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Commit 19570978 authored by Robert Klöfkorn's avatar Robert Klöfkorn
Browse files

bcast version of graph collect.

git-svn-id: 0d966ed9-3843-0410-af09-ebfb50bd7c74
parent 212e2326
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......@@ -339,9 +339,9 @@ void GitterPll :: MacroGitterPll :: vertexLinkageEstimate (MpAccessLocal & mpAcc
// for small processor numbers use gcollect version
// this method should be faster (log p),
// but is more memory consuming O( p )
if( mpAccess.psize () < ALUGridExternalParameters :: vertexEstimateRankLimit() )
vertexLinkageEstimateGCollect ( mpAccess );
//if( mpAccess.psize () < ALUGridExternalParameters :: vertexEstimateRankLimit() )
// vertexLinkageEstimateGCollect ( mpAccess );
// for larger processor numbers use bcast version
// this method is more time consuming (p log p)
// but is the memory consumption is only O( 1 )
......@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ graphCollect (const MpAccessGlobal & mpa,
// exchange data
vector < ObjectStream > osv = mpa.gcollect (os) ;
......@@ -182,6 +183,171 @@ graphCollect (const MpAccessGlobal & mpa,
return ;
template <class idx_t>
void LoadBalancer :: DataBase ::
graphCollectBcast (const MpAccessGlobal & mpa,
insert_iterator < ldb_vertex_map_t > nodes,
insert_iterator < ldb_edge_set_t > edges,
idx_t* vtxdist, const bool serialPartitioner ) const
// for parallel partitioner return local vertices and edges
// for serial partitioner these have to be communicates to all
// processes
// my rank number
const int me = mpa.myrank();
// get number of processes
const int np = mpa.psize () ;
// my data stream
ObjectStream os;
if( ! serialPartitioner )
ldb_vertex_map_t :: const_iterator iEnd = _vertexSet.end () ;
for (ldb_vertex_map_t :: const_iterator i = _vertexSet.begin () ;
i != iEnd; ++i )
const GraphVertex& x = (*i).first;
* nodes ++ = pair < const GraphVertex, int > ( x , me ) ;
ldb_edge_set_t :: const_iterator eEnd = _edgeSet.end () ;
for (ldb_edge_set_t :: const_iterator e = _edgeSet.begin () ;
e != eEnd; ++e)
const GraphEdge& x = (*e) ;
// edges exists twice ( u , v ) and ( v , u )
// with both orientations
* edges ++ = x ;
* edges ++ = - x ;
// make sure vtxdist exists
assert( vtxdist );
// vtxdist always starts with 0
// so initialize here
vtxdist[ 0 ] = 0 ;
// write number of elements
const int vertexSize = _vertexSet.size () ;
os.writeObject ( vertexSize ) ;
if( serialPartitioner )
// write vertices
ldb_vertex_map_t :: const_iterator iEnd = _vertexSet.end () ;
for (ldb_vertex_map_t :: const_iterator i = _vertexSet.begin () ; i != iEnd; ++i )
os.writeObject ((*i).first) ;
// write number of edges
const int edgeSize = _edgeSet.size () ;
os.writeObject ( edgeSize ) ;
// write edges
ldb_edge_set_t :: const_iterator eEnd = _edgeSet.end () ;
for (ldb_edge_set_t :: const_iterator e = _edgeSet.begin () ; e != eEnd; ++e )
os.writeObject (*e);
// get max buffer size (only for serial partitioner we need to communicate)
const int maxSize = serialPartitioner ? mpa.gmax( os.size() ) : os.size();
// create bcast buffer
ObjectStream sendrecv ;
sendrecv.reserve( maxSize * sizeof(char) );
for( int rank = 0; rank < np; ++ rank )
// reset read/write positions
// write my data
if( rank == me )
// write my stream
sendrecv.writeStream( os );
// clear data
// make sure size is still ok
assert( sendrecv.capacity() == maxSize );
// exchange data
mpa.bcast( sendrecv.getBuff(0), maxSize, rank );
// insert data into graph map
// reset read posistion
// adjust write count to max length to avoid eof errors
sendrecv.seekp( maxSize );
int len ;
sendrecv.readObject ( len ) ;
assert (len >= 0) ;
// read graph for serial partitioner
if( serialPartitioner )
for (int j = 0 ; j < len ; ++j)
GraphVertex x ;
sendrecv.readObject (x) ;
* nodes ++ = pair < const GraphVertex, int > (x, rank) ;
sendrecv.readObject (len) ;
assert (len >= 0) ;
for (int j = 0 ; j < len ; ++j)
GraphEdge x ;
sendrecv.readObject (x) ;
* edges ++ = x ;
* edges ++ = - x ;
// see above vtxdist [ 0 ] = 0
// sum up number of vertices for processor rank
vtxdist[ rank + 1 ] = vtxdist[ rank ] + len ;
catch (ObjectStream :: EOFException)
cerr << "**FEHLER (FATAL) EOF gelesen in " << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << endl ;
abort () ;
catch (ObjectStream :: OutOfMemoryException)
cerr << "**FEHLER (FATAL) Out Of Memory in " << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << endl ;
abort () ;
return ;
template <class real_t, class idx_t>
static void optimizeCoverage (const int nparts,
const int len,
......@@ -380,7 +546,7 @@ bool LoadBalancer :: DataBase :: repartition (MpAccessGlobal & mpa,
// collect graph from all processors
// needs a all-to-all (allgather) communication
graphCollect (mpa,
graphCollectBcast (mpa,
insert_iterator < ldb_vertex_map_t > (nodes,nodes.begin ()),
insert_iterator < ldb_edge_set_t > (edges,edges.begin ()),
......@@ -405,7 +571,7 @@ bool LoadBalancer :: DataBase :: repartition (MpAccessGlobal & mpa,
mth = METIS_PartGraphKway ;
// redo the graph collect in the case that the mesh is not distributed
graphCollect (mpa,
graphCollectBcast (mpa,
insert_iterator < ldb_vertex_map_t > (nodes,nodes.begin ()),
insert_iterator < ldb_edge_set_t > (edges,edges.begin ()),
......@@ -98,6 +98,11 @@ class LoadBalancer {
void graphCollect (const MpAccessGlobal &,insert_iterator < ldb_vertex_map_t >,
insert_iterator < ldb_edge_set_t >,
idx_t* , const bool ) const ;
template <class idx_t>
void graphCollectBcast (const MpAccessGlobal &,insert_iterator < ldb_vertex_map_t >,
insert_iterator < ldb_edge_set_t >,
idx_t* , const bool ) const ;
public :
static const char * methodToString (method) ;
inline DataBase () ;
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ class MpAccessGlobal {
virtual pair<double,double> gmin (pair<double,double>) const = 0 ;
virtual pair<double,double> gsum (pair<double,double>) const = 0 ;
virtual void bcast(int*,int, int) const = 0 ;
virtual void bcast(char*,int, int) const = 0 ;
virtual void bcast(double*,int, int) const = 0 ;
virtual int exscan( int ) const = 0;
virtual int scan( int ) const = 0;
......@@ -397,6 +397,11 @@ void MpAccessMPI :: bcast (int* buff, int length, int root ) const
MPI_Bcast(buff, length, MPI_INT, root, _mpiComm) ;
void MpAccessMPI :: bcast (char* buff, int length, int root ) const
MPI_Bcast(buff, length, MPI_BYTE, root, _mpiComm) ;
void MpAccessMPI :: bcast (double* buff, int length, int root ) const
MPI_Bcast(buff, length, MPI_DOUBLE, root, _mpiComm) ;
......@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ public:
pair<double,double> gmin (pair<double,double>) const ;
pair<double,double> gsum (pair<double,double>) const ;
void bcast(int*, int, int ) const;
void bcast(char*, int, int ) const;
void bcast(double*, int, int ) const;
int exscan ( int ) const ;
int scan ( int ) const ;
......@@ -54,10 +54,16 @@ public :
// reset read position
inline void resetReadPosition() { _rb = 0; }
//! set position of write counter
void seekp( const size_t pos ) { _wb = pos ; }
// return's true if size > 0 and read position is zero
// i.e. a read othe stream will result some valid data
inline bool validToRead () const { return (_wb > 0) && (_rb == 0); }
// return size of bytes allready written to stream
inline int capacity() const { return _len; }
// return size of bytes allready written to stream
inline int size() const { return _wb; }
......@@ -220,10 +226,10 @@ public:
_rb = newRb;
inline char * getBuff (const size_t ap) { return (_buf + ap); }
inline const char * getBuff (const size_t ap) const { return (_buf + ap); }
// reallocated the buffer if necessary
inline void reallocateBuffer(size_t newSize) throw (OutOfMemoryException)
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