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Datenschutzfreundliches Web-Interface zur Virustotal-Datenbank, das nur den Hash der Datei überträgt. Vor Upload einer Datei zu Virustotal gibt es eine Warnung. Weiterhin besteht die Möglichkeit zur Anbindung an eine Cuckoo-Sandbox oder MISP-Instanz.
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Passwortgenerator für zufällige Passwörter und Passwortkarten, sowie Passwortcheck.
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Kursmaterial für "Transparent Forschen. Effizient Arbeiten."
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SecDoc-WWU - Verzeichnis von Verarbeitungstätigkeiten (VVT)
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This project integrates the github repository to gitlab to use the runner.
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Sccuot is a tool to display usage and resource information of an ownCloud 10 instance. It can be used to gather various statistics, like the quota used per user, in snapshots created by the accompanying Sccuot client.
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Next-gen version of Sccuot -- now known as 'Statistical computations component and usage overview tool'
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Nextcloud version of Sccuot -- now known as 'Statistical computations component and usage overview tool'
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Nextcloud version of Sccuot -- now known as 'Statistical computations component and usage overview tool'
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As a reader I want to see the reproducibility status of a research compendium on the paper's page at websites/platforms.
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