#include <dune/grid/common/intersectioniterator.hh>

Andreas Dedner
#include <dune/alugrid/common/macrogridview.hh>
/** @file
@author Robert Kloefkorn
@brief Provides proxy classes for IntersectionsIterators
namespace Dune {
//! \brief Class that wraps IntersectionIteratorImp of a grid and gets it's
//! internal object from a object stack hold by the grid
template <class GridImp, class IntersectionIteratorImpl>
class IntersectionIteratorWrapper
enum { dim = GridImp :: dimension };
enum { dimworld = GridImp :: dimensionworld };
typedef IntersectionIteratorWrapper<GridImp,IntersectionIteratorImpl> ThisType;
typedef IntersectionIteratorImpl IntersectionIteratorImp;
typedef ALUMemoryProvider< IntersectionIteratorImpl > IntersectionIteratorProviderType ;
//! dimension
//! dimensionworld
enum { dimensionworld = dimworld };
//! define type used for coordinates in grid module
typedef typename GridImp :: ctype ctype;
//! Entity type
typedef typename GridImp::template Codim<0>::Entity Entity;
//! type of EntityPointer
typedef typename GridImp::template Codim<0>::EntityPointer EntityPointer;
//! type of intersectionGlobal
typedef typename GridImp::template Codim<1>::Geometry Geometry;
//! type of intersection*Local
typedef typename GridImp::template Codim<1>::LocalGeometry LocalGeometry;
//! type of normal vector
typedef FieldVector<ctype , dimworld> NormalType;
typedef typename IntersectionIteratorImpl::Twists Twists;
typedef typename Twists::Twist Twist;
//! constructor called from the ibegin and iend method
IntersectionIteratorWrapper(const GridImp& grid, const EntityImp & en, int wLevel , bool end)
: it_( provider().getEmptyObject() )
it().first( en, wLevel, grid.conformingRefinement(), grid.ghostCellsEnabled() );
//! The copy constructor
IntersectionIteratorWrapper(const ThisType & org)
// copy intersection
it().assign( );
void removeObj()
if( it_ )
provider().freeObject( it_ );
it_ = nullptr ;
//! the assignment operator
ThisType & operator = (const ThisType & org)
assign( org );
return *this ;
//! The Destructor puts internal object back to stack
//! the equality method
//! increment iterator
void increment () { it().increment(); }
//! access neighbor
EntityPointer outside() const { return it().outside(); }
//! access entity where iteration started
EntityPointer inside() const { return it().inside(); }
//! return true if intersection is with boundary. \todo connection with
//! boundary information, processor/outer boundary
bool boundary () const { return it().boundary(); }
//! return true if across the intersection a neighbor on this level exists
bool neighbor () const { return it().neighbor(); }
//! return information about the Boundary
int boundaryId () const { return it().boundaryId(); }
//! return the boundary segment index
size_t boundarySegmentIndex() const { return it().boundarySegmentIndex(); }
//! intersection of codimension 1 of this neighbor with element where
//! iteration started.
//! Here returned element is in LOCAL coordinates of the element
//! where iteration started.
LocalGeometry geometryInInside () const
return it().geometryInInside();
//! intersection of codimension 1 of this neighbor with element where
//! iteration started.
//! Here returned element is in GLOBAL coordinates of the element where
//! iteration started.
Geometry geometry () const
return it().geometry();
/** \brief obtain the type of reference element for this intersection */
GeometryType type () const
return it().type();
//! local index of codim 1 entity in self where intersection is contained
int indexInInside () const
return it().indexInInside();
//! intersection of codimension 1 of this neighbor with element where
//! iteration started.
//! Here returned element is in LOCAL coordinates of neighbor
LocalGeometry geometryInOutside () const
return it().geometryInOutside();
//! local index of codim 1 entity in neighbor where intersection is
//! contained
int indexInOutside () const
return it().indexInOutside();
//! twist of the face seen from the inner element
Twist twistInInside() const { return it().twistInInside(); }
//! twist of the face seen from the outer element
Twist twistInOutside() const { return it().twistInOutside(); }
//! return unit outer normal, this should be dependent on local
//! coordinates for higher order boundary
const NormalType unitOuterNormal ( const FieldVector< ctype, dim-1 > &local ) const
return it().unitOuterNormal( local );
//! return unit outer normal, this should be dependent on local
//! coordinates for higher order boundary
const NormalType centerUnitOuterNormal ( ) const
GeometryType type = geometry().type();
const ReferenceElement<ctype, dim-1> & refElement =
ReferenceElements<ctype, dim-1>::general(type);
return unitOuterNormal(refElement.position(0,0));
//! return outer normal, this should be dependent on local
//! coordinates for higher order boundary
const NormalType outerNormal ( const FieldVector< ctype, dim-1 > &local ) const
return it().outerNormal( local );
//! return outer normal, this should be dependent on local
//! coordinates for higher order boundary
const NormalType integrationOuterNormal ( const FieldVector< ctype, dim-1 > &local ) const
return it().integrationOuterNormal( local );
//! return level of iterator
int level () const { return it().level(); }
//! return true if intersection is conform (i.e. only one neighbor)
bool conforming () const { return it().conforming(); }
//! returns reference to underlying intersection iterator implementation
IntersectionIteratorImp & it() { assert( *this ); return *it_; }
const IntersectionIteratorImp & it() const { assert( *this ); return *it_; }
//! return weight associated with graph edge between the neighboring elements
int weight() const
return it().weight();
static IntersectionIteratorProviderType&
static thread_local IntersectionIteratorProviderType provider ;
return provider ;
}; // end class IntersectionIteratorWrapper
class LeafIntersectionWrapper
: public IntersectionIteratorWrapper<GridImp,typename GridImp::LeafIntersectionIteratorImp>
typedef LeafIntersectionWrapper<GridImp> ThisType;
typedef IntersectionIteratorWrapper<GridImp,typename GridImp::LeafIntersectionIteratorImp> BaseType;
//! constructor called from the ibegin and iend method
LeafIntersectionWrapper(const GridImp& grid, const EntityImp & en, int wLevel , bool end )
: BaseType( grid, en, wLevel, end )
//! The copy constructor
LeafIntersectionWrapper(const ThisType & org)
: BaseType(org)
//! \brief Class that wraps IntersectionIteratorImp of a grid and gets it's
//! internal object from a object stack hold by the grid
template <class GridImp>
class LeafIntersectionIteratorWrapper
typedef LeafIntersectionIteratorWrapper<GridImp> ThisType;
typedef LeafIntersectionWrapper<GridImp> IntersectionImp;
typedef Dune::Intersection< GridImp, IntersectionImp > Intersection;
//! dimension
enum { dimension = GridImp :: dimension };
//! dimensionworld
enum { dimensionworld = GridImp :: dimensionworld };
//! define type used for coordinates in grid module
typedef typename GridImp :: ctype ctype;
//! Entity type
typedef typename GridImp::template Codim<0>::Entity Entity;
//! type of EntityPointer
typedef typename GridImp::template Codim<0>::EntityPointer EntityPointer;
//! type of intersectionGlobal
typedef typename GridImp::template Codim<1>::Geometry Geometry;
//! type of intersection*Local
typedef typename GridImp::template Codim<1>::LocalGeometry LocalGeometry;
//! type of normal vector
typedef FieldVector<ctype , dimensionworld> NormalType;
//! constructor called from the ibegin and iend method
LeafIntersectionIteratorWrapper(const GridImp& grid, const EntityImp & en, int wLevel , bool end )
: intersection_( IntersectionImp( grid, en, wLevel, end) )
//! The copy constructor
LeafIntersectionIteratorWrapper(const ThisType & org)
: intersection_( IntersectionImp( org.impl() ) )
//! the f*cking assignment operator
ThisType & operator = (const ThisType & org)
impl() = org.impl();
return *this;
//! return reference to intersection
const Intersection &dereference () const
return intersection_;
//! the equality method
bool equals (const ThisType & i) const { return impl().equals( i.impl() ); }
//! increment iterator
void increment()
// intersection object
Intersection intersection_;
// return reference to real implementation
IntersectionImp& impl() { return GridImp :: getRealImplementation( intersection_ ); }
// return reference to real implementation
const IntersectionImp& impl() const { return GridImp :: getRealImplementation( intersection_ ); }
}; // end class IntersectionIteratorWrapper
//! \brief Class that wraps IntersectionIteratorImp of a grid and gets it's
//! internal object from a object stack hold by the grid
template <class GridImp>
class LevelIntersectionWrapper
: public IntersectionIteratorWrapper<GridImp,typename GridImp::LevelIntersectionIteratorImp>
typedef LevelIntersectionWrapper<GridImp> ThisType;
typedef IntersectionIteratorWrapper<GridImp,typename GridImp::LevelIntersectionIteratorImp> BaseType;
//! constructor called from the ibegin and iend method
LevelIntersectionWrapper(const GridImp& grid, const EntityImp & en, int wLevel , bool end )
: BaseType( grid, en, wLevel, end )
//! The copy constructor
LevelIntersectionWrapper(const ThisType & org)
: BaseType(org)
//! \brief Class that wraps IntersectionIteratorImp of a grid and gets it's
//! internal object from a object stack hold by the grid
template <class GridImp>
class LevelIntersectionIteratorWrapper
typedef LevelIntersectionIteratorWrapper<GridImp> ThisType;
typedef LevelIntersectionWrapper<GridImp> IntersectionImp;
typedef Dune::Intersection< GridImp, IntersectionImp > Intersection;
//! dimension
enum { dimension = GridImp :: dimension };
//! dimensionworld
enum { dimensionworld = GridImp :: dimensionworld };
//! define type used for coordinates in grid module
typedef typename GridImp :: ctype ctype;
//! Entity type
typedef typename GridImp::template Codim<0>::Entity Entity;
//! type of EntityPointer
typedef typename GridImp::template Codim<0>::EntityPointer EntityPointer;
//! type of intersectionGlobal
typedef typename GridImp::template Codim<1>::Geometry Geometry;
//! type of intersection*Local
typedef typename GridImp::template Codim<1>::LocalGeometry LocalGeometry;
//! type of normal vector
typedef FieldVector<ctype , dimensionworld> NormalType;
//! constructor called from the ibegin and iend method
LevelIntersectionIteratorWrapper(const GridImp& grid, const EntityImp & en, int wLevel , bool end )
: intersection_( IntersectionImp( grid, en, wLevel, end ) )
//! The copy constructor
LevelIntersectionIteratorWrapper(const ThisType & org)
: intersection_( IntersectionImp( org.impl() ) )
//! the f*cking assignment operator
ThisType & operator = (const ThisType & org)
impl() = org.impl();
return *this;
//! return reference to intersection
const Intersection &dereference () const
return intersection_;
//! the equality method
bool equals (const ThisType & i) const { return impl().equals( i.impl() ); }
//! increment iterator
void increment()

Andreas Dedner
// template <class,PartitionIteratorType> friend class MacroGridView; // specialize
// intersection object
Intersection intersection_;
// return reference to real implementation
IntersectionImp& impl() { return GridImp :: getRealImplementation( intersection_ ); }
// return reference to real implementation
const IntersectionImp& impl() const { return GridImp :: getRealImplementation( intersection_ ); }
}; // end class IntersectionIteratorWrapper
} // end namespace Dune