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// This file is part of the dune-xt project:
// Copyright 2009-2020 dune-xt developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
// License: Dual licensed as BSD 2-Clause License (
//      or  GPL-2.0+ (
//          with "runtime exception" (
// Authors:
//   Felix Schindler (2019)
//   René Fritze     (2019)
//   Tobias Leibner  (2019 - 2020)
#include <dune/grid/common/gridview.hh>

#include <dune/xt/common/memory.hh>
#include <dune/xt/common/print.hh>
#include <dune/xt/la/container/eye-matrix.hh>
#include <dune/xt/grid/type_traits.hh>
#include <dune/xt/functions/base/function-as-grid-function.hh>
#include <dune/xt/functions/base/combined-grid-functions.hh>
#include <dune/xt/functions/constant.hh>
#include <dune/xt/functions/interfaces/function.hh>
#include <dune/xt/functions/interfaces/grid-function.hh>
#include <dune/xt/functions/generic/function.hh>
#include <dune/xt/functions/generic/grid-function.hh>

namespace Dune {
namespace XT {
namespace Functions {

 * \brief Wraps a value, a function or a grid function (generic variant, except for scalars and square matrices).
 * Suppose we have a function (this is all pseudo-code below, assuming d is the dimension of the grid element E)
void foo(const GridFunctionInterface<E>& grid_func);
 * or a class
struc Bar {
  Bar(const GridFunctionInterface<E>& grid_func)
   : grid_func_(grid_func) {}

  const GridFunctionInterface<E>& grid_func_;
 * that require a grid function to work, but we want the user to be able to also pass a function or a value, for
 * convenience. In case of the function foo, we would thus need to have two additional ones
void foo(const FunctionInterface<d>& func
void foo(const double& value)
 * and in case of the class Bar we need additional ctors and a different member, as in
struc Bar {
  Bar(const double& grid_func)
   : grid_func_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E>(new ConstantFunction(value))) {}

  Bar(const FunctionInterface<d>& func)
   : grid_func_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E>(func)) {}

  Bar(const GridFunctionInterface<E>& grid_func)
   : grid_func_(grid_func) {}

  Dune::XT::Common::StorageProvider<GridFunctionInterface<E>> grid_func_;
 * Similar to the last example, this class simplifies such use cases by providing a grid function, given a grid
 * function, a function or a value. If the range of the grid function is a square matrix, it also accepts a number, a
 * scalar function or scalar grid function. To benefit from this class, one needs to use it as an argument passed by
 * value (its copy and movable), so the above examples simplify to
void foo(GridFunction<E> grid_func);
 * and
struc Bar {
  Bar(GridFunction<E> grid_func)
   : grid_func_(grid_func) {}

  GridFunctionInterface<E> grid_func_;
 * This allows the user to call
 * as well as
Bar bar(1);
Bar bar(some_function);
Bar bar(some_grid_function);
 * the magic happens due to the various non explicit ctors.
template <class E, size_t r = 1, size_t rC = 1, class R = double>
class GridFunction : public GridFunctionInterface<E, r, rC, R>
  using BaseType = GridFunctionInterface<E, r, rC, R>;

  using BaseType::d;
  using typename BaseType::LocalFunctionType;
  using GenericFunctionType = GenericFunction<d, r, rC>;
  GridFunction(const typename RangeTypeSelector<R, r, rC>::type& value,
               const std::string nm = "GridFunction",
               const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType({}, logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, rC, R>(new ConstantFunction<d, r, rC, R>(value)))
  GridFunction(const FunctionInterface<d, r, rC, R>& func, const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType(func.parameter_type(), logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, rC, R>(func))
    , name_(function_->name())
  GridFunction(FunctionInterface<d, r, rC, R>*&& func_ptr, const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType(
        func_ptr->parameter_type(), logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, rC, R>(std::move(func_ptr)))
    , name_(function_->name())
  GridFunction(const GridFunctionInterface<E, r, rC, R>& func, const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType(func.parameter_type(),
               logging_prefix.empty() ? func.logger.prefix : logging_prefix,
               logging_prefix.empty() ? !func.logger.debug_enabled : true)
    , function_(func.copy_as_grid_function())
    , name_(function_->name())
  GridFunction(GridFunctionInterface<E, r, rC, R>*&& func_ptr, const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType(func_ptr->parameter_type(),
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               logging_prefix.empty() ? func_ptr->logger.prefix : logging_prefix,
               logging_prefix.empty() ? !func_ptr->logger.debug_enabled : true)
    , function_(std::move(func_ptr))
    , name_(function_->name())
  GridFunction(std::tuple<int, typename GenericFunctionType::GenericEvaluateFunctionType> order_evaluate,
               const std::string nm = "GridFunction",
               const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType({}, logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, rC, R>(
          new GenericFunctionType(std::get<0>(order_evaluate), std::get<1>(order_evaluate))))

  GridFunction(std::tuple<int, typename GenericFunctionType::GenericEvaluateFunctionType, const std::string&>
               const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType({}, logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, rC, R>(
          new GenericFunctionType(std::get<0>(order_evaluate_name), std::get<1>(order_evaluate_name))))
    , name_(std::get<2>(order_evaluate_name))

                          typename GenericFunctionType::GenericEvaluateFunctionType,
                          typename GenericFunctionType::GenericJacobianFunctionType> order_evaluate_jacobian,
               const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType({}, logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
          new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, rC, R>(new GenericFunctionType(std::get<0>(order_evaluate_jacobian),
    , name_("GridFunction")

                          typename GenericFunctionType::GenericEvaluateFunctionType,
                          typename GenericFunctionType::GenericJacobianFunctionType,
                          const std::string&> order_evaluate_jacobian_name,
               const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType({}, logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, rC, R>(
          new GenericFunctionType(std::get<0>(order_evaluate_jacobian_name),
    , name_(std::get<3>(order_evaluate_jacobian_name))
  GridFunction(const ThisType& other)
    : BaseType(other)
    , function_(other.function_->copy_as_grid_function())
  GridFunction(ThisType&& source) = default;

  ThisType* copy_as_grid_function_impl() const override
    return new ThisType(*this);
  std::unique_ptr<ThisType> copy_as_grid_function() const
    return std::unique_ptr<ThisType>(this->copy_as_grid_function_impl());
  std::unique_ptr<LocalFunctionType> local_function() const override final
    return function_->local_function();

  std::string name() const override final
  std::unique_ptr<GridFunctionInterface<E, r, rC, R>> function_;
}; // class GridFunction<..., r, rC, ...>
 * \brief Wraps a value, a function or a grid function (variant for square matrices).
 * \sa GridFunction
template <class E, size_t r, class R>
class GridFunction<E, r, r, R> : public GridFunctionInterface<E, r, r, R>
  using BaseType = GridFunctionInterface<E, r, r, R>;

  static GridFunctionInterface<E, r, r, R>* unit_matrix()
    return new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, r, R>(new ConstantFunction<d, r, r, R>(
        XT::LA::eye_matrix<typename FunctionInterface<d, r, r, R>::RangeReturnType>(r, r)));

  using BaseType::d;
  using BaseType::rC;
  using typename BaseType::LocalFunctionType;
  using GenericFunctionType = GenericFunction<d, r, rC>;
  GridFunction(const R& value, const std::string nm = "GridFunction", const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType({}, logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new ProductGridFunction<GridFunction<E, 1, 1, R>, GridFunctionInterface<E, r, r, R>>(
          new GridFunction<E, 1, 1, R>(value), std::move(unit_matrix()), ""))
  GridFunction(const FieldMatrix<R, r, r>& value, // <- Must not be XT::Common::FieldMatrix!
               const std::string nm = "GridFunction",
               const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType({}, logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, r, R>(new ConstantFunction<d, r, r, R>(value)))
  GridFunction(const FunctionInterface<d, 1, 1, R>& func, const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType(func.parameter_type(), logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new ProductGridFunction<FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, 1, 1, R>, GridFunctionInterface<E, r, r, R>>(
          new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, 1, 1, R>(func), std::move(unit_matrix()),
  GridFunction(FunctionInterface<d, 1, 1, R>*&& func_ptr, const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType(
        func_ptr->parameter_type(), logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new ProductGridFunction<FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, 1, 1, R>, GridFunctionInterface<E, r, r, R>>(
          new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, 1, 1, R>(std::move(func_ptr)),
  GridFunction(const FunctionInterface<d, r, r, R>& func, const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType(func.parameter_type(), logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, r, R>(func))
    , name_(function_->name())
  GridFunction(FunctionInterface<d, r, r, R>*&& func_ptr, const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType(
        func_ptr->parameter_type(), logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, r, R>(std::move(func_ptr)))
    , name_(function_->name())
  GridFunction(const GridFunctionInterface<E, 1, 1, R>& func, const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType(func.parameter_type(),
               logging_prefix.empty() ? func.logger.prefix : logging_prefix,
               logging_prefix.empty() ? !func.logger.debug_enabled : true)
    , function_(new ProductGridFunction<GridFunction<E, 1, 1, R>, GridFunctionInterface<E, r, r, R>>(
          new GridFunction<E, 1, 1, R>(func), std::move(unit_matrix()),
  GridFunction(GridFunctionInterface<E, 1, 1, R>*&& func_ptr, const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType(func_ptr->parameter_type(),
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               logging_prefix.empty() ? func_ptr->logger.prefix : logging_prefix,
               logging_prefix.empty() ? !func_ptr->logger.debug_enabled : true)
    , function_(new ProductGridFunction<GridFunctionInterface<E, 1, 1, R>, GridFunctionInterface<E, r, r, R>>(
          std::move(func_ptr), std::move(unit_matrix()), func_ptr->name()))
  GridFunction(const GridFunctionInterface<E, r, r, R>& func, const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType(func.parameter_type(),
               logging_prefix.empty() ? func.logger.prefix : logging_prefix,
               logging_prefix.empty() ? !func.logger.debug_enabled : true)
    , function_(func.copy_as_grid_function())
    , name_(function_->name())
  GridFunction(GridFunctionInterface<E, r, r, R>*&& func_ptr, const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType(func_ptr->parameter_type(),
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               logging_prefix.empty() ? func_ptr->logger.prefix : logging_prefix,
               logging_prefix.empty() ? !func_ptr->logger.debug_enabled : true)
    , function_(std::move(func_ptr))
    , name_(function_->name())
  GridFunction(std::tuple<int, typename GenericFunctionType::GenericEvaluateFunctionType> order_evaluate,
               const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType({}, logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, rC, R>(
          new GenericFunctionType(std::get<0>(order_evaluate), std::get<1>(order_evaluate))))
    , name_("GridFunction")

  GridFunction(std::tuple<int, typename GenericFunctionType::GenericEvaluateFunctionType, const std::string&>
               const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType({}, logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, rC, R>(
          new GenericFunctionType(std::get<0>(order_evaluate_name), std::get<1>(order_evaluate_name))))
    , name_(std::get<2>(order_evaluate_name))

                          typename GenericFunctionType::GenericEvaluateFunctionType,
                          typename GenericFunctionType::GenericJacobianFunctionType> order_evaluate_jacobian,
               const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType({}, logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
          new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, rC, R>(new GenericFunctionType(std::get<0>(order_evaluate_jacobian),
    , name_("GridFunction")

                          typename GenericFunctionType::GenericEvaluateFunctionType,
                          typename GenericFunctionType::GenericJacobianFunctionType,
                          const std::string&> order_evaluate_jacobian_name,
               const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType({}, logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, rC, R>(
          new GenericFunctionType(std::get<0>(order_evaluate_jacobian_name),
    , name_(std::get<3>(order_evaluate_jacobian_name))
  GridFunction(const ThisType& other)
    : BaseType(other)
    , function_(other.function_->copy_as_grid_function())

  ThisType* copy_as_grid_function_impl() const override
    return new ThisType(*this);
  std::unique_ptr<ThisType> copy_as_grid_function() const
    return std::unique_ptr<ThisType>(this->copy_as_grid_function_impl());
  std::unique_ptr<LocalFunctionType> local_function() const override final
    return function_->local_function();

  std::string name() const override final
  std::unique_ptr<GridFunctionInterface<E, r, rC, R>> function_;
}; // class GridFunction<..., r, r, ...>
 * \brief Wraps a value, a function or a grid function (scalar variant).
 * \sa GridFunction
template <class E, class R>
class GridFunction<E, 1, 1, R> : public GridFunctionInterface<E, 1, 1, R>
  using BaseType = GridFunctionInterface<E, 1, 1, R>;

  using BaseType::d;
  using BaseType::r;
  using BaseType::rC;
  using typename BaseType::LocalFunctionType;
  using GenericFunctionType = GenericFunction<d, r, rC>;
  GridFunction(const R& value, const std::string nm = "GridFunction", const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType({}, logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, 1, 1, R>(new ConstantFunction<d, 1, 1, R>(value)))
    LOG_(info) << "GridFunction<1,1>(this=" << this << ", value=" << value << ", nm=\"" << nm << "\")" << std::endl;
  GridFunction(const FieldVector<R, 1>& value, // <- Must not be XT::Common::FieldVector!
               const std::string nm = "GridFunction",
               const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType({}, logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, 1, 1, R>(new ConstantFunction<d, 1, 1, R>(value)))
    LOG_(info) << "GridFunction<1,1>(this=" << this << ", value_vec=" << Common::print(value) << ", nm=\"" << nm
               << "\")" << std::endl;
  GridFunction(const FieldMatrix<R, 1, 1>& value, // <- Must not be XT::Common::FieldMatrix!
               const std::string nm = "GridFunction",
               const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType({}, logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, 1, 1, R>(new ConstantFunction<d, 1, 1, R>(value[0][0])))
    LOG_(info) << "GridFunction<1,1>(this=" << this << ", value_mat=" << Common::print(value) << ", nm=\"" << nm
               << "\")" << std::endl;
  GridFunction(const FunctionInterface<d, 1, 1, R>& func, const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType(func.parameter_type(), logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, 1, 1, R>(func))
    , name_(function_->name())
    LOG_(info) << "GridFunction<1,1>(this=" << this << ", func=" << &func << "," << name_ << ")"
               << std::endl;
  GridFunction(FunctionInterface<d, 1, 1, R>*&& func_ptr, const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType(
        func_ptr->parameter_type(), logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, 1, 1, R>(std::move(func_ptr)))
    , name_(function_->name())
    LOG_(info) << "GridFunction<1,1>(this=" << this << ", func_ptr=" << func_ptr << ", func_ptr->name()=" << name_
               << ")" << std::endl;
  GridFunction(const GridFunctionInterface<E, 1, 1, R>& func, const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType(func.parameter_type(),
               logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction(" + func.logger.prefix + ")" : logging_prefix,
               logging_prefix.empty() ? !func.logger.debug_enabled : true)
    , function_(func.copy_as_grid_function())
    , name_(function_->name())
    LOG_(info) << "GridFunction<1,1>(this=" << this << ", grid_func=" << &func << "," << name_ << ")"
               << std::endl;
  GridFunction(GridFunctionInterface<E, 1, 1, R>*&& func_ptr, const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType(func_ptr->parameter_type(),
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               logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction(" + func_ptr->logger.prefix + ")" : logging_prefix,
               logging_prefix.empty() ? !func_ptr->logger.debug_enabled : true)
    , function_(std::move(func_ptr))
    , name_(function_->name())
    LOG_(info) << "GridFunction<1,1>(this=" << this << ", grid_func_ptr=" << func_ptr
               << ", grid_func_ptr->name()=" << name_ << ")" << std::endl;
  GridFunction(std::tuple<int, typename GenericFunctionType::GenericEvaluateFunctionType> order_evaluate,
               const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType({}, logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, rC, R>(
          new GenericFunctionType(std::get<0>(order_evaluate), std::get<1>(order_evaluate))))
    LOG_(info) << "GridFunction<1,1>(this=" << this << ", order_evaluate_lambda=" << &order_evaluate << ")"
               << std::endl;

  GridFunction(std::tuple<int, typename GenericFunctionType::GenericEvaluateFunctionType, const std::string&>
               const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType({}, logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, rC, R>(
          new GenericFunctionType(std::get<0>(order_evaluate_name), std::get<1>(order_evaluate_name))))
    , name_(std::get<2>(order_evaluate_name))
    LOG_(info) << "GridFunction<1,1>(this=" << this << ", order_evaluate_name_lambda=" << &order_evaluate_name << ")"
               << std::endl;

                          typename GenericFunctionType::GenericEvaluateFunctionType,
                          typename GenericFunctionType::GenericJacobianFunctionType> order_evaluate_jacobian,
               const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType({}, logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
          new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, rC, R>(new GenericFunctionType(std::get<0>(order_evaluate_jacobian),
    LOG_(info) << "GridFunction<1,1>(this=" << this << ", order_evaluate_jacobian_lambda=" << &order_evaluate_jacobian
               << ")" << std::endl;

                          typename GenericFunctionType::GenericEvaluateFunctionType,
                          typename GenericFunctionType::GenericJacobianFunctionType,
                          const std::string&> order_evaluate_jacobian_name,
               const std::string logging_prefix = "")
    : BaseType({}, logging_prefix.empty() ? "GridFunction" : logging_prefix, logging_prefix.empty())
    , function_(new FunctionAsGridFunctionWrapper<E, r, rC, R>(
          new GenericFunctionType(std::get<0>(order_evaluate_jacobian_name),
    , name_(std::get<3>(order_evaluate_jacobian_name))
    LOG_(info) << "GridFunction<1,1>(this=" << this
               << ", order_evaluate_jacobian_name_lambda=" << &order_evaluate_jacobian_name << ")" << std::endl;
  GridFunction(const ThisType& other)
    : BaseType(other)
    , function_(other.function_->copy_as_grid_function())

  ThisType* copy_as_grid_function_impl() const override
    return new ThisType(*this);

  std::unique_ptr<ThisType> copy_as_grid_function() const
    return std::unique_ptr<ThisType>(this->copy_as_grid_function_impl());

  std::unique_ptr<LocalFunctionType> local_function() const override final
    LOG_(info) << "GridFunction<1,1>::local_function()" << std::endl;
    return function_->local_function();

  std::string name() const override final
  std::unique_ptr<GridFunctionInterface<E, 1, 1, R>> function_;
}; // class GridFunction<..., 1, 1, ...>
template <class Element_or_GridView, size_t d, size_t r, size_t rC, class R>
auto make_grid_function(const FunctionInterface<d, r, rC, R>& func)
  if constexpr (Grid::is_entity<Element_or_GridView>::value) {
    using E = Element_or_GridView;
    return GridFunction<E, r, rC, R>(func);
  } else if constexpr (Grid::is_view<Element_or_GridView>::value) {
    using GV = Element_or_GridView;
    using E = Grid::extract_entity_t<GV>;
    return GridFunction<E, r, rC, R>(func);
  } else
    static_assert(AlwaysFalse<Element_or_GridView>::value, "Element_or_GridView has to be an Element or a GridView!");
} /// ... make_grid_function(...)

template <size_t d, size_t r, size_t rC, class R, class GridView>
GridFunction<Grid::extract_entity_t<GridView>, r, rC, R> make_grid_function(const FunctionInterface<d, r, rC, R>& func,
                                                                            const GridView& /*grid_view*/)
  static_assert(Grid::is_view<GridView>::value, "");
  static_assert(GridView::dimension == d, "");
  return GridFunction<Grid::extract_entity_t<GridView>, r, rC, R>(func);

} // namespace Functions
} // namespace XT
} // namespace Dune