René Fritze authored
The user can now opt-into this system by creating a git repo at $HOME/.local/share/dxt/gitsuper
René Fritze authoredThe user can now opt-into this system by creating a git repo at $HOME/.local/share/dxt/gitsuper
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03-record-supermodule-commit.py 2.13 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Put the supermodules's remote, status and commit
into .gitsuper
import sys
import os
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
from configparser import ConfigParser
from functools import partial
import logging
get_output = partial(subprocess.check_output, universal_newlines=True)
root = Path(get_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel']).strip())
supermod = Path(root, '..')
supermod_name = supermod.resolve().parts[-1]
modfile_fn = root / '.gitsuper'
def get_env(mod):
env = os.environ.copy()
env['GIT_WORKING_TREE'] = str(mod)
env['GIT_DIR'] = str(mod / '.git')
del env['GIT_INDEX_FILE']
return env
def _save_config(super, mod, cf):
target_dir = Path(os.path.expandvars('$HOME')) / '.local' / 'share' / 'dxt' / 'gitsuper'
if not target_dir.is_dir():
logging.error('Not a directory {}, skipping gitsuper committing'.format(target_dir))
target = target_dir / mod
env = get_env(target_dir)
with open(target, 'wt') as out:
subprocess.check_output(['git', 'add', str(target)], env=env)
subprocess.check_output(['git', 'commit', '-m', '"Updated {} from {}"'.format(mod, super)], env=env)
def for_module(cf, mod, section=None):
mod = mod.resolve()
env = get_env(mod)
remote = get_output(['git', 'remote', 'get-url', 'origin'], env=env).strip()
commit = get_output(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], env=env).strip()
section = section or 'submodule.{}'.format(mod.name)
cf.set(section, 'remote', remote)
status = get_output(['git', 'submodule', 'status'], env=env).strip()
cf.set(section, 'status', status)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
cf.set(section, 'commit', commit)
return cf
cf = ConfigParser()
for_module(cf, supermod, 'supermodule')
for s in [Path(s) for s in
get_output(['git', 'submodule', '--quiet', 'foreach', 'pwd'],
for_module(cf, s)
_save_config(supermod_name, root.parts[-1], cf)