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dd_glued.hh 9.37 KiB
// This file is part of the dune-xt project:
// Copyright 2009-2021 dune-xt developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
// License: Dual licensed as BSD 2-Clause License (
//      or  GPL-2.0+ (
//          with "runtime exception" (
// Authors:
//   Felix Schindler (2017 - 2018)
//   René Fritze     (2018 - 2020)
//   Tim Keil        (2021)
//   Tobias Leibner  (2019 - 2021)


#  include <map>
#  include <set>
#  include <sstream>
#  include <vector>

#  include <dune/grid/common/rangegenerators.hh>

#  include <dune/xt/common/memory.hh>
#  include <dune/xt/test/gtest/gtest.h>
#  include <dune/xt/grid/grids.hh>
#  include <dune/xt/grid/gridprovider.hh>
#  include <dune/xt/grid/dd/glued.hh>
#  include <dune/xt/grid/walker.hh>
#  include <dune/xt/grid/view/coupling.hh>
#  include <dune/xt/grid/gridprovider/coupling.hh>

template <class T>
std::string convert_to_initializer_list_str(const std::set<T>& results)
  std::stringstream out;
  if (results.size() == 0)
    out << "{}";
  else if (results.size() == 1)
    out << "{" << *results.begin() << "}";
  else {
    auto iterator = results.begin();
    out << "{" << *iterator;
    for (; iterator != results.end(); ++iterator) {
      out << ", " << *iterator;
    out << "}";
  return out.str();

template <class L, class R>
std::string convert_to_initializer_list_str(const std::pair<L, R>& results)
  std::stringstream out;
  out << "{" << results.first << ", " << results.second << "}";
  return out.str();

template <class F, class S>
std::string convert_to_initializer_list_str(const std::map<F, S>& results)
  std::stringstream out;
  if (results.size() == 0)
    out << "{}" << std::endl;
  else if (results.size() == 1)
    out << "{{" << convert_to_initializer_list_str(results.begin()->first) << ", " << results.begin()->second << "}}";
  else {
    auto iterator = results.begin();
    out << "{{" << convert_to_initializer_list_str(iterator->first) << ", " << iterator->second << "}";
    for (; iterator != results.end(); ++iterator) {
      out << ",\n {" << convert_to_initializer_list_str(iterator->first) << ", " << iterator->second << "}";
    out << "}";
  return out.str();

namespace Dune {
namespace XT {
namespace Grid {

template <class M, class L>
struct ExpectedResults
  static_assert(AlwaysFalse<M>::value, "Please add me for this grid!");

/// \note assumes that all macro entities contain local grids of same refiment levels
template <class GridTuple>
struct GluedDdGridTest : public ::testing::Test
  using MacroGridType = typename std::tuple_element<0, GridTuple>::type;
  using LocalGridType = typename std::tuple_element<1, GridTuple>::type;
  using Expectations = ExpectedResults<MacroGridType, LocalGridType>;

  template <class G, bool anything = true>
  struct get_local_layer
    static constexpr Layers type = Layers::leaf;
    // TODO: Layers:level does not work for walk_coupling_views()


  template <int d, int dw, bool anything>
  struct get_local_layer<AlbertaGrid<d, dw>, anything>
    static constexpr Layers type = Layers::leaf;

#  endif

  static constexpr Layers local_layer = get_local_layer<LocalGridType>::type;

  void setup()
    if (!macro_grid_)
      macro_grid_ = std::make_unique<GridProvider<MacroGridType>>(
          make_cube_grid<MacroGridType>(0., 1., 3, Expectations::num_coarse_refinements()));
    ASSERT_NE(macro_grid_, nullptr) << "This should not happen!";
    if (!dd_grid_)
      dd_grid_ = std::make_unique<DD::Glued<MacroGridType, LocalGridType, local_layer>>(
    ASSERT_NE(dd_grid_, nullptr) << "This should not happen!";
    for (auto&& macro_entity : Dune::elements(dd_grid_->macro_grid_view())) {
                (local_layer == Layers::level) ? Expectations::num_local_refinements() : -1);
  } // ... setup()
  void couplings_are_of_correct_size()
    ASSERT_NE(macro_grid_, nullptr) << "This should not happen!";
    ASSERT_NE(dd_grid_, nullptr) << "This should not happen!";

    const auto& macro_grid_view = dd_grid_->macro_grid_view();
    for (auto&& macro_entity : Dune::elements(macro_grid_view)) {
      const auto entity_index = macro_grid_view.indexSet().index(macro_entity);
      for (auto&& macro_intersection : Dune::intersections(macro_grid_view, macro_entity)) {
        if (macro_intersection.neighbor() && !macro_intersection.boundary()) {
          const auto macro_neighbor = macro_intersection.outside();
          const auto neighbor_index = macro_grid_view.indexSet().index(macro_neighbor);
          const auto& coupling =
                                 (local_layer == Layers::level) ? 1 : -1,
                                 (local_layer == Layers::level) ? Expectations::num_local_refinements() : -1,
          EXPECT_EQ(Expectations::num_local_couplings_intersections().count(coupling.size()), 1)
              << "entity: " << entity_index << "\n"
              << "neighbor: " << neighbor_index << "\n"
              << "expected num_local_couplings_intersections: "
              << convert_to_initializer_list_str(Expectations::num_local_couplings_intersections())
              << "\nactual num_local_couplings_intersections: " << coupling.size();
  } // ... couplings_are_of_correct_size(...)

  void visualize_is_callable()
    ASSERT_NE(macro_grid_, nullptr) << "This should not happen!";
    ASSERT_NE(dd_grid_, nullptr) << "This should not happen!";

  } // ... visualize_is_callable(...)

  void local_grids_are_constructable()
    ASSERT_NE(macro_grid_, nullptr) << "This should not happen!";
    ASSERT_NE(dd_grid_, nullptr) << "This should not happen!";

    for (size_t ss = 0; ss < dd_grid_->num_subdomains(); ss++) {
      auto local_grid = dd_grid_->local_grid(ss);
      EXPECT_EQ(macro_grid_->dimDomain, local_grid.dimDomain);

  void walk_coupling_views()
    ASSERT_NE(macro_grid_, nullptr) << "This should not happen!";
    ASSERT_NE(dd_grid_, nullptr) << "This should not happen!";

    using GridGlueType = DD::Glued<MacroGridType, LocalGridType, get_local_layer<LocalGridType>::type>;
    using CouplingGridViewType = CouplingGridView<GridGlueType>;
    using MacroElementType = typename MacroGridType::template Codim<0>::Entity;
    using MacroGridProviderType = Dune::XT::Grid::GridProvider<MacroGridType>;
    using MacroGridViewType = typename MacroGridProviderType::LeafGridViewType; //<-- adapt to local_layer
    using MacroIntersectionType = typename MacroGridViewType::Intersection;

    auto functor = Dune::XT::Grid::GenericElementAndIntersectionFunctor<CouplingGridViewType>(
        [] {},
        [](const auto& element) { std::cout << "WALKER: Element : " << element.geometry().center() << std::endl; },
        [](const auto& intersection, const auto&, const auto&) {
          std::cout << "WALKER:      Intersection : " << intersection.geometry().center() << std::endl;
        [] {});

    auto mgv = dd_grid_->macro_grid_view();

    // use the gridview from view/coupling.hh
    for (auto&& macro_element : Dune::elements(mgv)) {

      for (auto& macro_intersection : Dune::intersections(mgv, macro_element)) {
        if (macro_intersection.boundary()) {
          std::cout << "... skip this intersection, it belongs to the boundary of the domain" << std::endl;
        auto inside_element = macro_intersection.inside();
        auto outside_element = macro_intersection.outside();

        std::cout << "My inside macro element has center : " << inside_element.geometry().center() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "My outside macro element has center: " << outside_element.geometry().center() << std::endl;

        // iterate over micro coupling
        auto cgv = make_coupling_grid_view<GridGlueType, MacroElementType, MacroIntersectionType>(
            inside_element, outside_element, *dd_grid_, macro_intersection);

        std::cout << "My codim 0 and 1 sizes are: " << cgv.size(0) << " and " << cgv.size(1) << std::endl;

        // check coupling provider
        CouplingGridProvider<CouplingGridViewType> coupling_provider(cgv);
        const auto cgv_c = coupling_provider.coupling_view();
        auto walker = Dune::XT::Grid::Walker<CouplingGridViewType>(cgv_c); // or cgv itself

  std::unique_ptr<GridProvider<MacroGridType>> macro_grid_;
  std::unique_ptr<DD::Glued<MacroGridType, LocalGridType, local_layer>> dd_grid_;
}; // struct GluedDdGridTest

} // namespace Grid
} // namespace XT
} // namespace Dune