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Commit 5715a621 authored by Dr. Felix Tobias Schindler's avatar Dr. Felix Tobias Schindler
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[test.stokes] modernize and use new bilinear forms and matrix operators

parent 124734bb
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1 merge request!10Draft: consolidate refactoring work
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......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <dune/xt/grid/boundaryinfo/alldirichlet.hh>
#include <dune/xt/grid/gridprovider/cube.hh>
#include <dune/xt/grid/walker.hh>
#include <dune/xt/functions/base/function-as-grid-function.hh>
#include <dune/xt/functions/constant.hh>
......@@ -102,44 +103,44 @@ struct StokesDirichletProblem
const GV& grid_view()
return grid_view_;
} // ... make_initial_grid(...)
const XT::Functions::GridFunctionInterface<E, d, d>& diffusion()
return *diffusion_;
} // ... make_initial_grid(...)
const VectorGridFunction& rhs_f()
return *rhs_f_;
} // ... make_initial_grid(...)
const VectorGridFunction& rhs_g()
return *rhs_g_;
} // ... make_initial_grid(...)
const VectorGridFunction& dirichlet()
return *dirichlet_;
} // ... make_initial_grid(...)
const VectorGridFunction& reference_solution_u()
DUNE_THROW_IF(!reference_sol_u_, Dune::InvalidStateException, "No reference solution provided!");
return *reference_sol_u_;
} // ... make_initial_grid(...)
const ScalarGridFunction& reference_solution_p()
DUNE_THROW_IF(!reference_sol_p_, Dune::InvalidStateException, "No reference solution provided!");
return *reference_sol_p_;
} // ... make_initial_grid(...)
const XT::Grid::BoundaryInfo<I>& boundary_info()
return boundary_info_;
} // ... make_initial_grid(...)
std::shared_ptr<const DiffusionTensor> diffusion_;
std::shared_ptr<const VectorGridFunction> rhs_f_;
......@@ -208,118 +209,102 @@ public:
// \int (div u) q = \int gg q
// System is [A B; B^T C] [u; p] = [f; g]
// Dimensions are: A: n x n, B: n x m, C: m x m, u: n, f: n, p: m, g: m
// With n = velocity_space.mapper.size(), m = pressure_space.mapper().size()
const VelocitySpace velocity_space(grid_view, velocity_order);
const PressureSpace pressure_space(grid_view, velocity_order - 1);
const size_t m = velocity_space.mapper().size();
const size_t n = pressure_space.mapper().size();
auto pattern_A = make_element_sparsity_pattern(velocity_space, velocity_space, grid_view);
auto pattern_B = make_element_sparsity_pattern(velocity_space, pressure_space, grid_view);
auto pattern_C = make_element_sparsity_pattern(pressure_space, pressure_space, grid_view);
Matrix A(m, m, pattern_A);
Matrix B(m, n, pattern_B);
MatrixOperator<GV, d> A_operator(grid_view, velocity_space, velocity_space, A);
MatrixOperator<GV, 1, 1, d> B_operator(grid_view, pressure_space, velocity_space, B);
// calculate A_{ij} as \int \nabla v_i \nabla v_j
A_operator.append(LocalElementIntegralBilinearForm<E, d>(LocalLaplaceIntegrand<E, d>(problem_.diffusion())));
// calculate B_{ij} as \int -\nabla p_i div(v_j)
B_operator.append(LocalElementIntegralBilinearForm<E, d, 1, RangeField, RangeField, 1>(
// calculate rhs f as \int ff v and the integrated pressure space basis \int q_i
Vector f_vector(m), p_basis_integrated_vector(n);
auto f_functional = make_vector_functional(velocity_space, f_vector);
// Define bilinear forms associated with A and B
// - calculate A_{ij} as \int \nabla v_i \nabla v_j, using associated bilinear form a
BilinearForm<GV, d> a(grid_view);
a += LocalElementIntegralBilinearForm<E, d>(LocalLaplaceIntegrand<E, d>(problem_.diffusion()));
// - calculate B_{ij} as \int -\nabla p_i div(v_j), using associated bilinear form b
BilinearForm<GV, 1, 1, d, 1> b(grid_view);
b += LocalElementIntegralBilinearForm<E, d, 1, RangeField, RangeField, 1>(
// Turn these into (discrete) matrix operators (by providing discrete function spaces) which can be assembled
auto A = a.template with<Matrix>(velocity_space, velocity_space);
auto B = b.template with<Matrix>(pressure_space, velocity_space);
// calculate rhs f as \int ff v
auto f_functional = make_vector_functional<Vector>(velocity_space);
LocalElementIntegralFunctional<E, d>(LocalProductIntegrand<E, d>().with_ansatz(problem_.rhs_f())));
auto p_basis_integrated_functional = make_vector_functional(pressure_space, p_basis_integrated_vector);
XT::Functions::ConstantGridFunction<E> one_function(1);
LocalElementIntegralFunctional<E, 1>(LocalProductIntegrand<E, 1>().with_ansatz(one_function)));
// calculate integrated pressure space basis \int q_i
auto p_basis_integrated_functional = make_vector_functional<Vector>(pressure_space);
p_basis_integrated_functional.append(LocalElementIntegralFunctional<E, 1>(
LocalProductIntegrand<E, 1>().with_ansatz(XT::Functions::ConstantGridFunction<E>(1))));
// Dirichlet constrainst for u
DirichletConstraints<I, VelocitySpace> dirichlet_constraints(problem_.boundary_info(), velocity_space);
// assemble everything
A_operator.assemble(DXTC_TEST_CONFIG_GET("setup.use_tbb", true));
B_operator.assemble(DXTC_TEST_CONFIG_GET("setup.use_tbb", true));
Vector dirichlet_vector(m, 0.), reference_solution_u_vector(m, 0.), reference_solution_p_vector(n, 0.);
auto discrete_dirichlet_values = make_discrete_function(velocity_space, dirichlet_vector);
auto reference_solution_u = make_discrete_function(velocity_space, reference_solution_u_vector);
auto reference_solution_p = make_discrete_function(pressure_space, reference_solution_p_vector);
problem_.dirichlet(), discrete_dirichlet_values, problem_.boundary_info(), XT::Grid::DirichletBoundary());
default_interpolation(problem_.reference_solution_u(), reference_solution_u);
default_interpolation(problem_.reference_solution_p(), reference_solution_p);
Vector rhs_vector_u(m), rhs_vector_p(n);
auto walker = XT::Grid::make_walker(grid_view);
walker.walk(DXTC_TEST_CONFIG_GET("setup.use_tbb", true));
const auto discrete_dirichlet_values = boundary_interpolation<Vector>(
problem_.dirichlet(), velocity_space, problem_.boundary_info(), XT::Grid::DirichletBoundary());
auto reference_solution_u = default_interpolation<Vector>(problem_.reference_solution_u(), velocity_space);
auto reference_solution_p = default_interpolation<Vector>(problem_.reference_solution_p(), pressure_space);
// create rhs vector f - A g_D for u, rhs_vector_u);
auto rhs_vector_u = A.apply(discrete_dirichlet_values.dofs().vector());
rhs_vector_u *= -1.;
rhs_vector_u += f_vector;
rhs_vector_u += f_functional.vector();
// create rhs vector -B^T g_D for p
B.mtv(dirichlet_vector, rhs_vector_p);
rhs_vector_p *= -1;
auto rhs_vector_p = B.matrix().mtv(discrete_dirichlet_values.dofs().vector()); // TODO: use B.apply_adjoint ...
rhs_vector_p *= -1; // ... see
// apply dirichlet constraints for u. We need to set the whole row of (A B; B^T 0) to the unit row for each
// Dirichlet DoF, so we also need to clear the row of B.
dirichlet_constraints.apply(A, rhs_vector_u);
dirichlet_constraints.apply(A.matrix(), rhs_vector_u);
for (const auto& DoF : dirichlet_constraints.dirichlet_DoFs())
// This check is very slow if compiled in debug mode without LAPACKE,
// so we disable it in that case to avoid a test timeout.
// Fix value of p at first DoF to 0 to ensure the uniqueness of the solution, i.e, we have set the m-th row of
// [A B; B^T 0] to the unit vector.
Matrix C(n, n, pattern_C);
size_t dof_index = 0;
auto C = make_matrix_operator<Matrix>(pressure_space);
const size_t dof_index = 0;
rhs_vector_p.set_entry(dof_index, 0.);
C.set_entry(dof_index, dof_index, 1.);
C.matrix().set_entry(dof_index, dof_index, 1.);
// now solve the system
XT::LA::SaddlePointSolver<Vector, Matrix> solver(A, B, B, C);
Vector solution_u(m), solution_p(n);
XT::LA::SaddlePointSolver<Vector, Matrix> solver(A.matrix(), B.matrix(), B.matrix(), C.matrix());
auto solution_u = make_discrete_function<Vector>(velocity_space);
auto solution_p = make_discrete_function<Vector>(pressure_space);
// solve both by direct solver and by schurcomplement (where the schur complement is inverted by CG and the inner
// solves with A are using a direct method)
for (std::string type : {"direct", "cg_direct_schurcomplement"}) {
solver.apply(rhs_vector_u, rhs_vector_p, solution_u, solution_p, type);
solver.apply(rhs_vector_u, rhs_vector_p, solution_u.dofs().vector(), solution_p.dofs().vector(), type);
// add dirichlet values to u
const auto actual_u_vector = solution_u + dirichlet_vector;
solution_u.dofs().vector() += discrete_dirichlet_values.dofs().vector();
// ensure int_\Omega p = 0
auto p_integral = p_basis_integrated_vector * solution_p;
auto p_ref_integral = p_basis_integrated_vector * reference_solution_p_vector;
auto p_correction = p_basis_integrated_vector;
auto p_correction_func = make_discrete_function(pressure_space, p_correction);
auto p_ref_correction = reference_solution_p_vector;
auto p_ref_correction_func = make_discrete_function(pressure_space, p_ref_correction);
const auto p_integral = p_basis_integrated_functional.apply(solution_p);
const auto p_ref_integral = p_basis_integrated_functional.apply(reference_solution_p);
const auto vol_domain = 4.;
XT::Functions::ConstantGridFunction<E> const_p_integral_func(p_integral / vol_domain);
XT::Functions::ConstantGridFunction<E> const_p_ref_integral_func(p_ref_integral / vol_domain);
default_interpolation(const_p_integral_func, p_correction_func);
default_interpolation(const_p_ref_integral_func, p_ref_correction_func);
const auto actual_p_vector = solution_p - p_correction;
const auto actual_p_ref_vector = reference_solution_p_vector - p_ref_correction;
const auto p_correction_func = default_interpolation<Vector>(const_p_integral_func, pressure_space);
const auto p_ref_correction_func = default_interpolation<Vector>(const_p_ref_integral_func, pressure_space);
solution_p.dofs().vector() -= p_correction_func.dofs().vector();
reference_solution_p.dofs().vector() -= p_ref_correction_func.dofs().vector();
// calculate difference to reference solution
const auto u_diff_vector = actual_u_vector - reference_solution_u_vector;
const auto p_diff_vector = actual_p_vector - actual_p_ref_vector;
auto sol_u_func = make_discrete_function(velocity_space, actual_u_vector);
auto sol_p_func = make_discrete_function(pressure_space, actual_p_vector);
auto p_diff = make_discrete_function(pressure_space, p_diff_vector);
auto u_diff = make_discrete_function(velocity_space, u_diff_vector);
auto actual_p_ref = make_discrete_function(pressure_space, actual_p_ref_vector);
bool visualize = true;
const auto p_diff = solution_p - reference_solution_p;
const auto u_diff = solution_u - reference_solution_u;
std::string grid_name = XT::Common::Typename<G>::value();
if (visualize) {
GDT::visualize(sol_u_func, "solution_u_" + type + "_" + grid_name);
GDT::visualize(sol_p_func, "solution_p_" + type + "_" + grid_name);
GDT::visualize(reference_solution_u, "u_ref_" + grid_name);
GDT::visualize(actual_p_ref, "p_ref_" + grid_name);
GDT::visualize(u_diff, "u_error_" + type + "_" + grid_name);
GDT::visualize(p_diff, "p_error_" + type + "_" + grid_name);
if (DXTC_TEST_CONFIG_GET("visualize", true)) {
visualize(solution_u, "solution_u_" + type + "_" + grid_name);
visualize(solution_p, "solution_p_" + type + "_" + grid_name);
visualize(reference_solution_u, "u_ref_" + grid_name);
visualize(reference_solution_p, "p_ref_" + grid_name);
visualize(u_diff, grid_view, "u_error_" + type + "_" + grid_name);
visualize(p_diff, grid_view, "p_error_" + type + "_" + grid_name);
DXTC_EXPECT_FLOAT_LE(l2_norm(problem_.grid_view(), u_diff), expected_error_u);
DXTC_EXPECT_FLOAT_LE(l2_norm(problem_.grid_view(), p_diff), expected_error_p);
......@@ -329,6 +314,7 @@ public:
StokesDirichletProblem<GV> problem_;
}; // class StrokesDirichletTest
template <class G>
class StokesTestcase1 : public StokesDirichletTest<G>
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