# This file is part of the dune-xt-common project:
# https://github.com/dune-community/dune-xt-common
# Copyright 2009-2017 dune-xt-common developers and contributors. All rights reserved.
# License: Dual licensed as BSD 2-Clause License (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
# or GPL-2.0+ (http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license)
# with "runtime exception" (http://www.dune-project.org/license.html)
# Authors:
# Felix Schindler (2013 - 2014, 2016 - 2017)
# Rene Milk (2009, 2015)
dune-xt-common is an eXTensions module for DUNE (http://www.dune-project.org), which is often used together with dune-xt-grid, dune-xt-functions and dune-xt-la in the context of the discretization module dune-gdt.
There is a paper describing some of the concepts behind these extensions. While already dated, most ideas still apply:
T. Leibner and R. Milk and F. Schindler: "Extending DUNE: The dune-xt modules"
Archive of Numerical Software, 5:193-216, 2017
New users may best try out this module by using the git supermodule dune-xt-super, experienced DUNE users may go ahead.
Please see our github page for issue tracking and further information. If you want to start hacking, go ahead and fork us on github and have a look at the CONTRIBUTING.md.