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As a reader I want to see the reproducibility status of a research compendium on the paper's page at websites/platforms.
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Slides for a presentation about Open Science, Reproducible Research, and version control with git for a talk at the WWU Center for Digital Humanities
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Kursmaterial für "Transparent Forschen. Effizient Arbeiten."
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The website is online at https://www.uni-muenster.de/HPC2SE/
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Grinder is a tool for labeling images. It can be used to label ground truth images that can then be fed into any machine learning algorithm that requires labeled training data.
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Sccuot is a tool to display usage and resource information of an ownCloud 10 instance. It can be used to gather various statistics, like the quota used per user, in snapshots created by the accompanying Sccuot client.
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