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Commit 44ca03e2 authored by Daniel Müller's avatar Daniel Müller
Browse files

* Implemented own Json codec which should be able to handle large Json files much better

parent f805337d
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......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ win32 {
LIBS += libopencv_highgui340
unix {
linux|macx {
LIBS += -lopencv_core
LIBS += -lopencv_imgcodecs
LIBS += -lopencv_imgproc
......@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@
#define GRNDR_INFO_TITLE "Grinder"
#define GRNDR_INFO_COPYRIGHT "Copyright (c) WWU Muenster"
#define GRNDR_INFO_DATE "26.04.2018"
#define GRNDR_INFO_DATE "28.04.2018"
#define GRNDR_INFO_COMPANY "WWU Muenster"
namespace grndr
......@@ -6,120 +6,321 @@
#include "Grinder.h"
#include "JsonSettingsCodec.h"
#include "SerializationExceptions.h"
#include "util/StringUtils.h"
JsonSettingsCodec::JsonSettingsCodec(bool compactFormat) :
#include <QJsonValue>
void JsonSettingsCodec::encodeSettings(const SettingsContainer& settings, QTextStream& stream)
encode(settings, stream, 0, true);
void JsonSettingsCodec::decodeSettings(SettingsContainer& settings, QTextStream& stream)
try {
decode(settings, stream);
} catch (SerializationException& e) {
throw SerializationException{_EXCPT(QString{"Invalid JSON document: %1"}.arg(e.what()))};
void JsonSettingsCodec::encode(const SettingsContainer& settings, QTextStream& stream, int level, bool lastEntry) const
// Begin a new Json object
QString objectName = (!settings.getName().isEmpty() && level > 0 ? QString{"\"%1\": "}.arg(settings.getName()) : "");
writeJsonLine(QString{"%1%2"}.arg(objectName).arg(settings.isArray() ? "[" : "{"), stream, level);
// Write all children of the current container
auto children = settings.children();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i)
const auto& child = children[i];
bool lastChild = (i + 1 >= children.size() && settings.values().isEmpty());
if (settings.isArray())
// Each array element is added as an individual object
writeJsonLine(child->isArray() ? "[" : "{", stream, level + 1);
encode(*child, stream, level + 2, true);
writeJsonLine(QString{"%1%2"}.arg(child->isArray() ? "]" : "}").arg(!lastChild ? "," : ""), stream, level + 1);
encode(*child, stream, level + 1, lastChild);
// Write all settings of the current container
writeJsonValues(settings, stream, level + 1);
// Close the Json object
writeJsonLine(QString{"%1%2"}.arg(settings.isArray() ? "]" : "}").arg(!lastEntry ? "," : ""), stream, level);
void JsonSettingsCodec::encodeSettings(const SettingsContainer& settings)
void JsonSettingsCodec::decode(SettingsContainer& settings, QTextStream& stream) const
// We first need to tokenize the given input stream
auto tokens = readJsonDocument(stream);
// Now parse the tokens using a recursive descent parser
if (!tokens.empty())
parseJsonDocument(settings, tokens);
void JsonSettingsCodec::decodeSettings(SettingsContainer& settings)
void JsonSettingsCodec::writeJsonValues(const SettingsContainer& settings, QTextStream& stream, int level) const
if (!_document.isObject())
throw SerializationException{_EXCPT("Invalid JSON document")};
// Write out each value
auto keys = settings.values().keys();
decode(settings, _document.object());
for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i)
auto valueName = keys[i];
writeJsonValue(valueName, settings.values()[valueName], stream, level, i + 1 >= keys.size());
QString JsonSettingsCodec::getText() const
void JsonSettingsCodec::writeJsonValue(QString valueName, const QVariant& value, QTextStream& stream, int level, bool lastEntry) const
if (_document.isNull())
throw SerializationException{_EXCPT("Invalid JSON document")};
QJsonValue jsonValue = QJsonValue::fromVariant(value); // Use Qt's Json value class to properly handle the variant type
QString formattedValue;
switch (jsonValue.type())
case QJsonValue::Bool:
formattedValue = jsonValue.toBool() ? "true" : "false";
case QJsonValue::Double:
formattedValue = QString{"%1"}.arg(jsonValue.toDouble());
formattedValue = "\"" + StringUtils::encodeEscapeCharacters(jsonValue.toString()) + "\"";
return _document.toJson(_compactFormat ? QJsonDocument::Compact : QJsonDocument::Indented);
writeJsonLine(QString{"\"%1\": %2%3"}.arg(valueName).arg(formattedValue).arg(!lastEntry ? "," : ""), stream, level);
void JsonSettingsCodec::setText(const QString& text)
void JsonSettingsCodec::writeJsonLine(const QString& text, QTextStream& stream, int level) const
QJsonParseError parseError;
_document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(text.toLatin1(), &parseError);
QString line = text;
// Tabify the line
if (level > 0)
line.insert(0, QString{"\t"}.repeated(level));
if (_document.isNull())
throw SerializationException{_EXCPT(QString{"Invalid JSON document: %1"}.arg(parseError.errorString()))};
stream << line << "\n";
QJsonObject JsonSettingsCodec::encode(const SettingsContainer& settings)
std::vector<JsonSettingsCodec::Token> JsonSettingsCodec::readJsonDocument(QTextStream& stream) const
QJsonObject object = QJsonObject::fromVariantMap(settings.values());
// Set up the various regular expressions for parsing the Json document
struct TokenizerEntry
TokenizerEntry(QString regExp, TokenType type, bool greedy = true) : re{"^" + regExp}, tokenType{type} { re.setMinimal(!greedy); }
// Add all children of the current container
for (const auto& child : settings.children())
QRegExp re;
TokenType tokenType{TokenType::Undefined};
static const std::vector<TokenizerEntry> tokenizers{
TokenizerEntry{R"("([^"\\]|\\["\\])*")", TokenType::String, false},
TokenizerEntry{R"(\{)", TokenType::ObjectBegin},
TokenizerEntry{R"(\})", TokenType::ObjectEnd},
TokenizerEntry{R"(\[)", TokenType::ArrayBegin},
TokenizerEntry{R"(\])", TokenType::ArrayEnd},
TokenizerEntry{R"(:)", TokenType::Colon},
TokenizerEntry{R"(,)", TokenType::Comma},
TokenizerEntry{R"([^,]+)", TokenType::Value},
// Tokenize the entire document, line by line
std::vector<Token> tokens;
while (!stream.atEnd())
if (child->isArray())
QString line = stream.readLine();
while (!line.isEmpty())
QJsonArray array;
// Remove leading whitespaces before parsing the line (so that new tokens always begin at position 0)
if ((line = line.trimmed()).isEmpty())
bool matchFound = false;
// Add all children of the current child to the array
for (const auto& arrayElem : child->children())
// Try each tokenizer for a match; if none was found, the Json document has an invalid syntax
for (const auto& tokenizer : tokenizers)
QJsonObject containerObj;
containerObj[arrayElem->getName()] = encode(*arrayElem);
auto indexFound =;
if (indexFound == 0) // Matches must begin at the start of the line
int matchedLength =;
QString matchedString = line.left(matchedLength);
if (tokenizer.tokenType == TokenType::String)
matchedString = StringUtils::decodeEscapeCharacters(matchedString);
tokens.emplace_back(Token{tokenizer.tokenType, matchedString});
line.remove(0, matchedLength);
matchFound = true;
object[child->getName()] = array;
if (!matchFound)
throw SerializationException{QString{"Invalid token '%1'"}.arg(line)};
object[child->getName()] = encode(*child);
return object;
return tokens;
void JsonSettingsCodec::decode(SettingsContainer& settings, const QJsonObject& object)
void JsonSettingsCodec::parseJsonDocument(SettingsContainer& settings, const std::vector<Token>& tokens) const
for (const auto& key : object.keys())
// Parse the entire document consisting of a large Json object; note that the used grammar is somewhat limited and tailored for how settings containers are stored
// Doc ::= Object
ParseContext parseContext;
parseJsonObject(settings, tokens, parseContext);
void JsonSettingsCodec::parseJsonObject(SettingsContainer& settings, const std::vector<Token>& tokens, ParseContext& parseContext) const
// Object ::= '{' ObjectItems '}' | '{' '}'
rdpExpect(TokenType::ObjectBegin, tokens, parseContext, [&settings, &parseContext](QString) { parseContext.pushChildSettings(settings); }); // Push a new container for the object on top
if (!rdpAccept(TokenType::ObjectEnd, tokens, parseContext, nullptr, true)) // Check for an empty object
parseJsonObjectItems(settings, tokens, parseContext);
rdpExpect(TokenType::ObjectEnd, tokens, parseContext, [&parseContext](QString) { parseContext.popChildSettings(); }); // And pop it was we're finished with it
void JsonSettingsCodec::parseJsonObjectItems(SettingsContainer& settings, const std::vector<Token>& tokens, ParseContext& parseContext) const
// ObjectItems ::= ObjectItem {',' ObjectItem}
do {
parseJsonObjectItem(settings, tokens, parseContext);
} while (rdpAccept(TokenType::Comma, tokens, parseContext));
void JsonSettingsCodec::parseJsonObjectItem(SettingsContainer& settings, const std::vector<Token>& tokens, ParseContext& parseContext) const
// ObjectItem ::= String ':' (String|Value|Array|Object)
rdpExpect(TokenType::String, tokens, parseContext, [&parseContext](QString value) { removeEnclosingQuotes(value); parseContext.identifier = value; }); // Remember the last identifier
rdpExpect(TokenType::Colon, tokens, parseContext);
// Lambdas to propery set variant values from the Json value
auto stringAttribtor = [&parseContext](QString value) { removeEnclosingQuotes(value); parseContext.setSettingsValue(value); };
auto valueAttributor = [&parseContext](QString value) {
if ("true", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
else if ("false", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
else if (value.indexOf('.') != -1)
if (rdpAccept(TokenType::String, tokens, parseContext, stringAttribtor))
const auto& value = object[key];
// Nothing else to do
else if (rdpAccept(TokenType::Value, tokens, parseContext, valueAttributor))
// Nothing else to do
else if (rdpAccept(TokenType::ArrayBegin, tokens, parseContext, nullptr, true))
parseJsonArray(settings, tokens, parseContext);
else if (rdpAccept(TokenType::ObjectBegin, tokens, parseContext, nullptr, true))
parseJsonObject(settings, tokens, parseContext);
if (value.isObject())
SettingsContainer childContainer{key};
decode(childContainer, value.toObject());
settings << childContainer;
else if (value.isArray())
SettingsContainer childContainer{key, true};
QJsonArray array = value.toArray();
void JsonSettingsCodec::parseJsonArray(SettingsContainer& settings, const std::vector<Token>& tokens, ParseContext& parseContext) const
// Array ::= '[' Object {',' Object} ']' | '[' ']'
rdpExpect(TokenType::ArrayBegin, tokens, parseContext, [&settings, &parseContext](QString) { parseContext.pushChildSettings(settings, true); });
if (!rdpAccept(TokenType::ArrayEnd, tokens, parseContext, nullptr, true)) // Check for an empty array
do {
// Handle the array elements which are encapsulated as individual objects
SettingsContainer arrayElemContainer;
parseContext.identifier = "$_array_elem_$";
parseJsonObject(settings, tokens, parseContext);
// Iterate over all array elements and create setting containers for each
for (const auto& arrayElem : array)
// Extract the elements from their encapsulating objects
for (auto arrayElem : arrayElemContainer.children("$_array_elem_$"))
if (arrayElem.isObject())
auto containerObj = arrayElem.toObject();
// The array element must contain a single object which contains the actual (named) object
if (containerObj.size() == 1)
QString elemName = containerObj.keys().front();
if (containerObj[elemName].isObject())
SettingsContainer elemContainer{elemName};
decode(elemContainer, containerObj[elemName].toObject());
childContainer << elemContainer;
throw SerializationException{_EXCPT("Invalid array element found")};
throw SerializationException{_EXCPT("Invalid container object found")};
if (arrayElem->children().size() == 1) // There must be exactly one child object in the encapsulating object
* << std::move(*arrayElem->children().at(0));
throw SerializationException{_EXCPT("Invalid array found")};
throw SerializationException{"Invalid container object found"};
} while (rdpAccept(TokenType::Comma, tokens, parseContext));
rdpExpect(TokenType::ArrayEnd, tokens, parseContext, [&parseContext](QString) { parseContext.popChildSettings(); });
settings << childContainer;
bool JsonSettingsCodec::rdpAccept(JsonSettingsCodec::TokenType token, const std::vector<Token>& tokens, ParseContext& parseContext, std::function<void(QString)> attributor, bool peek) const
if (parseContext.currentToken < tokens.size() && tokens[parseContext.currentToken].type == token)
if (!peek)
// Call the attributor with the current token value
if (attributor)
parseContext.currentToken += 1;
settings[key] = value.toVariant();
return true;
return false;
void JsonSettingsCodec::rdpExpect(JsonSettingsCodec::TokenType token, const std::vector<Token>& tokens, ParseContext& parseContext, std::function<void(QString)> attributor) const
if (!rdpAccept(token, tokens, parseContext, attributor))
throw SerializationException{QString{"Unexpected symbol type (wanted %1, got %2)"}.arg(static_cast<int>(token)).arg(static_cast<int>(!tokens.empty() ? tokens.back().type : TokenType::Undefined))};
void JsonSettingsCodec::removeEnclosingQuotes(QString& text)
if (text.left(1) == "\"")
text.remove(0, 1);
if (text.right(1) == "\"")
void JsonSettingsCodec::ParseContext::pushChildSettings(SettingsContainer& settings, bool isArray)
// Create a new child container (or push the root container if the stack is empty)
if (!settingsStack.empty())
auto childContainer =>createChild(identifier, isArray);
void JsonSettingsCodec::ParseContext::setSettingsValue(const QVariant& value)
if (!settingsStack.empty())
auto& currentSettings = *;
currentSettings[identifier] = value;
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <stack>
#include "SettingsCodec.h"
......@@ -15,24 +15,66 @@ namespace grndr
class JsonSettingsCodec : public SettingsCodec
JsonSettingsCodec(bool compactFormat = false);
using SettingsCodec::SettingsCodec;
virtual void encodeSettings(const SettingsContainer& settings) override;
virtual void decodeSettings(SettingsContainer& settings) override;
virtual void encodeSettings(const SettingsContainer& settings, QTextStream& stream) override;
virtual void decodeSettings(SettingsContainer& settings, QTextStream& stream) override;
virtual QString getText() const override;
virtual void setText(const QString& text) override;
void encode(const SettingsContainer& settings, QTextStream& stream, int level, bool lastEntry) const;
void decode(SettingsContainer& settings, QTextStream& stream) const;
QJsonObject encode(const SettingsContainer& settings);
void decode(SettingsContainer& settings, const QJsonObject& object);
void writeJsonValues(const SettingsContainer& settings, QTextStream& stream, int level) const;
void writeJsonValue(QString valueName, const QVariant& value, QTextStream& stream, int level, bool lastEntry) const;
void writeJsonLine(const QString& text, QTextStream& stream, int level) const;
QJsonDocument _document;
enum class TokenType
struct Token
TokenType type{TokenType::Undefined};
QString value{""};
struct ParseContext
std::stack<SettingsContainer*> settingsStack;
unsigned int currentToken{0};
QString identifier{""};
void pushChildSettings(SettingsContainer& settings, bool isArray = false);
void popChildSettings() { settingsStack.pop(); }
bool _compactFormat{false};
void setSettingsValue(const QVariant& value);
std::vector<Token> readJsonDocument(QTextStream& stream) const;
void parseJsonDocument(SettingsContainer& settings, const std::vector<Token>& tokens) const;
void parseJsonObject(SettingsContainer& settings, const std::vector<Token>& tokens, ParseContext& parseContext) const;
void parseJsonObjectItems(SettingsContainer& settings, const std::vector<Token>& tokens, ParseContext& parseContext) const;
void parseJsonObjectItem(SettingsContainer& settings, const std::vector<Token>& tokens, ParseContext& parseContext) const;
void parseJsonArray(SettingsContainer& settings, const std::vector<Token>& tokens, ParseContext& parseContext) const;
bool rdpAccept(TokenType token, const std::vector<Token>& tokens, ParseContext& parseContext, std::function<void(QString)> attributor = nullptr, bool peek = false) const;
void rdpExpect(TokenType token, const std::vector<Token>& tokens, ParseContext& parseContext, std::function<void(QString)> attributor = nullptr) const;
static void removeEnclosingQuotes(QString& text);
......@@ -10,14 +10,12 @@
void SettingsCodec::saveContainer(const SettingsContainer& settings, QString fileName)
try {
QFile file{fileName};
if (|QIODevice::Truncate|QIODevice::Text))
QTextStream out{&file};
out << getText();
encodeSettings(settings, out);
throw SerializationException{_EXCPT(QString{"Unable to open file '%1' for writing"}.arg(fileName))};
......@@ -37,8 +35,8 @@ void SettingsCodec::loadContainer(SettingsContainer& settings, QString fileName)
if (|QIODevice::Text))
QTextStream in{&file};
decodeSettings(settings, in);
throw SerializationException{_EXCPT(QString{"Unable to open file '%1' for reading"}.arg(fileName))};
......@@ -13,15 +13,11 @@ namespace grndr
class SettingsCodec
virtual void encodeSettings(const SettingsContainer& settings) = 0;
virtual void decodeSettings(SettingsContainer& settings) = 0;
virtual void encodeSettings(const SettingsContainer& settings, QTextStream& stream) = 0;
virtual void decodeSettings(SettingsContainer& settings, QTextStream& stream) = 0;
void saveContainer(const SettingsContainer& settings, QString fileName);
void loadContainer(SettingsContainer& settings, QString fileName);
virtual QString getText() const = 0;
virtual void setText(const QString& text) = 0;
......@@ -46,6 +46,13 @@ SettingsContainer& SettingsContainer::operator <<(const SettingsContainer& child
return *this;
SettingsContainer* SettingsContainer::createChild(QString name, bool isArray)
auto container = std::make_shared<SettingsContainer>(name, isArray);
return container.get();
SettingsContainer& SettingsContainer::operator <<(SettingsContainer&& child)
auto container = std::make_shared<SettingsContainer>(std::move(child));
......@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ namespace grndr
SettingsContainer& operator <<(const SettingsContainer& child);
SettingsContainer& operator <<(SettingsContainer&& child);
SettingsContainer* createChild(QString name, bool isArray = false);
SettingsContainer* child(QString name) { return _child<SettingsContainer*>(name); }
const SettingsContainer* child(QString name) const { return _child<const SettingsContainer*>(name); }
const std::vector<SettingsContainer*> children() { return children(""); }
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ void PropertyTreeWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* event)
void PropertyTreeWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event)
if (event->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier && (event->key() == Qt::Key_Return || event->key() == Qt::Key_Space)) // Also edit the property when pressing Return or Space
if (event->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier && event->key() == Qt::Key_Return) // Also edit the property when pressing Return
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