#ifndef PROBLEM_HH
#define PROBLEM_HH
#include <sstream>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
/** \class ProblemData
* \brief virtual base class for our problems
* \tparam dimD dimension of the domain
* \tparam dimR dimension of the range
template< int dimD, int dimR >
struct ProblemData
// dimension of domain and range
static const int dimDomain = dimD;
static const int dimRange = dimR;
// type of domain and range vectors
typedef double DomainFieldType;
typedef double RangeFieldType;
typedef Dune::FieldVector< DomainFieldType , dimDomain > DomainType;
typedef Dune::FieldVector< RangeFieldType , dimRange > RangeType;
/** \brief virtual destructor */
virtual ~ProblemData() {}
/** \brief obtain the file name of the macro grid for this problem
* \param[in] path path to the macro grids
* \param[in] mpiSize number of MPI tasks
* \returns the file name of the macro grid
virtual std::string gridFile ( const std::string &path, const int mpiSize ) const = 0;
/** \brief evaluate the initial data
* \param[in] x coordinate to evaluate the initial data in
* \returns the evaluated initial data
virtual RangeType initial ( const DomainType &x ) const
return RangeType(0);
/** \brief evaluate the data for inflow boundaries
* \param[in] x coordinate to evaluate the boundary data in
* \param[in] time time to evaluate boundary data at
* \returns the evaluated boundary data
virtual RangeType boundaryValue ( const DomainType &x, double time ) const
return initial(x);

Andreas Dedner
/** \brief obtain the type of boundary condition */
virtual int bndType( const DomainType &normal, const DomainType &x, const double time) const = 0;
/** \brief obtain the end time for the evolution problem */
virtual double endTime () const = 0;
/** \brief obtain the interval for writing data to disk */
virtual double saveInterval () const = 0;
/** \brief compute a jump type indicator
* \param uLeft left state
* \param uRight right state
* \return the indicator
virtual double adaptationIndicator ( const DomainType& x, double time,
const RangeType &uLeft, const RangeType &uRight ) const = 0;
/** \brief refine tolerance to use */
virtual double refineTol () const = 0;
/** \brief coarsening tolerance (defaults to 1/3 of refinement tolerance
* Default implementation is 1/3 of the refinement tolerance
virtual double coarsenTol () const
return refineTol()/3.;
/**\brief return number of timestep to pass until load balancing is done again */
virtual int balanceStep() const { return 1; }
/**\brief return maximal number of timesteps to run (for scaling experiment) */
virtual unsigned int maxTimeSteps() const { return std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max(); }
}; // end class ProblemData
// Code moved to problem-transport.hh
#endif // PROBLEM_HH