Robert Kloefkorn authoredRobert Kloefkorn authored
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grid_inline.hh 16.98 KiB
// Dune includes
#include <dune/common/stdstreams.hh>
// Local includes
#include "alu3dinclude.hh"
#include "entity.hh"
#include "iterator.hh"
#include "datahandle.hh"
#include "grid.hh"
namespace Dune
// Implementation of ALU3dGrid
// ---------------------------
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
inline ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >
::ALU3dGrid ( const std::string ¯oTriangFilename,
const MPICommunicatorType mpiComm,
const DuneBoundaryProjectionType *bndPrj,
const DuneBoundaryProjectionVector *bndVec,
const ALUGridRefinementType refinementType )
: mygrid_( 0 )
, maxlevel_( 0 )
, coarsenMarked_( 0 )
, refineMarked_( 0 )
, geomTypes_() //dim+1, std::vector<GeometryType>(1) )
, hIndexSet_ (*this)
, globalIdSet_( 0 )
, localIdSet_( *this )
, levelIndexVec_(MAXL,0) , leafIndexSet_(0)
, referenceElement_( elType == tetra
? ReferenceElements< alu3d_ctype, dimension > :: simplex()
: ReferenceElements< alu3d_ctype, dimension > :: cube() )
, sizeCache_ ( 0 )
, factory_( *this )
, lockPostAdapt_( false )
, bndPrj_ ( bndPrj )
, bndVec_ ( (bndVec) ? (new DuneBoundaryProjectionVector( *bndVec )) : 0 )
, vertexProjection_( (bndPrj || bndVec) ? new ALUGridBoundaryProjectionType( *this ) : 0 )
, communications_( new Communications( mpiComm ) )
, refinementType_( refinementType )
, nonConformingGeoInFatherStorage_( makeGeometries() )
// check macro grid file for keyword
checkMacroGridFile( macroTriangFilename );
mygrid_ = createALUGrid( macroTriangFilename );
alugrid_assert ( mygrid_ );
dverb << "************************************************" << std::endl;
dverb << "Created grid on p=" << comm().rank() << std::endl;
dverb << "************************************************" << std::endl;
checkMacroGrid ();
} // end constructor
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
const typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::GeometryInFatherStorage&
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::makeGeometries()
alugrid_assert ( elType == tetra || elType == hexa );
geomTypes_.resize( dimension+1 );
GeometryType tmpType;
for( int codim = 0; codim <= dimension; ++codim )
if (elType == tetra)
tmpType.makeSimplex( dimension - codim );
tmpType.makeCube( dimension - codim );
geomTypes_[ codim ].push_back( tmpType );
// initialize static storage variables
ALU3dGridGeometry< 0, 3, const ThisType> :: geoProvider();
ALU3dGridGeometry< 1, 3, const ThisType> :: geoProvider();
ALU3dGridGeometry< 2, 3, const ThisType> :: geoProvider();
ALU3dGridGeometry< 3, 3, const ThisType> :: geoProvider();
// return non-conforming geometryInFather storage
// true == non-conforming
return GeometryInFatherStorage :: storage( geomTypes_[ 0 ][ 0 ], true );
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
inline int ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::global_size ( int codim ) const
// return actual size of hierarchical index set
// this is always up to date
// maxIndex is the largest index used + 1
return myGrid().indexManager(codim).getMaxIndex();
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
inline int ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::hierSetSize ( int codim ) const
// return actual size of hierarchical index set
return myGrid().indexManager(codim).getMaxIndex();
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
inline int ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::maxLevel () const
return maxlevel_;
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::GitterImplType &
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::myGrid () const
alugrid_assert ( mygrid_ );
return *mygrid_;
// lbegin methods
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
template< int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LevelIterator
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::lbegin ( int level ) const
alugrid_assert ( level >= 0 );
// if we dont have this level return empty iterator
if( level > maxlevel_ )
return this->template lend<cd,pitype> (level);
return ALU3dGridLevelIterator< cd, pitype, const ThisType >( factory(), level, true );
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
template< int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LevelIterator
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::lend ( int level ) const
alugrid_assert ( level >= 0 );
return ALU3dGridLevelIterator< cd, pitype, const ThisType >( factory(), level );
// lbegin methods
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
template< int cd >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< All_Partition >::LevelIterator
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::lbegin ( int level ) const
return this->template lbegin<cd,All_Partition>( level );
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
template< int cd >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< All_Partition >::LevelIterator
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::lend ( int level ) const
alugrid_assert ( level >= 0 );
return this->template lend<cd,All_Partition>( level );
// leaf methods , first all begin methods
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
template< int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LeafIterator
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::createLeafIteratorBegin ( int level ) const
alugrid_assert ( level >= 0 );
return ALU3dGridLeafIterator< cd, pitype, const ThisType >( factory(), level, true );
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
template< int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LeafIterator
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafbegin ( int level ) const
return createLeafIteratorBegin<cd, pitype> (level) ;
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
template< int cd >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::LeafIterator
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafbegin ( int level ) const
return createLeafIteratorBegin<cd, All_Partition> (level) ;
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
template< int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LeafIterator
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafbegin () const
return createLeafIteratorBegin< cd, pitype > (maxlevel_) ;
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
template< int cd >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::LeafIterator
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafbegin () const
return createLeafIteratorBegin< cd, All_Partition> (maxlevel_) ;
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::LeafIteratorType
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafbegin ( int level ) const
return createLeafIteratorBegin<0, All_Partition> (level) ;
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::LeafIteratorType
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafbegin () const
return createLeafIteratorBegin<0, All_Partition> (maxlevel_) ;
// all leaf end methods
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
template< int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LeafIterator
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::createLeafIteratorEnd ( int level ) const
alugrid_assert ( level >= 0 );
return ALU3dGridLeafIterator<cd, pitype, const MyType> ( factory() , level);
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
template< int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LeafIterator
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafend ( int level ) const
return createLeafIteratorEnd < cd, pitype> (level);
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
template< int cd >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::LeafIterator
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafend ( int level ) const
return createLeafIteratorEnd < cd, All_Partition> (level);
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
template< int cd, PartitionIteratorType pitype >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::template Partition< pitype >::LeafIterator
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafend () const
return createLeafIteratorEnd < cd, pitype> (maxlevel_);
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
template< int cd >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::Traits::template Codim< cd >::LeafIterator
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafend () const
return createLeafIteratorEnd < cd, All_Partition> (maxlevel_);
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::LeafIteratorType
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafend ( int level ) const
return createLeafIteratorEnd <0, All_Partition> (level);
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
inline typename ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::LeafIteratorType
ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::leafend () const
return createLeafIteratorEnd <0,All_Partition> (maxlevel_);
// mark given entity
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
inline bool ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >
::mark ( int ref, const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &entity )
bool marked = (this->getRealImplementation( entity )).mark(ref);
if(ref > 0) ++refineMarked_;
if(ref < 0) ++coarsenMarked_;
return marked;
// get Mark of given entity
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
inline int ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >
::getMark ( const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &entity ) const
return this->getRealImplementation( entity ).getMark();
// global refine
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
template< class GridImp, class DataHandle >
void ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >
::globalRefine ( int refCount, AdaptDataHandleInterface< GridImp, DataHandle > &handle )
alugrid_assert ( (refCount + maxLevel()) < MAXL );
for( int count = refCount; count > 0; --count )
const LeafIteratorType end = leafend();
for( LeafIteratorType it = leafbegin(); it != end; ++it )
mark( 1 , *it );
adapt( handle );
// adapt grid
// --adapt
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
template< class GridImp, class DataHandle >
bool ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >
::adapt ( AdaptDataHandleInterface< GridImp, DataHandle > &handle )
typedef AdaptDataHandleInterface< GridImp, DataHandle > AdaptDataHandle;
typedef typename EntityObject::ImplementationType EntityImp;
EntityObject father( EntityImp( factory(), this->maxLevel() ) );
EntityObject son ( EntityImp( factory(), this->maxLevel() ) );
// true if at least one element was marked for coarsening
bool mightCoarse = preAdapt();
bool refined = false ;
// if global id set exists then include into
// prolongation process
ALU3DSPACE AdaptRestrictProlongGlSet< MyType, AdaptDataHandle, GlobalIdSetImp >
son, this->getRealImplementation(son),
refined = myGrid().duneAdapt(rp); // adapt grid
ALU3DSPACE AdaptRestrictProlongImpl< MyType, AdaptDataHandle >
son, this->getRealImplementation(son),
refined = myGrid().duneAdapt(rp); // adapt grid
if(refined || mightCoarse)
// only calc extras and skip maxLevel calculation, because of
// refinement maxLevel was calculated already
// no need to call postAdapt here, because markers
// are cleand during refinement callback
return refined;
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
struct ALU3dGridCommHelper;
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType >
struct ALU3dGridCommHelper< elType, ALUGridNoComm >
typedef ALU3dGrid< elType, ALUGridNoComm > Grid;
static bool loadBalance ( Grid &grid ) { return false; }
template< class DataHandle >
static bool loadBalance ( Grid &grid, DataHandle &data ) { return false; }
}; // ALU3dGridCommHelper
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType >
struct ALU3dGridCommHelper< elType, ALUGridMPIComm >
typedef ALU3dGrid< elType, ALUGridMPIComm > Grid;
typedef ALU3DSPACE GatherScatter GatherScatterType;
static bool loadBalance ( Grid &grid )
if( grid.comm().size() <= 1 )
return false;
const bool changed = grid.myGrid().duneLoadBalance();
if( changed )
// calculate new maxlevel
// reset size and things
// build new Id Set. Only do that after updateStatus, because here
// the item lists are needed
if( grid.globalIdSet_ )
// unset all leaf markers
return changed;
template< class DataHandle >
static bool loadBalance ( Grid &grid, DataHandle &data )
if( grid.comm().size() <= 1 )
return false;
typedef typename Grid :: EntityObject EntityObject;
typedef typename EntityObject::ImplementationType EntityImp;
EntityObject en ( EntityImp( grid.factory(), grid.maxLevel()) );
EntityObject father ( EntityImp( grid.factory(), grid.maxLevel()) );
EntityObject son ( EntityImp( grid.factory(), grid.maxLevel()) );
typedef ALU3DSPACE LoadBalanceElementCount< Grid, DataHandle > LDBElCountType;
// elCount is the adaption restPro operator used during the refinement
// cause be creating new elements on processors
LDBElCountType elCount( grid,
father, Grid::getRealImplementation( father ),
son, Grid::getRealImplementation( son ),
data );
ALU3DSPACE GatherScatterLoadBalance< Grid, DataHandle, LDBElCountType >
gs( grid, en, Grid::getRealImplementation( en ), data, elCount );
// call load Balance
const bool changed = grid.myGrid().duneLoadBalance( gs, elCount );
if( changed )
// calculate new maxlevel
// reset size and things
// build new Id Set. Only do that after updateStatus, because here
// the item lists are needed
if( grid.globalIdSet_ )
// compress data, wrapper for dof manager
return changed;
}; // ALU3dGridCommHelper
// load balance grid
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
template< class DataHandle >
inline bool ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::loadBalanceImpl ( DataHandle &data )
return ALU3dGridCommHelper< elType, Comm >::loadBalance( *this, data );
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
inline void ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::finalizeGridCreation()
// distribute the grid
// free memory by reinitializing the grid
mygrid_ = GitterImplType :: compress( mygrid_ );
// update all internal structures
// call post adapt
// return Grid name
template< ALU3dGridElementType elType, class Comm >
inline std::string ALU3dGrid< elType, Comm >::name ()
if( elType == hexa )
return "ALUCubeGrid";
return "ALUSimplexGrid";
} // end namespace Dune