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SecDoc-WWU - Verzeichnis von Verarbeitungstätigkeiten (VVT)
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Script to create the kubectl configuration to login to all WWU Kube Cluster.
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sciebo-rds / Sciebo RDS
MIT LicenseThis project integrates the github repository to gitlab to use the runner.
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CIT Uni Münster / sccuot-ng
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Next-gen version of Sccuot -- now known as 'Statistical computations component and usage overview tool'
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LaTeX-Vorlagen für Übungszettel-Abgaben, Abschlussarbeiten und Vortragsfolien.
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Code Examples for REACH Incub.AI.tor
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Analysis tool for hybrid Petri nets with general transitions.
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CIT Uni Münster / sccuot-owncloud
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Sccuot is a tool to display usage and resource information of an ownCloud 10 instance. It can be used to gather various statistics, like the quota used per user, in snapshots created by the accompanying Sccuot client.
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domain-world / DomRates
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterDetect 6 types of rearrangement events for protein domain arrangements and their fraction for a set of proteomes across a given phylogeny.
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CIT Uni Münster / sccuot
MIT LicenseSccuot is a command-line tool to retrieve usage and resource information of an ownCloud 10 instance. It can be used to gather various statistics, like the quota used per user, and to create snapshots of these statistics.
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Dr. Elias Dohmen / domtree
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
domain-world / DOGMA
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyAssess transcriptome or proteome quality based on conserved protein domains.
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CIT Uni Münster / grinder-web
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterGrinder Web is a port of Grinder to run directly inside a browser.
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CIT Uni Münster / OTRS / OTRS_TemplateSignatureAddOn
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Mandantenfähigkeit für das Bearbeiten von Antwortvorlagen und E-Mail-Signaturen in OTRS.