copy methods, but there are other cases in the frameworks. After optimization there are typically no extra retains and releases required.

Methods in the alloc, copy, init, mutableCopy, and new :ref:`families <arc.method-families>` are implicitly marked __attribute__((ns_returns_retained)). This may be suppressed by explicitly marking the method __attribute__((ns_returns_not_retained)).

It is undefined behavior if the method to which an Objective-C message send statically resolves has different retain semantics on its result from the method it dynamically resolves to. It is undefined behavior if a block or function call is made through a static type with different retain semantics on its result from the implementation of the called block or function.


Mismatches with returned results will cause over-retains or over-releases, depending on the direction. Again, the rule about function calls is really just an application of the existing C/C++ rule about calling functions through an incompatible function type.

Unretained return values

A method or function which returns a retainable object type but does not return a retained value must ensure that the object is still valid across the return boundary.

When returning from such a function or method, ARC retains the value at the point of evaluation of the return statement, then leaves all local scopes, and then balances out the retain while ensuring that the value lives across the call boundary. In the worst case, this may involve an autorelease, but callers must not assume that the value is actually in the autorelease pool.

ARC performs no extra mandatory work on the caller side, although it may elect to do something to shorten the lifetime of the returned value.


It is common in non-ARC code to not return an autoreleased value; therefore the convention does not force either path. It is convenient to not be required to do unnecessary retains and autoreleases; this permits optimizations such as eliding retain/autoreleases when it can be shown that the original pointer will still be valid at the point of return.

A method or function may be marked with __attribute__((ns_returns_autoreleased)) to indicate that it returns a pointer which is guaranteed to be valid at least as long as the innermost autorelease pool. There are no additional semantics enforced in the definition of such a method; it merely enables optimizations in callers.

Bridged casts

A bridged cast is a C-style cast annotated with one of three keywords:

  • (__bridge T) op casts the operand to the destination type T. If T is a retainable object pointer type, then op must have a non-retainable pointer type. If T is a non-retainable pointer type, then op must have a retainable object pointer type. Otherwise the cast is ill-formed. There is no transfer of ownership, and ARC inserts no retain operations.
  • (__bridge_retained T) op casts the operand, which must have retainable object pointer type, to the destination type, which must be a non-retainable pointer type. ARC retains the value, subject to the usual optimizations on local values, and the recipient is responsible for balancing that +1.
  • (__bridge_transfer T) op casts the operand, which must have non-retainable pointer type, to the destination type, which must be a retainable object pointer type. ARC will release the value at the end of the enclosing full-expression, subject to the usual optimizations on local values.

These casts are required in order to transfer objects in and out of ARC control; see the rationale in the section on :ref:`conversion of retainable object pointers <arc.objects.restrictions.conversion>`.

Using a __bridge_retained or __bridge_transfer cast purely to convince ARC to emit an unbalanced retain or release, respectively, is poor form.


Conversion of retainable object pointers

In general, a program which attempts to implicitly or explicitly convert a value of retainable object pointer type to any non-retainable type, or vice-versa, is ill-formed. For example, an Objective-C object pointer shall not be converted to void*. As an exception, cast to intptr_t is allowed because such casts are not transferring ownership. The :ref:`bridged casts <arc.objects.operands.casts>` may be used to perform these conversions where necessary.


We cannot ensure the correct management of the lifetime of objects if they may be freely passed around as unmanaged types. The bridged casts are provided so that the programmer may explicitly describe whether the cast transfers control into or out of ARC.

However, the following exceptions apply.

Conversion to retainable object pointer type of expressions with known semantics

[beginning Apple 4.0, LLVM 3.1] These exceptions have been greatly expanded; they previously applied only to a much-reduced subset which is difficult to categorize but which included null pointers, message sends (under the given rules), and the various global constants.

An unbridged conversion to a retainable object pointer type from a type other than a retainable object pointer type is ill-formed, as discussed above, unless the operand of the cast has a syntactic form which is known retained, known unretained, or known retain-agnostic.

An expression is known retain-agnostic if it is:

  • an Objective-C string literal,
  • a load from a const system global variable of :ref:`C retainable pointer type <arc.misc.c-retainable>`, or
  • a null pointer constant.

An expression is known unretained if it is an rvalue of :ref:`C retainable pointer type <arc.misc.c-retainable>` and it is:

  • a direct call to a function, and either that function has the cf_returns_not_retained attribute or it is an :ref:`audited <arc.misc.c-retainable.audit>` function that does not have the cf_returns_retained attribute and does not follow the create/copy naming convention,
  • a message send, and the declared method either has the cf_returns_not_retained attribute or it has neither the cf_returns_retained attribute nor a :ref:`selector family <arc.method-families>` that implies a retained result.

An expression is known retained if it is an rvalue of :ref:`C retainable pointer type <arc.misc.c-retainable>` and it is:

  • a message send, and the declared method either has the cf_returns_retained attribute, or it does not have the cf_returns_not_retained attribute but it does have a :ref:`selector family <arc.method-families>` that implies a retained result.


  • a comma expression is classified according to its right-hand side,
  • a statement expression is classified according to its result expression, if it has one,
  • an lvalue-to-rvalue conversion applied to an Objective-C property lvalue is classified according to the underlying message send, and
  • a conditional operator is classified according to its second and third operands, if they agree in classification, or else the other if one is known retain-agnostic.

If the cast operand is known retained, the conversion is treated as a __bridge_transfer cast. If the cast operand is known unretained or known retain-agnostic, the conversion is treated as a __bridge cast.


Bridging casts are annoying. Absent the ability to completely automate the management of CF objects, however, we are left with relatively poor attempts to reduce the need for a glut of explicit bridges. Hence these rules.

We've so far consciously refrained from implicitly turning retained CF results from function calls into __bridge_transfer casts. The worry is that some code patterns --- for example, creating a CF value, assigning it to an ObjC-typed local, and then calling CFRelease when done --- are a bit too likely to be accidentally accepted, leading to mysterious behavior.

Conversion from retainable object pointer type in certain contexts

[beginning Apple 4.0, LLVM 3.1]

If an expression of retainable object pointer type is explicitly cast to a :ref:`C retainable pointer type <arc.misc.c-retainable>`, the program is ill-formed as discussed above unless the result is immediately used:

  • to initialize a parameter in an Objective-C message send where the parameter is not marked with the cf_consumed attribute, or
  • to initialize a parameter in a direct call to an :ref:`audited <arc.misc.c-retainable.audit>` function where the parameter is not marked with the cf_consumed attribute.


Consumed parameters are left out because ARC would naturally balance them with a retain, which was judged too treacherous. This is in part because several of the most common consuming functions are in the Release family, and it would be quite unfortunate for explicit releases to be silently balanced out in this way.

Ownership qualification

This section describes the behavior of objects of retainable object pointer type; that is, locations in memory which store retainable object pointers.

A type is a retainable object owner type if it is a retainable object pointer type or an array type whose element type is a retainable object owner type.

An ownership qualifier is a type qualifier which applies only to retainable object owner types. An array type is ownership-qualified according to its element type, and adding an ownership qualifier to an array type so qualifies its element type.

A program is ill-formed if it attempts to apply an ownership qualifier to a type which is already ownership-qualified, even if it is the same qualifier. There is a single exception to this rule: an ownership qualifier may be applied to a substituted template type parameter, which overrides the ownership qualifier provided by the template argument.

Except as described under the :ref:`inference rules <arc.ownership.inference>`, a program is ill-formed if it attempts to form a pointer or reference type to a retainable object owner type which lacks an ownership qualifier.


These rules, together with the inference rules, ensure that all objects and lvalues of retainable object pointer type have an ownership qualifier. The ability to override an ownership qualifier during template substitution is required to counteract the :ref:`inference of __strong for template type arguments <arc.ownership.inference.template.arguments>`.

There are four ownership qualifiers:

  • __autoreleasing
  • __strong
  • __unsafe_unretained
  • __weak

A type is nontrivially ownership-qualified if it is qualified with __autoreleasing, __strong, or __weak.


The names of the ownership qualifiers are reserved for the implementation. A program may not assume that they are or are not implemented with macros, or what those macros expand to.

An ownership qualifier may be written anywhere that any other type qualifier may be written.

If an ownership qualifier appears in the declaration-specifiers, the following rules apply:

  • if the type specifier is a retainable object owner type, the qualifier applies to that type;
  • if the outermost non-array part of the declarator is a pointer or block pointer, the qualifier applies to that type;
  • otherwise the program is ill-formed.

If an ownership qualifier appears on the declarator name, or on the declared object, it is applied to outermost pointer or block-pointer type.

If an ownership qualifier appears anywhere else in a declarator, it applies to the type there.

Property declarations

A property of retainable object pointer type may have ownership. If the property's type is ownership-qualified, then the property has that ownership. If the property has one of the following modifiers, then the property has the corresponding ownership. A property is ill-formed if it has conflicting sources of ownership, or if it has redundant ownership modifiers, or if it has __autoreleasing ownership.

  • assign implies __unsafe_unretained ownership.
  • copy implies __strong ownership, as well as the usual behavior of copy semantics on the setter.
  • retain implies __strong ownership.
  • strong implies __strong ownership.
  • unsafe_unretained implies __unsafe_unretained ownership.
  • weak implies __weak ownership.

With the exception of weak, these modifiers are available in non-ARC modes.

A property's specified ownership is preserved in its metadata, but otherwise the meaning is purely conventional unless the property is synthesized. If a property is synthesized, then the associated instance variable is the instance variable which is named, possibly implicitly, by the @synthesize declaration. If the associated instance variable already exists, then its ownership qualification must equal the ownership of the property; otherwise, the instance variable is created with that ownership qualification.

A property of retainable object pointer type which is synthesized without a source of ownership has the ownership of its associated instance variable, if it already exists; otherwise, [beginning Apple 3.1, LLVM 3.1] its ownership is implicitly strong. Prior to this revision, it was ill-formed to synthesize such a property.


Using strong by default is safe and consistent with the generic ARC rule about :ref:`inferring ownership <arc.ownership.inference.variables>`. It is, unfortunately, inconsistent with the non-ARC rule which states that such properties are implicitly assign. However, that rule is clearly untenable in ARC, since it leads to default-unsafe code. The main merit to banning the properties is to avoid confusion with non-ARC practice, which did not ultimately strike us as sufficient to justify requiring extra syntax and (more importantly) forcing novices to understand ownership rules just to declare a property when the default is so reasonable. Changing the rule away from non-ARC practice was acceptable because we had conservatively banned the synthesis in order to give ourselves exactly this leeway.

Applying __attribute__((NSObject)) to a property not of retainable object pointer type has the same behavior it does outside of ARC: it requires the property type to be some sort of pointer and permits the use of modifiers other than assign. These modifiers only affect the synthesized getter and setter; direct accesses to the ivar (even if synthesized) still have primitive semantics, and the value in the ivar will not be automatically released during deallocation.


There are five managed operations which may be performed on an object of retainable object pointer type. Each qualifier specifies different semantics for each of these operations. It is still undefined behavior to access an object outside of its lifetime.

A load or store with "primitive semantics" has the same semantics as the respective operation would have on an void* lvalue with the same alignment and non-ownership qualification.

Reading occurs when performing a lvalue-to-rvalue conversion on an object lvalue.

  • For __weak objects, the current pointee is retained and then released at the end of the current full-expression. This must execute atomically with respect to assignments and to the final release of the pointee.
  • For all other objects, the lvalue is loaded with primitive semantics.

Assignment occurs when evaluating an assignment operator. The semantics vary based on the qualification:

  • For __strong objects, the new pointee is first retained; second, the lvalue is loaded with primitive semantics; third, the new pointee is stored into the lvalue with primitive semantics; and finally, the old pointee is released. This is not performed atomically; external synchronization must be used to make this safe in the face of concurrent loads and stores.
  • For __weak objects, the lvalue is updated to point to the new pointee, unless the new pointee is an object currently undergoing deallocation, in which case the lvalue is updated to a null pointer. This must execute atomically with respect to other assignments to the object, to reads from the object, and to the final release of the new pointee.
  • For __unsafe_unretained objects, the new pointee is stored into the lvalue using primitive semantics.
  • For __autoreleasing objects, the new pointee is retained, autoreleased, and stored into the lvalue using primitive semantics.

Initialization occurs when an object's lifetime begins, which depends on its storage duration. Initialization proceeds in two stages:

  1. First, a null pointer is stored into the lvalue using primitive semantics. This step is skipped if the object is __unsafe_unretained.
  2. Second, if the object has an initializer, that expression is evaluated and then assigned into the object using the usual assignment semantics.

Destruction occurs when an object's lifetime ends. In all cases it is semantically equivalent to assigning a null pointer to the object, with the proviso that of course the object cannot be legally read after the object's lifetime ends.

Moving occurs in specific situations where an lvalue is "moved from", meaning that its current pointee will be used but the object may be left in a different (but still valid) state. This arises with __block variables and rvalue references in C++. For __strong lvalues, moving is equivalent to loading the lvalue with primitive semantics, writing a null pointer to it with primitive semantics, and then releasing the result of the load at the end of the current full-expression. For all other lvalues, moving is equivalent to reading the object.


Weak-unavailable types

It is explicitly permitted for Objective-C classes to not support __weak references. It is undefined behavior to perform an operation with weak assignment semantics with a pointer to an Objective-C object whose class does not support __weak references.


Historically, it has been possible for a class to provide its own reference-count implementation by overriding retain, release, etc. However, weak references to an object require coordination with its class's reference-count implementation because, among other things, weak loads and stores must be atomic with respect to the final release. Therefore, existing custom reference-count implementations will generally not support weak references without additional effort. This is unavoidable without breaking binary compatibility.

A class may indicate that it does not support weak references by providing the objc_arc_weak_unavailable attribute on the class's interface declaration. A retainable object pointer type is weak-unavailable if is a pointer to an (optionally protocol-qualified) Objective-C class T where T or one of its superclasses has the objc_arc_weak_unavailable attribute. A program is ill-formed if it applies the __weak ownership qualifier to a weak-unavailable type or if the value operand of a weak assignment operation has a weak-unavailable type.

Storage duration of __autoreleasing objects

A program is ill-formed if it declares an __autoreleasing object of non-automatic storage duration. A program is ill-formed if it captures an __autoreleasing object in a block or, unless by reference, in a C++11 lambda.


Autorelease pools are tied to the current thread and scope by their nature. While it is possible to have temporary objects whose instance variables are filled with autoreleased objects, there is no way that ARC can provide any sort of safety guarantee there.

It is undefined behavior if a non-null pointer is assigned to an __autoreleasing object while an autorelease pool is in scope and then that object is read after the autorelease pool's scope is left.

Conversion of pointers to ownership-qualified types

A program is ill-formed if an expression of type T* is converted, explicitly or implicitly, to the type U*, where T and U have different ownership qualification, unless:

  • T is qualified with __strong, __autoreleasing, or __unsafe_unretained, and U is qualified with both const and __unsafe_unretained; or
  • either T or U is cv void, where cv is an optional sequence of non-ownership qualifiers; or
  • the conversion is requested with a reinterpret_cast in Objective-C++; or
  • the conversion is a well-formed :ref:`pass-by-writeback <arc.ownership.restrictions.pass_by_writeback>`.

The analogous rule applies to T& and U& in Objective-C++.


These rules provide a reasonable level of type-safety for indirect pointers, as long as the underlying memory is not deallocated. The conversion to const __unsafe_unretained is permitted because the semantics of reads are equivalent across all these ownership semantics, and that's a very useful and common pattern. The interconversion with void* is useful for allocating memory or otherwise escaping the type system, but use it carefully. reinterpret_cast is considered to be an obvious enough sign of taking responsibility for any problems.

It is undefined behavior to access an ownership-qualified object through an lvalue of a differently-qualified type, except that any non-__weak object may be read through an __unsafe_unretained lvalue.

It is undefined behavior if a managed operation is performed on a __strong or __weak object without a guarantee that it contains a primitive zero bit-pattern, or if the storage for such an object is freed or reused without the object being first assigned a null pointer.


ARC cannot differentiate between an assignment operator which is intended to "initialize" dynamic memory and one which is intended to potentially replace a value. Therefore the object's pointer must be valid before letting ARC at it. Similarly, C and Objective-C do not provide any language hooks for destroying objects held in dynamic memory, so it is the programmer's responsibility to avoid leaks (__strong objects) and consistency errors (__weak objects).

These requirements are followed automatically in Objective-C++ when creating objects of retainable object owner type with new or new[] and destroying them with delete, delete[], or a pseudo-destructor expression. Note that arrays of nontrivially-ownership-qualified type are not ABI compatible with non-ARC code because the element type is non-POD: such arrays that are new[]'d in ARC translation units cannot be delete[]'d in non-ARC translation units and vice-versa.

Passing to an out parameter by writeback

If the argument passed to a parameter of type T __autoreleasing * has type U oq *, where oq is an ownership qualifier, then the argument is a candidate for pass-by-writeback` if:

  • oq is __strong or __weak, and
  • it would be legal to initialize a T __strong * with a U __strong *.

For purposes of overload resolution, an implicit conversion sequence requiring a pass-by-writeback is always worse than an implicit conversion sequence not requiring a pass-by-writeback.

The pass-by-writeback is ill-formed if the argument expression does not have a legal form:

  • &var, where var is a scalar variable of automatic storage duration with retainable object pointer type
  • a conditional expression where the second and third operands are both legal forms
  • a cast whose operand is a legal form
  • a null pointer constant


The restriction in the form of the argument serves two purposes. First, it makes it impossible to pass the address of an array to the argument, which serves to protect against an otherwise serious risk of mis-inferring an "array" argument as an out-parameter. Second, it makes it much less likely that the user will see confusing aliasing problems due to the implementation, below, where their store to the writeback temporary is not immediately seen in the original argument variable.

A pass-by-writeback is evaluated as follows:

  1. The argument is evaluated to yield a pointer p of type U oq *.
  2. If p is a null pointer, then a null pointer is passed as the argument, and no further work is required for the pass-by-writeback.
  3. Otherwise, a temporary of type T __autoreleasing is created and initialized to a null pointer.
  4. If the parameter is not an Objective-C method parameter marked out, then *p is read, and the result is written into the temporary with primitive semantics.
  5. The address of the temporary is passed as the argument to the actual call.
  6. After the call completes, the temporary is loaded with primitive semantics, and that value is assigned into *p.


This is all admittedly convoluted. In an ideal world, we would see that a local variable is being passed to an out-parameter and retroactively modify its type to be __autoreleasing rather than __strong. This would be remarkably difficult and not always well-founded under the C type system. However, it was judged unacceptably invasive to require programmers to write __autoreleasing on all the variables they intend to use for out-parameters. This was the least bad solution.

Ownership-qualified fields of structs and unions

A program is ill-formed if it declares a member of a C struct or union to have a nontrivially ownership-qualified type.


The resulting type would be non-POD in the C++ sense, but C does not give us very good language tools for managing the lifetime of aggregates, so it is more convenient to simply forbid them. It is still possible to manage this with a void* or an __unsafe_unretained object.

This restriction does not apply in Objective-C++. However, nontrivally ownership-qualified types are considered non-POD: in C++11 terms, they are not trivially default constructible, copy constructible, move constructible, copy assignable, move assignable, or destructible. It is a violation of C++'s One Definition Rule to use a class outside of ARC that, under ARC, would have a nontrivially ownership-qualified member.


Unlike in C, we can express all the necessary ARC semantics for ownership-qualified subobjects as suboperations of the (default) special member functions for the class. These functions then become non-trivial. This has the non-obvious result that the class will have a non-trivial copy constructor and non-trivial destructor; if this would not normally be true outside of ARC, objects of the type will be passed and returned in an ABI-incompatible manner.

Ownership inference


If an object is declared with retainable object owner type, but without an explicit ownership qualifier, its type is implicitly adjusted to have __strong qualification.

As a special case, if the object's base type is Class (possibly protocol-qualified), the type is adjusted to have __unsafe_unretained qualification instead.

Indirect parameters

If a function or method parameter has type T*, where T is an ownership-unqualified retainable object pointer type, then:

  • if T is const-qualified or Class, then it is implicitly qualified with __unsafe_unretained;
  • otherwise, it is implicitly qualified with __autoreleasing.


__autoreleasing exists mostly for this case, the Cocoa convention for out-parameters. Since a pointer to const is obviously not an out-parameter, we instead use a type more useful for passing arrays. If the user instead intends to pass in a mutable array, inferring __autoreleasing is the wrong thing to do; this directs some of the caution in the following rules about writeback.

Such a type written anywhere else would be ill-formed by the general rule requiring ownership qualifiers.

This rule does not apply in Objective-C++ if a parameter's type is dependent in a template pattern and is only instantiated to a type which would be a pointer to an unqualified retainable object pointer type. Such code is still ill-formed.


The convention is very unlikely to be intentional in template code.

Template arguments

If a template argument for a template type parameter is an retainable object owner type that does not have an explicit ownership qualifier, it is adjusted to have __strong qualification. This adjustment occurs regardless of whether the template argument was deduced or explicitly specified.


__strong is a useful default for containers (e.g., std::vector<id>), which would otherwise require explicit qualification. Moreover, unqualified retainable object pointer types are unlikely to be useful within templates, since they generally need to have a qualifier applied to the before being used.

Method families